Laser Cutter Rotary Axis
From MakeICT Wiki
- Place Rotary attachment in desired position on bed
- Set it on top of a piece of scrap material to avoid damaging the honeycomb
- With the Laser Cutter OFF, plug rotary in to plug at right-hand side of machine
- Plugging/unplugging the rotary with the machine on can destroy the motor driver. DON’T DO IT!
- Turn machine on, home, and lower the bed until the laser head clears the rotary
- Check alignment of red dot laser
- Move the gantry down to the desired position over the rotary attachment
- Use the Precision Alignment Tool™ to line up the rotary attachment with gantry
- Lower Bed to sufficient clearance for the workpiece
- Position the head at the desired start point (don’t use the Y buttons!)
- Zero the machine
- Run the job
Tips & Tricks
- The magic number is 114.6
- If you are engraving an Item that has multiple diameters (like a wine bottle) and the diameter that is being driven by the wheels is not the same as the diameter being engraved on, you’ll need to do some math.
- A Diameter = 114.6 x (Engrave Diameter / Drive Diameter)
- If you are engraving on a tapered surface, your engraving will also be tapered, unless you skew the image before importing it.
- This will need to be done in an external program
- Here are some instructions on how to do it for vectors in Inkscape
- If you want the design to wrap all the way around the Y height will need to be equal to the circumference of the workpiece (can be tricky to join perfectly)
- C = pi x Engrave Diameter
- If the workpiece is too light and/or smooth it may slip on the rollers.
- Weights can be used to eliminate this. Chunks of putty/clay work well for glasses.