Dispute Resolution Committee

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Quick links:

Use the Code of Conduct Report Form to submit a report for an incident you believe to have violated the Code of Conduct.

You can also email the committee directly at coc-reporting@makeict.org


MakeICT is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone. This goal is comprehensive, applying to all MakeICT spaces, including the physical makerspace, websites, forum, event locations, and any other spaces, both online and off.

The Code of Conduct Reports Committee was established for the purpose of fairly considering and addressing instances of Code of Conduct violations.

The committee's workflow is a RIVER:

  • Receive the report.
  • Investigate the claims made in the report.
  • Verify the details.
  • Evaluate whether the report is actionable.
  • Recommend a course of action to the Board via a determination.

General Notes

  • The Committee is new, and obviously has been unable to make any determinations prior to its formation. However, reports received prior to that point are on file and have been consulted for determinations considering those past reports.
  • A determination can be made by the Committee at any time. The timing does not imply level of concern, absence of prior interventions, or any particular motivation.
  • The Committee (as well as the Board) will not allow the membership of MakeICT to be placed in danger pending the issuance of a determination.
  • Confidentiality is the foremost concern regarding release of any information pertaining to the subject matter of reports, including the content of determinations.
  • Given the need to preserve confidentiality and the safety of both Reporters and Persons of Concern, the Committee cautions against rumors and unwarranted assumptions, because these contribute to toxicity and the spread of misinformation.
  • For reference see https://frameshiftconsulting.com/resources/code-of-conduct-book/#book


On April 20, 2023, the Board voted to approve this committee.

The information below was accepted by the Board of Directors as a Work in Progress, at the Regular Board Meeting of June 15, 2023. It is subject to additional experience, and suggestions from membership, the Board, and the ADAH Committee for additions, clarifications and deletions.

Code of Conduct Reporting - Process, Procedure and Reporting

This group has been set up through the ADAH Policy: Read The Policy

From that policy: “We will respect confidentiality requests for the purpose of protecting victims of abuse. Investigations will be kept as confidential as possible. At our discretion, the results of substantiated investigations may be made public if we believe that doing so will increase the safety of MakeICT members or the general public. We will not name harassment victims without their affirmative consent. Nothing in this section precludes contacting the police or other legal authorities when indicated."

Bylaws: Article III: Who We Are

Section 1: Designation of Membership Class

MakeICT has a single membership class with voting rights.

The Process:

A Reporting Form is filled out at: https://makeict.org/report/ The Reporter may speak for themself or for another.

The system sends a notice to all members of the COC Reporting Group. If an optional entry for an email is provided, notices can be sent. If a reporter wishes to remain anonymous, or does not wish to be contacted, we will honor that wish.

  • Receipt should be acknowledged, to the reporter, within 2 business days.
  • A determination may be made at any time after receipt.
  • An initial update may be provided to the reporter by the 10th business day.
  • A determination should be made between the 10th and 15th business day. The determination is made when filed for Board Action.

Group Members will use the coc-reporting@makeict.org address.

The work of the group is time-sensitive.

A group member may recuse themselves from discussion, as warranted. A group member may raise the question of recusal of one or more members, as warranted.

If immediate action is required, three members may decide to take temporary action as they deem appropriate. All non-recused members will participate in determinations.

The group may use email, conference call, video conference, or in-person meetings as they determine appropriate.

The group is allowed to take immediate temporary action to protect members via forum moderation or disabling badge access as needed. The Board should be notified if immediate temporary action is taken.

If that is required, the report should have a determination made within 3-5 days. If there is a need to make temporary actions permanent, the Board will be consulted and the determination handled. That will then fall under the Bylaws for non-scheduled Board Meetings.

Determination Process

  • Determinations are dated when referred to the Board. Typically, they will accumulate during the month and be reported at the Regular Monthly Meeting.
  • The Report Number assigned by the Google Form is only used prior to the determination being made.
  • Determinations will be numbered in the format of YYYY-MM Serial Number.
  • Determination forms will be emailed to the Board a minimum of 24 hours prior to the Board Meeting for review.
  • The Determination will be void of any identifying information. This is a confidentiality issue. The ADAH Policy prohibits the release of names, and requires we respect the privacy of targeted persons.
  • The list of Determinations will be presented to the Board for Approval. The list can be approved as presented or returned for revision. General discussion may occur, and general direction provided, before the list is returned.
  • Executive Sessions will be used in the event that the Board needs to be consulted on a report for guidance, direction, or regarding temporary action.
  • Reasons to return the Determination could include:
    • Inadequate findings
    • Action Not Strong Enough
    • Action Too Strong
    • The Findings do not address one or more parts of the report.
    • The Findings assume no CoC Violation, where there is one.
    • Other


Determinations may be listed as one of the following:

  • Substantiated
  • Unsubstantiated
  • Not a Code of Conduct Issue
  • Previously Resolved

In some cases, the issue of substantiation may not be appropriate. The group reserves the right to list an appropriate Listing

It should be clear that determinations are not final. If additional information is presented, the group can change the listing to Substantiated.

Determinations should contain the Report, a Findings Statement, an Action Statement, and perhaps one or more recommendations.

Past Determinations


This determination involves a report of a member discussing committing bodily harm to various other members. The report has been investigated and found to be credible.

Member is permanently banned by board vote as of June 29th 2023.


This determination involves multiple reports concerning a member. The reports describe violations of MakeICT’s Code of Conduct spanning several months, and sources include prospective, current, and former members; 14 violations in total.

Member is permanently banned by board vote as of June 29th 2023.