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MakeICT Maker Creator Monthly Challenge

‘’Hi there creative type people!’’

Are you looking for your next quick project to knock out but don’t know what you want to do? Well, the MakeICT Maker Creator Monthly Challenge (MMCMC) might be able to help you out!

What is the MMCMC? It is a light hearted monthly challenge to help get and keep our creative juices flowing! Each month a new and unique challenge will be presented and open to both members of MakeICT and the public.


  • A new challenge will be posted to this wiki on the 1st of each month.
  • The last chance to submit an entry will be midnight central mountain time on the 28th of each month (except in February, that will be the 26th)
  • The winner will be announced on the 1st of the next month

So how is the winner chosen?

The winner will be chosen based on 3 criteria with 1 bonus point awarded for using multiple areas of the makerspace. Each criteria will be awarded up to 8pts (24 total) with a potential maximum score of 25pts with the bonus point. The criteria are based on creativity, robustness, and documentation. The judging will be conducted either by the sponsor for the month or by a previously announced panel of 3 judges from MakeICT.

In the event of a tie score, if the sponsor does not decide to award both people's submission, then the winner will be whoever has the BONUS POINT. If both entrants have the BONUS POINT, then the winner will be chosen based on who e-mailed their submission first.

Creativity (8pts)
Does your project figure out a way to push the boundaries of the paper thin box of this competition? Did you figure out an inspiring way to make your project stand out from the rest? Did you just turn that random widget from the hackable bin into the next Monalisa?
Robustness (8pts)
Does it look like your project would survive the unimaginable torture that a teething toddler could dose out? Or will your project handle repetitive use way past the expected life of the batteries or duration of the competition?
Documentation (8pts)
So you’ve made the most amazing device that will make the world go ‘wow’ but how did you get to that point? You don’t have to post a crazy build video like Colin Furze, but remember that documentation can be used to help boost your creativity and robustness scores. We do however request that you include at least a 2 sentence summary and a picture of your project when you make your submission. The documentation can be posted on any public site like hackaday.io, talk.makeict.org, a public facebook page, or even your own webblog.
Using Multiple Areas (1 BONUS POINT / TIE BREAKER)
MakeICT has numerous areas of focus, but you do not need to physically be at the space to get this point as long as your project incorporates some aspect from 2 or more of the following areas:
  • Wood Working
  • Metal Working
  • Ceramics
  • Textiles
  • Electronics
  • Jewelry
  • Collaboration
  • 3d printing, laser cutting, or other CNC process

How to submit an Entree

Entrees must be submitted to MysteryMaker@protonmail.com with the subject line of ‘’MMCMC for (*current month*)’’. The e-mail needs to include the name of your project, a description of your project, and a link to the documentation of your project, as well as your first and last name.

Other Rules

  • Entrees must be themed according to the specifications posted for that month
  • You need to be a human being to enter (google translate does not translate kitten meows very well)
  • Your entree does not need to be perfected by the 28th,
  • Be excellent to each other while making and using you projects. If it is found that you or your project purposely caused harm to another being, you will be disqualified for the month.
  • And Most importantly ‘’’HAVE FUN’’’

What can I win?

The award will be decided by the sponsor, but on most occasions be a $25 gift card to MakeICT.

What will the competition be?

The competition will be determined by the sponsor each month. There is no price limit, but the project will not require a participant to spend more than $10 on the project.

Who can be a sponsor and how can I become one?

Anyone can be a sponsor as long as they are willing to pay for the prize at the end of the month. If you want to become a sponsor, shoot an e-mail to MysteryMaker@protonmail.com with the subject ‘’MMCMC SPONSORSHIP’’

Where can I find what the challenge is for the month?

You can search for MakeICT Maker Creator Challenge of the Month or click on the following link.