MakeAXE 2015 - WSU Summer Camp
From MakeICT Wiki
Revision as of 12:11, 3 July 2015 by John Harrison (talk | contribs)
Final Project: some sort of something
Do *something*, anything which
- Incorporates live elements
- Incorporates live or recorded video, audio
- Uses Pure Data, Makey Makey, webcam
Ideas to consider
- Performance?
- Form?
- Demo
- Environmental
- Unique
Day 1
Morning (8:30 - 12:00)
8:30 - 9:00: Introductions
Introductions: me, counselors
What is this camp?
- Making instruments
- DJ, VJ
- Realtime audio/video synthesis Pure Data
- Examples: Maize video
- Final Project
- Final project demo
How the camp is structured
- An open-source structure: follow along at
9:00 - 9:30: The Name Game
- Groups of 4 and 5, then 9:
- Name
- Music thing or Geek thing or anything!
- Contest between the 9
9:30 - 10: Pure Data intro
lecture schmecture 1
Pd: The Philosophy
- Pd is a dataflow language and uses the metaphor of
connecting objects to each other.
synthesizer.jpg modular synthesizer]
4.JPG?0.6019339706458597 another modular synthesizer]
- Pd also uses the metaphor of an instrument
- Combining the
instrument maker] and
violin.jpg instrument player]
- Edit and performance mode
Pd: The Language
- Pd vs. Pd-extended
- Runs on anything, even Android and iOS
- Free as in speech
Down and Dirty with Pd
- objects, messages, comments
- inlets and outlets, connecting objects and messages to
each other
- [pix_video], [pix_texture], [rectangle]
- Show quickly [rotateXYZ], [sphere]
- Interactive help with objects
==== 10:00 - 10:30 Workshop 1: Baby's First Pd Video
Patch ====
- Work in pairs. Review what we did with
- Add one cool thing: rotation, sphere...something else?
- Can you add a filter? Project onto a teapot?
10:30 - 11:00 Lecture Schmecture 2
- Combining messages
- Adding filter
- Slider, number box, dragging and shift-dragging
- [cube], [rotateXYZ]
- [line]
- [bang(
11:00 - 11:30 Workshop 2: Learning to crawl
- Work in pairs. Review what we did with
- Then review how [bang( works with
11:30 - 12:00 fudge time
We'll probably be running late....
Afternoon (1:00 - 4:30)
- hack up a cool Gem project
- Surf the 'net for cool Pd stuff
- Groups of 2 (semi finals)
- Then groups of 4 (finals)
- Draw on service learning class or not?
- Presentations
1:00: Intro to Pd
- build 2 patches that look identical but don't do the
same thing
- do something original with messages, random, print,
- poetry or haiku
- mad libs
2:00: do something cool with people's names?
Day 2
- Zoom, Shwartz...
- Pd audio
- Intro Makey Makey
- Video recorder/player
- recording video from phone etc.
Day 3
- Color tracking
- Work session
Day 4
- Work session
- Presentations