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Latest revision as of 21:54, 8 May 2022

2019 December 19 Board meeting minutes


Roll Call

Board Members

  • President - David Springs
  • Vice President - Alysa Bumgarner
  • Treasurer - Devin Halsey (absent)
  • Secretary - Rustin Atkeisson
  • At Large Director - LaDeana Dockery (absent)
  • At Large Director - Scott Sullivan
  • At Large Director - Josh Robinson
  • At Large Director - Malissa Long (late)
  • Immediate Past President - Kim Burton (absent)


  • James Lancaster
  • Patrick Hutchison
  • Brian Pressnall
  • Tom Bloom
  • Philip Frazier
  • John Nicholas
  • Emily Ediger
  • Kate Goad

Standing Items

  • Thanks & recognition
    • Thank you to the volunteers that have helped clean at 1500 Douglas and Booth!
    • Thank you Paula P, LaDeana D, Kate G., James L. for cleaning up the coffee area
    • Thank you Mark S. for riding down to Texas and back and surviving David S.

Old Business

New Business

  • Printing press is in town (all 2800 lbs and 6ft x 6ft of floor space), will bring over to Booth on Friday
    • Need to find a spot at Booth
    • Also scored a Proof Press
    • $600 was donated for the printing press + travel expenses
    • David plans on teaching new classes including bookbinding and letterpress techniques
  • Committee Lead and Area Lead Elections/Appointments
    • Proposed Area Leads
      • Woodshop - Doug Wilson
      • Metalshop - Rustin Atkeisson
      • ERP - James Seymour
      • Ceramics - Patrick Hutchison
      • Print Shop - Marc Lujan
      • Fab Lab - Steve Saner
      • Textiles - Malissa Long
    • Motion proposed by Malissa to approve leads as listed, 2nd by Alysa
      • Motion Passes, 5 Approved, 0 Abstained

@DECISION: Area Leads have been appointed as discussed in the 2019 December 19 minutes

  • Committee Leads
    • Proposed Committee Leads
      • Communications - Malissa Long
      • Finance - Devin Halsey / David Springs / Josh Robinson
      • Fundraising - Kate Goad
      • IT - Emily Ediger / Tom Bloom
      • Membership and Community - Emily Ediger / Robbin Gheesling / Kim Burton / Anna DiSalvo
      • Outreach/Education - Kim Burton / Robbin Gheesling
      • Security/Safety - Josh Robinson / Ken Steadman
    • David Springs motions that these people as members of the respective committees and would prefer they discuss who they would prefer to see the committee lead for the board to vote on in the first board meeting of January. 2nd by Josh
    • Motion Passes, 5 Approved, 0 Abstained

@DECISION: 2020 Committees to discuss who they want to be the committee lead and present to the board in the first board meeting of January.

  • 2020 Budget Review
    • In work, debit cards will be given to area leads (will be charged $30/month total for all the cards)
    • Effectively copying 2019 budget, but striking capital expenditures for each shop
    • Areas can always ask fundraising if they need additional funding
    • Will still provide funding for repairs and maintenance
    • Area Lead Budget Review
    • Motion to copy 2019 budget but strike out capital expenses for areas and use as a guideline for 2020 as well as roll the jewelry budget into the metalshop budget. - made by Alysa, 2nd by Scott
    • Motion Passes, 5 Approved, 0 Abstained

@DECISION: The 2020 budget is to be a copy of the 2019 budget but strike out capital expenses for areas as well as roll the jewelry budget into the metalshop budget.

  • Vending
    • Have a question or suggestion? - contact Josh Robinson
    • It’s making some good income

Upcoming Events

  • Feb 1st - Goal date to have Certificate of Occupancy
    • May leave woodshop as one of the last areas to move

Committee Reports

Awards Committee - Kim Burton

  • Donor wall signs are being made!

Communications (and Wikibrarian)

Facilities Committee

  • Inventory Progress
    • 0% complete

Finance Committee

Fundraising- Kate Goad

  • Giving Tuesday (Dec 3) Results
  • Reached out to new Sponsors
    • Making progress with 2 new sponsors
  • When making a donation, we need to also check and see if companies do matching
  • Over $12k has been donated since July
  • Looking to do 10x that amount
  • Working on new grants
  • On hold with the Maybee grant until we can line up more donations (we need to have 40% donated for our intended project)
  • Will have a meeting to discuss a 5yr fundraising plan in January

IT - Tom Bloom

  • CCTV Policy Review?

Membership (and Community outreach)

Outreach (and Education) - Daryl Goad

Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman

Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - Nicole Kirkhart

  • On hiatus until January

New Building Committees

Moving Committee

Procurement Committee

Building Modifications

  • Progress Report
    • Made progress on the South Side
    • Almost ready to start putting stuff back in
    • Plumbing should have a final part list by Christmas
    • Electricians want to add battery backups to the emergency lights
  • Help Needed
    • Moving electrical stuff to Tuesday nights - will post on forums but probably won’t start until after new years

Garage Sale Committee - David Springs

  • Vote on whether or not to do an auction instead of a garage sale (involves a contract)
    • Can’t really have people in the building without the CO
    • Will most likely post the garage sale items as a blitz on Equip Bids
    • Stuff will be put in Lots (a group of items)
      • Volunteers are needed to take photos and write up descriptions
      • Volunteers are needed to barcode everything
    • Would no longer have a ‘garage sale’ - would meet the winners at Booth to help them load up
    • Will move stuff to other rooms when Lots are figured out
    • Potentially doing 2 auctions in January (help keep interest in the items in the auction)
    • Will have a formal contract with the auction company
    • Josh motions to have Equip Bids (Agent 86) be our auction company for the sale. 2nd by Rustin
      • Motion Passes, 5 Approved, 0 Abstained

@DECISION: MakeICT to use Equip Bids (Agent 86) to be the auction company for the garage sale.

Decision Summary