Board Meeting 2020-07-25 Special
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Roll Call
Board Members
- JaiPal Chauhan, President
- Paula Pankratz, Vice-President
- Patrick Hutchison, Secretary
- Kate Goad, Treasurer
- David Springs, Immediate Past President
- Scott Sullivan, At Large
- Terrence Laurendine, At Large
- Tom Bloom, At Large
- Doug Wilson, At Large
- Rustin Atkeisson
- Joe Pajor
- James Lancaster
- Jerry Carpenter
- Cathy Bowman
- Mike Barushok
Old Business
- None
New Business
- Creation of two new committees:
- Facilities Committee
- Reviewed the final draft of the committee proposal. Reviewed the Standing Rules to make sure that the committee is responsible for tracking and reporting expenditures. Discussed the proposed budget of $2,000. Discussed staffing the committee and reinforcing shared responsibility at orientation for keeping the space up and running.
- Jai moved, Paula seconded, to adopt the standing Facilities Committee as written with a $2,000 budget. Six votes in favor, David abstains, nobody votes against.
- Facilities Committee
@DECISION: Facilities Standing Committee approved.
- Classroom Committee
- Jai moved, Paula seconded, to adopt the standing Classroom Management Committee as written. Five in favor, David and Tom abstains, nobody votes against.
- Classroom Committee
@DECISION: Classroom Management Standing Committee approved.
- Formal dissolution of any committees that are no longer required:
- Building Search Committee
- Moving Committee
- Space Planning Committee
- Jai moves to dissolve these three committees, Tom seconds. Six in favor, David abstains, nobody votes against.
@DECISION: Building Search, Moving, and Space Planning committees dissolved.
- Combining Duties of Procurement and Inventory Committee
- Jai moved to combine the Procurement and Inventory Committees. Jai later withdrew the motion.
- Paula/Jai: Inventory Committee will make sure all equipment is inventoried and logged, for taxes, insurance, and depreciation, and in case of theft. Procurement Committee is responsible for buying stuff. We haven’t been able to depreciate our equipment for the past several years because we haven’t had a good inventory of equipment. Hasn’t been done since 2012 when the space was started. Jai has spoken with the CPA and we need to do this and it’s come up in prior years as well. Ceramics, Fab Lab, most of Metal Shop, and most of the Wood Shop were for sure inventoried prior to move in the inventory database that James L created. There’s more that needs done.
- These were both set up as ad-hoc committees for the move.
- Adoption of changes to the Guest Policy
- Discussed the proposed policy, tutoring, and fees.
- Jai moves, Terrence seconds to approve the draft policy as written. Six in favor, David abstains.
@DECISION: Guest Policy was amended.
- Adoption of a Classroom Rental and Reservation Policy
- Much discussion was had and revisions were made to the proposed policy as brought to the meeting.
- Jai moves, Paula seconds, to approve the redrafted policy. 5 votes yes, 1 vote no, David abstains.
@DECISION: Classroom Rental and Reservation Policy was adopted.