Purchases and reimbursements

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  • Each lead has an approved budget for equipment, ongoing maintenance, upkeep of their area, and incidentals. Leads must keep a receipt for all items purchased and deliver these to the treasurer monthly.
  • The lead may make purchases of supplies and/or tooling without area/committee vote for purchases in amounts less than $500, or 1/3 of the committees total fund balance, whichever is smaller.
  • Purchases for items within budget exceeding $500 require a majority vote of the area/committee at the next regularly scheduled area/committee meeting, or at a duly called emergency meeting, or by a vote of the board of directors.
  • All purchases shall be reported to the treasurer, and any current committees which deal with finance. Inventory must be notified of equipment purchase valued at $50 or more.
  • Reimbursements may be made of equipment purchased with the oversight of the lead within budget.
  • Targeted donations for areas/committees may be collected to increase a budget without board approval. The treasurer must first be notified so a code for the donations may be created. Donations must specify the correct code so the treasurer may accurately track the funds.  The treasurer will adjust the budget according to the target of the donation after it has been collected, in addition to recording the specific purpose of the donation.
  • Members who identify items that need to be purchased for the makerspace should email the appropriate lead or treasurer to request the item to be purchased. Alternatively, the member may consider buying it themselves and donating it to the space. Like all other donations, these donations must be approved by the lead.

Approved by the board on February 15 2018 and December 15 2022