Introduction to Linux

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Notes from First Intro to Linux class. Links of Interest

LAMP Stack [1]

Google App Inventor [2]

SlackWare Linux [3]

Church of the SubGenius [4]

Linux Mint [5]

Debian [6] [7]

Ubuntu [8] [9] [10]

BSD [11]

FreeBSD [12] [13] [14]

NetBSD [15] [16] [17]

Gentoo [18] [19]

Raspbian [20] [21]

Command Line Cheat Sheet [22] [23]

Man Pages. [24] [25]

Virtual Machine [26]

coursera [27]

cybrary it [28]

Open University [29] [30]

Arduino IDE [31]

Scratch [32] [33]

Python [34]

Visual Studio Online [35]