Machine Access

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Revision as of 13:05, 30 December 2014 by John Harrison (talk | contribs)
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This is a draft, un-approved nearly-stream-of-conciousness document which in no way currently reflects the views of MakeICT, its board, or its members - John

MakeICT Section Organization

  • Equipment at MakeICT will be housed in several sections (wood shop, metal shop, pottery) etc.
  • Each section will be maintained by a Benevalent Dictator. The Benevalent Dictator takes ownership and responsibility for the culture, and usage of the section and its equipment.
  • Benavelent Dictators are appointed by the MakeICT board. There are no terms for serving.
  • The Benevalent Dictator can appoint his own team to help maintain the culture of the section he or she maintains. Organization, function, documentation, formality, etc. is up to the team and Dictator.
  • When initially setting up a section, the Dictator and his/her team are asked to prepare a rough estimate of equipment and needed budget for initial launch. The method and final submission they prepare for the MakeICT board is up to them but one good possibility is to come up with 3 budgets for consideration: excellent, OK, and Slumming It.
  • Since it is expected that the Dictator and team have thoroughly researched their proposal minimal discussion will be necessary and quick approval possible from the MakeICT board.
  • Once the MakeICT approves the budget for section launch, MakeICT members are then asked to vote on it. (I'd love to get rid of this, but I put it in to be consistent with our current purchasing system - John).

Equipment Usage

  • Equipment in each section will be categorized as either Category 1 or Category 2, as determined and documented by the Benevalent Dictator and his associates.
  • Category 1 equipment includes hand tools, as well as consumer-end power and CNC tools
  • Category 2 equipment is intended for professional precision work. These tools are typically expensive, fragile, and require a high skill level to use safely.

To be continued - John