Board Meeting 2021-01-21
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- 1.1 Roll Call
- 1.2 Standing Items
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Committee Reports
- 1.5.1 Awards Committee - Kim Burton
- 1.5.2 Scholarships - Kim Burton
- 1.5.3 Communications (and Wikibrarian) - Malissa Long
- 1.5.4 Facilities Committee
- 1.5.5 Finance Committee - Dan Kries
- 1.5.6 Fundraising - x
- 1.5.7 IT - Tom Bloom
- 1.5.8 Membership (and Community Outreach) - x
- 1.5.9 Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery (interim)
- 1.5.10 Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery (interim)
- 1.5.11 Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
- 1.5.12 Inventory - Anna DiSalvo
- 1.5.13 Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- 1.6 Upcoming Events
- 1.7 Decision Summary
- 1.8 Task Summary
Roll Call
Board Members
- JaiPal Chauhan, President
- Paula Pankratz, Vice-President
- Beverly Schellenger, Treasurer
- Patrick Hutchison, Secretary
- Scott Sullivan, At Large
- Terrence Laurendine, At Large
- Tom Bloom, At Large
- Doug Wilson, At Large
- David Springs, Immediate Past President
- Joe Pajor
- LaDeana Dockery
- Jeremiah Burian
- Malissa Long
- Anna DiSalvo
- Steve Owens
- Rustin Atkeisson
- Devin Halsey
- Joe Crain
- John Nicholas
- June Huie
- Marti Secondine
- Christian Kindel
Standing Items
- Thanks & Recognition
- Cathy Bowman for her continuing dedication to our glazing
- Steve Owens for any number of things, but the short list:
- moving the process of current member reorientation to it's ever approaching ***termination
- coordinating every Maker Monday and Current Member Reorientation
- agreeing to be a Personal Guarantor on the line of credit from American State Bank
- Tom Bloom and Daiva Chauhan for also agreeing to be personal guarantors on the line of credit from American State Bank
- Our tireless volunteers who have most recently:
- moved the lockers to the West Hall, assembled the bases and secured them
- moved the ventilation for the Metal Shop further down the line
- putting together the compressed air system for the Metal Shop and Wood Shop
Old Business
- Move to Wild Apricot Integrated Pay System
- Tom reports that James and Christian have been working on it, but doesn’t have a full update.
- Line of Credit
- American State Bank has agreed to give us a line of credit for 60K to help pay our outstanding debts from construction. The terms are as such:
- 60,000 dollars at 5.75% interest for a term of two years assessed annually. Interest is only applied to the amount that is actually withdrawn. If we are in good standing and paying the loan back we can continue with a minimum payment of interest only, meaning that our payment to principal would be adjustable. This loan is secured by a lien upon our current inventory of tools, a lien upon the full value of our insurance policy as it applies to our tools and the personal guarantee of 3 individuals: Steve Owens, Tom Bloom, JaiPal and Daiva Chauhan.
- Motion:
- Jai moves to authorize JaiPal Chauhan, President acting in the name of MakeICT and with the permission of the Board to accept American State Banks terms for a line of credit in the total amount of $60,000 though an amount less than that may be withdrawn at the discretion of the Finance Committee, for the express and singular purpose of settling debts which have arisen from the renovation of our facility at 5920 E. Mt. Vernon. Paula seconds. Seven vote in favor, David Abstains. Motion passes.
- @DECISION: Board voted to approve the line of credit from American State Bank
- Discussion:
- Some discussion about a table saw in the garage that’s likely to be sold, but is not on inventory so is not included here. Also a question about the materials in Room 4.
- Question about what the minimum payment might be. Minimum is the interest due on the amount withdrawn. Expectation is to only withdraw $45,000 to pay the outstanding electrical bill. That would put the payment in the $2,000/month ballpark.
- Resolution:
- Be it resolved through the adoption of this motion that:
- The board agrees to allocate funds monthly to pay back the loan in interest and principle in the most expeditious way possible at the guidance and discretion of the Treasurer and the Finance Committee such that payback shall not exceed the two year term of the line of credit.
- The board agrees that the personal guarantors of the line of credit shall be informed of the current balance of the line of credit and the full measure of payments which have been made whenever entreaty should be made by the personal guarantors.
- The board agrees in the acceptance of the line of credit that a binding agreement has been made by this board but extended to every board of officers until the line of credit at American State Bank is repaid, that every effort shall be made to repay the loan in the most expeditious manner possible even should repayment impinge upon non-essential purchases of any kind for MakeICT. This should not be construed to prevent targeted fundraising activities.
- The board agrees that JaiPal Chauhan, President and Beverly Schellenger, Treasurer shall be responsible for withdrawing and controlling the funds from the line of credit and allocating them exclusively to the appropriate outstanding debts from the renovation of the facility at 5920 E. Mt. Vernon St.
- The board agrees that because our tools are being held in lien for the purposes of securing the line of credit that for the term of said line of credit no tool valued at more than $50 may be sold or otherwise disposed of unless it is broken or has otherwise lost all value.
- Be it resolved through the adoption of this motion that:
- American State Bank has agreed to give us a line of credit for 60K to help pay our outstanding debts from construction. The terms are as such:
New Business
- Treasurer’s Report
- Account Balances
- Emprise - $37,959.73
- Bento - $2,122.87
- Another $200 will allocate to Area Leads at the start of February
- TD Ameritrade - $5,739.30
- PayPal - $0.00
- $2,598.29 transferred to Emprise today
- Account Balances
- Resolution(s) to Add New Treasurer to Bank Accounts
- Patrick moves that we accept the resolutions as presented. Tom seconds. Seven vote in favor, David Abstains. Motion passes.
- @DECISION: Board voted to approve updated banking resolutions to add new Treasurer to our accounts.
- State of Kansas / Resident Agent
- The State of Kansas needs us to name a resident agent. Our current Resident Agent is Tom McGuire. Who should we name as the new resident agent for MakeICT?
- If we make it a board member then we need to change it with every change of the board which will incur us a cost of about $100. Most institutions make a lawyer they have on retainer their resident agent. I am unaware if we have a law firm on retainer. Perhaps David can shed some light on the matter.
- David confirms that we do not have a law firm on retainer.
- Resident Agent is the person the Secretary of State considers as the official contact for the organization for communication and notifying the board of receipt of such. The Resident Agent is included on the annual report filing with the state.
- David has agreed to prepare a list of suitable candidates / businesses to be an outside third-party Resident Agent and bring that to the next board meeting for a vote.
- Membership
- Currently at 331 active members.
- 286 at the December meeting.
- In the last 30 days we've added 31 members.
- Membership Committee has run a Maker Monday every monday in January. Our Maker Mondays are reservation only and we have had a total of 33 individuals attend a Maker Monday of which 31 have gone on to become members.
- Building Renovation Update
- Everything is working.
- Lockers have been moved.
- Metal Shop ventilation is largely done, hopefully by next Tuesday.
- New space being carved out of the garage for the Heidelberg press is taking shape.
Committee Reports
Awards Committee - Kim Burton
- none
Scholarships - Kim Burton
- none
Communications (and Wikibrarian) - Malissa Long
- Haven’t met since November. Need to get a meeting on the calendar.
- Need to make some major updates to the website.
Facilities Committee
- Has not met.
Finance Committee - Dan Kries
- Paula has worked with Steve O and Beverly to work on the donations made during the shutdown period for the CARES Act tax credits.
- Has been working to update Quickbooks.
Fundraising - x
- No report.
IT - Tom Bloom
- Working on getting folks access to the finance computer. Working on PayPal / WA payment issue. Working on the door access control system.
Membership (and Community Outreach) - x
- Been very busy with hosting Maker Monday’s each Monday in January, bringing in 31 new members already. Last Maker Monday was especially productive because we had a lot of Area Leads in the building which helped make a huge impact showing off our facility.
Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery (interim)
Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery (interim)
- Number of classes is picking up. We had 34 classes scheduled in January. We’ve got a number already scheduled for February. Attendance is a bit all over. Some have been well attended, but some haven’t.
- Class breakout so far: 44% Ceramics, 11% Metal Shop, 11% Other (mostly the leather working classes), etc.
- Will work on improving the report and getting some of the dollars out of the system for the next report to see revenue.
- Have had some folks inquire about renting rooms, but haven’t had anyone bite on paying yet.
- Joe Crain, KU School of Medicine, attended the meeting and asked about space for producing medical practice devices. They struggle to do that at their building because some of the stuff they do makes a lot of noise which is an issue at the school. Some of the stuff they do involves some solvents / chemicals that produce fumes, but they have a vent fan they use to duct it outside. They have a cabinet (or two) for storing the chemicals. Would have to store some materials on site. Need to use the space would vary depending on the needs of the medical students, but they would work around classes. Would likely be able to provide two or three weeks notice. He is also available to teach a variety of community health classes, like CPR, etc., for no charge.
- Asked Classroom Committee to prepare a written proposal and email that to the board for consideration. The board will decide if they need to have a special meeting to vote on anything.
Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
- No report.
Inventory - Anna DiSalvo
- Working on a game plan to go through all of the stuff in Room 4 so we can start clearing that stuff out. Will have a color coded sticker system to clearly label everything: keep, trash, scrap, etc.
Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- No report.
Upcoming Events
- ReMakeICT Tuesday work nights at Booth
- Every Tuesday from 6:00PM - 9:00PM
- Maker Monday
- Still going strong. Two sessions scheduled this coming week.
- Time slots will be required, not an open event to control for safety. Membership working on.
- New Member Orientation
- Saturday, January 30th, starting at 2:30
- Need board members, Area Leads, or other interested members, to sit on the interview panel to get the new members keyed.
- Jai will send out an email to remind folks of the need.
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Board voted to approve the line of credit from American State Bank
- @DECISION: Board voted to approve updated banking resolutions to add new Treasurer to our accounts.
Task Summary
- None