September 5 2016
From MakeICT Wiki
Roll Call
- Board Members
- Christian Kindel
- Curt Gridley
- Dominic Canare
- James Lancaster
- John Alexander
- Kip Landwehr
- Logan Pajunen
- Tracy Hoover
- Members
- Jeremiah Burian
- Laura Scholl
- Matt Pogue
- Melanie Jenney
- Mike Barushok
Officer Reports
- Secretary: Acceptance of previous meeting minutes
- @DECISION: Meeting minutes from August 8, 2016 are accepted.
- Treasurer’s Monthly Report
Old business
- Quarterly board meeting date
- Side bar after meeting or at the end, if we have time, to pick a date.
New business
- Nation of Maker’s trip report
- @TODO (Logan, no date): Share your Nation of Maker's trip report.
- @TODO (Kip, no date): Link Logan's report to these minutes after he shares it.
- Wichita Professional Communicator’s ICT partnership
- WPC would like to use our space approx. once per month, over lunch hour, on a week day.
- In return, they would provide 2 workshops/events per year and Melanie begin writing our newletters
- Would like to have the workshops/events that WPC ICT bring to the makerspace be open to the public and free for members
- @TODO (Logan, no date): Send out a contract/agreement proposal between WPC ICT and MakeICT for the Board to approve.
- Creation of Scholarship Committee
- Tracy would like someone to help her make decisions on who receives scholarships
- This is a good opportunity for non board members to get involved
- Tracy would like someone to help her make decisions on who receives scholarships
- Creation of Finance Committee
- Committee to help Tracy form an operating budget
- Again, a good opportunity for non board members to get involved
- Perhaps reach out to our fundraising committee for volunteers?
- Committee to help Tracy form an operating budget
- Maker Academy scope/planning meeting
- Need to determine what the line between Maker Academy and Outreach is
- Want to schedule a meeting to talk about what shape Maker Academy will take
- Can we send out a doodle poll?
- @TODO (Logan, no date): Send out a doodle poll to schedule a meeting to talk about Maker Academy.
- Marketing/media/PR person
- Need to find a person to be our lead on these things
- @TODO (Dominic, no date): Send out an email describing what the marketing/media/PR person's responsibilities would be.
- MAME Cabinet
- David Springs has written a proposal and is asking for up to $80 to finish the arcade cabinet
- @DECISION: The expenditure of up to $80 for the completion of the arcade cabinet in the lounge is approved.
- Bike racks at the makerspace
- Building exterior
- Access policies / authorizations and schedules
- @TODO (Logan, no date): Send out a doodle poll to schedule a meeting to talk about access policies and authorizations.