Board Meeting 2022-04-21
- 1.1 Attendance
- 1.2 Standing Items
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 = Gallery Committee -- Susan de Wit
- 1.6 Area Reports
- 1.7 Committee Reports
- 1.7.1 Awards Committee & Donor Wall - Jai
- 1.7.2 Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery
- 1.7.3 Communications (and Wikibrarian) - Malissa Long
- 1.7.4 Events Committee - X
- 1.7.5 Facilities Committee - Saga Romig
- 1.7.6 Finance Committee - Dan Kries
- 1.7.7 Forge Committee - James Seymour/Mike Atherton
- 1.7.8 Fundraising - Ethan Doak
- 1.7.9 Lounge/Breakroom - David Mendoza
- 1.7.10 Garden - Sean Sandefur
- 1.7.11 IT - Tom Bloom
- 1.7.12 Inventory - Anna DiSalvo/Wallis Mead
- 1.7.13 Membership (and Community Outreach) - Jai
- 1.7.14 Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery
- 1.7.15 Scholarships - x
- 1.7.16 Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman/David Springs
- 1.7.17 Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- 1.7.18 Welcome Center - Angel
- 1.8 Other Items Discussed
- 1.9 Past Events
- 1.10 Upcoming Events
- 1.11 Decision Summary
- 1.12 Task Summary
Board Members
- James Lancaster, Secretary
- Anna DiSalvo, At-Large
- Jai Chauhan, President
- Rustin Atkeisson, Vice-President
- Doug Wilson, At-Large
- Aaron Rivers, At-Large
- David Hanson, At-Large, Late
- Beverly Schellenger, Treasurer
- Brad Cozine
- Susan de Witt
- Patrick Hutchison
- LaDeana Dockery
- David Springs
Standing Items
- Thanks & Recognition
- Rustin Atkeisson, Brad Cozine, Dean Day, Kim Nguyen for helping in Spring Cleaning - Jewelry
- Rusty, Dean, Ethan, Sarah, Aaron, Dean, Katie Conrad, Gretchen Koch, and Brad Cozine for Ren Faire - Education
- Sherry Ibrahim and Doug Ledbetter - Aaron, Woodshop
- John Nicholas american association of woodturners, $1500 donation for education on woodturning - Jai
- Steve O and Ron for getting curtains up in the Ceramics studio. - Patrick H
Old Business
COVID Mask Policy Discussion / Update - All
- Prior meetings:
- MakeICT has no requirement to wear masks. However, MakeICT reserves the right to require mask wearing during indoor scheduled group activities at the discretion of the activity organizer with advance notice.
- Per: (Checked April 14th, no change since last meeting)
- In Sedgwick County, Kansas, community level is Low.
- People may choose to mask at any time. People with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask.
- If you are immunocompromised, learn more about how to protect yourself.
- April 14, 2022
- John Hopkins tracker
- Sedgwick County
- Per: (Checked April 14th, no change since last meeting)
- Motion by Aaron seconded by Doug to keep it as. Vote by acclimation. No one objects.
Name alignment between various locations - Jai
- Has not been done with the KS SOS office yet.
- Jai wants to talk to accountant Liz before filing. Busy with tax season so waiting a bit further.
- Status unchanged
- Has not been done with the KS SOS office yet.
Revise Committee Policy - James
- Currently our policy is both out with regards to practice and enforcement.
- Revised, but unable to get with Malissa, LaDeana helped with revisions
- Tabled to discuss at next meeting, or a special meeting if necessary. James will send out to the board to review prior to next meeting.
- Suggested a second meeting each month, no one wanting to do that at this time near the end of the board.
- Access Policies
- Printmaking/Screenprinting - Done
- Has been presented to memberships
- Woodshop
- Printmaking/Screenprinting - Done
Updated link for woodshop access policy:
- Link from last month:
- Motion by James to approve it. Seconded by Jai - 6/0
- Will need to be announced 7 days.
{Decision | Woodshop access policy update approved, in force after published for 7 days}}
- Metal shop
- Changes:
- 30 days storage to 14 days.
- Any Beverages in the area must have a lid and should be removed when you are done, cans considered small enough to be.
- Do not leave equipment unassembled. - Changed to notify if doing any maintenance.
- Ceramics - Done, no changes
- FabLab
- James talked with lead, fine with small CNC being peer, not reflected above
- Electronics
- None
- Textiles
- Did not get updated link
- Metal shop
New Business
Treasurer’s Report - Bev
- Finance committee met
- Bev will be leaving in June. She will be holding a series of seminars, to go over how the finances are working currently at MakeICT for anyone who is interested and wants to know more. It would be good to have more people in the know about how it operates.
- Gary Titus is helping out in the meantime
- Have about 1-½ months of operating reserves on hand.
- Applied Amazon Smile donation to electrical loan. Looks like loan will be paid of in September now.
- Electric for Letterpress
- Shelley Electric Quote was ~$1,100
- Jai motions to approve it to be done for less than $2,000 this month.
- Seconded: Aaron
- Motion approved to spend less than $2,000 for adding outlet to Letterpress
- Electric for Letterpress
{Decision |Approval to spend less than $2000 to add outlet for Letterpress}}
Election Committee
- Policy
- At member meeting, Mike B. Volunteered to chair committee
- Have not heard of other members
- James motions to create ad hoc committee with
- Mike B. as chair
- Anna
- James (as secretary)
- Vote by acclamation
- Approved
- Vote by acclamation
{Decision | Initial creation of election committe for 2022}}
Maker May
- I would like the board to approve paying the City permit out of the funds collected for the Vendor market. The cost of the event permit is $375 for 30 vendors. At the time of writing this I have 6 people registered and at least 3 more who will be filling out their application. With the change to June 11th I have had more people interested. -- Malissa
- Changed to June 11 to not conflict with Riverfest market/first week
- Approved last meeting: Maker May I would like to have an outdoor vendor Event June 4th 10-2. We would have 30 makers and preview one maker each day on our social media leading up to the event. We would need to plan this out over the next 3 week, solicit makers over the month of April, and start promotion May 1st. I would follow the state rules for vending and use our current contract with some modifications. I would charge $50 per vendor up to 30 vendors. I would like 33% of the proceeds to cover my time to create and promote on social media, with a maximum of $500 to me. If we get 30 vendors the take for the space would be $1000.
- Outside vendors to $55. MakeICT member vendors to $50.
- Proposed Contract:
- Have a class set up on Wild Apricot that the vendors are registering for. The current class will close on April 29th. Those vendors will get social media advertising throughout May. Can set up an additional class for the first part of May before the permit is due at a higher rate for later vendors, but they would not get social media advertising.
- Melissa says her cost is about $15 per vendor to create the graphics and prepare all of the scheduled posts for social media. Would adjust her fee from the original 33% of the proceeds to $15 per vendor secured prior to the end of April.
Suggested Contract Changes:
- Change date from 4th to 11th
- Remove note about items provided for charge by MakeICT
- Add note about electricity not being available
- Change ‘...event is a booth (10ft x 10 ft)’ to ‘...event is a 10ft x 10ft booth’
Board meeting will be called for Thursday April 28th, 2022, at 6pm. Agenda
- Approve Vendor Agreement
- Approve Pay Schedule and Financial Agreement with Melissa
- Review and approve food truck agreements invited to event
- Possible Garden Area access policy approval
= Gallery Committee -- Susan de Wit
- Susan de Wit would like to make a presentation about reincorporating the gallery space and taking on the Gallery lead.
- Want 20’ of wall space in the south hallway between the doors to room 4, ¾ plywood and ½ drywall, with paint and whatnot, estimated at $500.
- Already have the pedestals made at the old space. Need to find the gallery lighting that was in the old space.
- Thinking of once a month to reset and have a new exhibit.
- Aaron motions to accept Susan’s proposal to restart the gallery and make her the lead. Doug seconds.
- No objection to it being longer.
- Discussion of purpose and what it would be acceptable.
- Question of it being a committee (or whatever) or area?
- Aaron substitutes motion to endorse forming the gallery, with Susan as lead depending on how it’s chosen to be formed. Jai seconds.
- Decision: 5 in favor, 1 abstains, 1 not voting.
@DECISION: Initial approval to reform the gallery
Classroom Policy update -- James and LaDeana
- Simplifies and reflects actual usage, ex: Room 3 couldn't be rented under this.
- Gives a flat number, which is comparable to Parks rentals per hour. (Almost all are $25 a month.)
- Simplifies and reflects actual usage, ex: Room 3 couldn't be rented under this.
- Will email and review
Area Reports
- Meeting Notes from Monday the 11th
- Fundraiser is underway, Goal is $6,000, with Stretch Goals at $10,000. The fundraiser is also happy to accept donations in kind to meet its goals and a comprehensive list thereof is forthcoming. I have not been appraised of donations via paypal or the entryway donation box.
I will be attending the upcoming Fundraising Committee Meeting. SawStop Continues to trip, mostly user error. SawStop does not approve of in-house alterations for the purposes of monitoring, but assures grounding issues are not to blame for the anomalous activations. Will ask facilities to wait for AC installation pending dust collection improvements.
- Kiln failure was identified as a failed feed wire. A replacement set of feed wires and thermocouple wire were purchased. The failed feed wire was replaced along with the new thermocouple wire and the kiln is back up and running.
- Last weekend did some cleanup, scrap recycling, and started work on turning the area above the closet space into storage. Made about $20 in scrap recycling. More to do. Will be working again on Saturday.
- Also moved some unwanted tools from Jewelry over to the metal shop, so some more tools will be available there.
- Remind folks, please clean up after yourself. In particular, powder coat media being all over the place. And, folks not turning on the ventilation when powder coating and welding. Will consider moving the switch for the ventilation over by the door to make it easier for people to get to.
- As soon as the electrical work is done will get the press up and running. Going to take home the practice press and refurbish it / the rollers, and get it back in for people to use.
Committee Reports
Awards Committee & Donor Wall - Jai
Next meeting not on calendar: When?
- Did not meet. No next meeting set.
Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery
- Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd and 4th Thursday @ 8pm)
- Maker May (Moved above)
- Ren Faire (mentioned above) was a great success
- How to teach a class class was well attended.
- Possibly modify form for cohosting
- Talked about something for the Riverfest parade (June 3rd), walk in parade (or float)
- James S and Rusty have a school visit planned, Judith the robot arm, ballista, telescope, etc., as possible things to show off, coming up May 5th at Curtis Middle School.
Communications (and Wikibrarian) - Malissa Long
- Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: 4th Wednesday @ 6:30 pm)
Events Committee - X
- See above (Classroom Management Committee)
Facilities Committee - Saga Romig
- On Calendar Tuesday 6:30
Finance Committee - Dan Kries
- 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 (Is this correct? - schedule dependent, may change)
Forge Committee - James Seymour/Mike Atherton
- No meeting on calendar
- Last project: Belt Grinder
Fundraising - Ethan Doak
- Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 1st Friday @ 7pm)
Lounge/Breakroom - David Mendoza
Next meeting not on calendar: When?
Garden - Sean Sandefur
- Aaron Is speaking on behalf of the Garden, as Sean’s wife is being induced into labor presently (all the best Sean!!!)
- The Garden Committee meets every Sunday at 11am in the garden, or in the Lounge during inclimate weather.
- The Garden Committee is formally requesting designation as an Area. Should the Board act favorably towards this motion, we propose that the Garden Lead be Sean Sandefur. Furthermore, the Garden Committee shall remain intact and steer garden rules, communal planting, and events.
- Plot rentals are Underway. Please review our rental agreement.
- Discussion of Area & Committee
- History of
- Aaron motions: The Garden Committee is formally requesting designation as an Area, and that the Garden Lead be Sean Sandefur.
Jai seconds In Favor: 5, Opposed: 0, abstention: 1, not voting: 1 @DECISION: Garden is also designated as an Area.
IT - Tom Bloom
Next meeting not on calendar: When?
Event Creator updates being worked on. Kiosk machine works so far only James and LaDeana have access.
- Once Installed, Will show authorizations if scanned, and will have classes shown with QR codes (Limit is that it checks WA, may require a sync.)
Inventory - Anna DiSalvo/Wallis Mead
- Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd Wednesday @ 6pm)
- Minimal meeting, only 1 person from committee and new person showed up.
- Consignment policy needs to be updated with new location/points of contact
Membership (and Community Outreach) - Jai
Membership as of 2021-04-14: 467 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2021-04-21: 466 (plus 2 donors)
- Maker Mondays and Orientations going. Some people have tags due to shortages of badges.
Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery
- See Classroom above.
Scholarships - x
- Per July decision will be handled by Finance.
Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman/David Springs
- Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 4th Monday @ 6pm)
- Had meeting on 1st Monday?
- No incidents
Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- See Events
Welcome Center - Angel
Next meeting not on calendar: When?
Other Items Discussed
Past Events
- Renaissance Faire
- April 9th - 10th
Upcoming Events
- Maker Monday
- 2nd and 4th Mondays
- Member Orientation
- ECO Fest
- Has been Canceled for 2022
- Maker May
- May + June 11th
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Initial approval to reform the gallery
- @DECISION: Garden is also designated as an Area.
Task Summary
- None