March 20th 2025
Opening and Mission Statement
- The regular monthly meeting of the MakeICT board of directors convenes on Thursday, March 20 at 7:00 pm in the MakeICT building.
- MakeICT is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is operated entirely by volunteers. It’s our mission to innovate, learn, and build community at the intersection of art, technology, science, and culture.
Board Members:
- President: Gretchen Koch
- Vice President: Dean Day
- Secretary: Paul Shackelford
- Treasurer: Aaron Grindstaff
- Director at Large: Matthew Cleary
- Director at Large: Eric Manda
- Director at Large: Aaron Norton
- Director at Large: Serena Oden-Powers
Thanks and Recognition
Thanks and recognition go to:
Standing Items
(Items that are standardized as part of every board meeting)
Communications - Newsletter
The next newsletter will come out on April 1st (no joke!). Please send blurbs to by March 25th.
- Please send in current photos we can use anywhere (website, newsletter, social media, etc)!
- Teachers, please take pictures of your classes and send them to us.
- If anyone is interested in reviving member of the month, feel free to write it and send it in
First Thursday Board Workshop
The Board Workshop is an opportunity for members of MakeICT to get together and talk about plans and goals for MakeICT in an informal setting, outside of an official board meeting.
- Every First Thursday of the month
- Workshop to address issues from members 7-8pm
- Closed executive session as needed for the Board 8-9pm
- When leaving an area:
- Make sure all windows are closed and locked
- Turn off the lights (except if one room’s lights are left on for security reasons)
- Drain portable AC units (summer)
- Set heaters to 60 degrees (winter)
Area Reports
Ceramics - Tony R
- Kiln firings are happening.
- Wheel classes are going.
- Have been putting people in for authorization
- Scheduling authorization classes
- Various people are running various things, working well as committee
Electronics - Kim K.
- Not much news, everything going ok.
- Issues with payment card, will check with treasurer.
Fab Lab - Andy T
- We got donation of resin 3D printers, getting up and going
- Information from facilities on information to setup.
- Will bring to board later.
- Next month hopefully classes on resin printers
Garden - Piper
- The plot rentals are open, some of them taken.
IT - Steve
- All existing laptops have new batteries.
- Will make a forum post about it
- Will be working on automation projects
- Will be looking at adding more people in future
- Looking for hardware and such in budget.
- Laptop/Computer stuff somewhat put on hold, computer lab needing input on board.
- Fixed computer lab considering
- Power issues/location/heat
Inventory - James L
- Color labels are in, areas can now, and should update inventory tags to show areas, also smaller tags.
- Need to order additional labels - Standard size
Jewelry - Ted
- Had classes on cabbing/authorization
Metal Shop - OPEN
- 2x72 grinder, almost back up.
- Tanks filled up (today?) Welders back in operation.
- Group of people working towards Tormach.
- Looking for lead.
Security - Bill O.
- Cameras are being expanded
Woodshop - OPEN
- Looking for lead, meeting about it, have had some people come.
- Needs more cleaning
- Needs more classes
Textiles - June & Rayna
- Classes on the quilting machine, some small classes.
- Cleaned up last month
- Looking at a new layout for the room.
Gallery - Dean Day
- Looking at doing a show with Doug Tripp
Welcome Area - Gretchen K.
- Would like to find a way to make forms more obvious.
- Clipboard for various forms.
- Tried shelves.
- Would like to have forms in all one place.
- Would like to encourage Incident forms.
Radio - Joe P.
- Work continues on establishing radio station
- Worked with facilities for antenna placement on chimney,
- Have donation of antennas
- Maker Monday operating sessions, to show people and allow them to do things
- Extra level class (top level) End of April/Beginning of May
- Put in a budget request to board for ground/lightning safety.
- Very successful class, 2 weekends, 19 people 0 to general, everyone passed adding some license levels.
Classroom Management Committee Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana D.
- Adding people to the teach a class class,
- Looking at doing a summer camp/classes in July.
- Ren Faire castle is under construction, and should be able to be bolted together next week.
Facilities Committee - JaiPal
- Has been working on replacing lights, Room 2 and Lounge are done.
- Ordered more bulbs for much of the rest.
Membership (and Community Outreach) -Matt Cleary
- Lounge is still having game nights
- Still hosting events.
- Meetings before Tuesday - Orientation
Stained Glass - Timothy York
- Running class - Introduction, Next month only open labs
- May - advanced class on calendar soon.
- Next intro class June/July
- Numbers in intro classes have come down. Only 3 this time.
- Possibly day classes, no responses.
- Advertizing?
- Noted options in event creator:
- Discourse - Forum
- 26 April, “Glasstravaganza” open to public glass cutting class, and breaking how you want it to.
- How Tempered glass goes.
- Will have posters at places like Bearden’s.
- Communications.
Treasurer’s Report
- At a Glance
- Income: a
- Normal expenses: b
- Utilities insight: c
- Instructor pay: d
- Area expenses: e
- Pex expenses: f
- Total expenses: g
- Cash Positive by: h
- More Classes and Colder weather Plus the start of buying LED Replacement bulbs.
- No unusual cost uptick, under budget for the monthly breakdown.
- Will be looking into clarification on policies with the Finance committee.
- Budgets to look at for Areas included Garden and Textiles For approval.
- Projects in Progress
- $3,500 spent of $6,000 from the Collins grant to improve ventilation in the metal shops and wood shops.
- Looking at Evergy rebate for changing fixtures to LED. Still working with them on it.
Approval of Previous Minutes
February 20th 2025 Board Meeting
Motion: moves to approve the minutes as stated.
Seconded by:
- Dean votes:
- Paul votes:
- Aaron G votes:
- Matthew votes:
- Aaron N votes:
- Eric votes:
- Serena votes:
Result: Motion ...
@DECISION: February 20th meeting minutes are .
Old Business
(Items brought up for discussion at a previous board meeting that haven’t been resolved, in order of priority)
New Business
(Items that haven’t yet been raised for discussion, in order of priority)
Call for Election Committee
- Collect nominations
- Contact nominees, see if they accept
- Post candidates to the wiki
- Create Q&A threads for each candidate on the forum
- Create and send ballot
- Voting starts at beginning of annual meeting, goes for 48 hours
- Tabulate and post results
Approval Grounding System Funds
The Radio group would to have $275 allocated for the installation of a grounding system for their antenna
Motion: a moves to b.
'Seconded by:’ c
- Dean votes:
- Paul votes:
- Aaron G votes:
- Matthew votes:
- Aaron N votes:
- Eric votes:
- Serena votes:
Result: .
Executive Session
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: February 20th meeting minutes are .
Task Summary
- None