December 15th 2022

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Board Members

  • Rustin Atkeisson, President
  • Sherry Ibrahim, Vice President
  • Ethan Doak, Secretary
  • James Lancaster, At-Large
  • LaDeana Dockery, At-Large
  • Doug Wilson, At-Large
  • Gary Titus, Treasurer

Absent: Aaron Rivers, At-Large


Steve Owens

Dean Day

Gaye Caine

Patrick Hutchison

Ben Rogers

Jay Christensen

Standing Items

  • Thanks & Recognition
    • Everyone that helped setup, clean, and/or ran founders day. Malissa Long for obtaining proclamations from the city and county, coordinating vendors, and helping with social media. Ben Rogers for contacting all of the news outlets and obtaining donated spots from KMUW and an interview on KAKE.  Tour guides Ben Rogers and Patrick Hutchison.  Michael Atherton, Rustin Atkeisson, Steve Sanar and James Seymour for assisting with tours of their Areas.  Member vendors

Old Business

Area/Committee Name Alignment

Collecting Demographic information

  • Demographics survey has been sent out and has over 100 replies
  • LaDeana needs a number of our budget for the grant this information needs. The Finance Committee will meet on Monday and they will create this

Wichita Virtual School (USD 259) Education Imagine Academy

  • We received a budget and a plan from USD 259. Work is still being done.
  • They will be here starting January 17th, 18th, and 19th. Noon - 2 pm.
  • LaDeana, James, Malissa, and Sherry will all be helping.
  • They will bring 1 adult per 5 children, so lots of additional help.
  • Further help may be required if authorization is needed in areas the above people are not authorized in.
  • For now at least, the students and teachers will be guests of some of the 4 MakeICT Members mentioned above, depending on who is able to help on a specific day.
  • Some consideration needs to be given to a cancellation policy if one of the 4 MakeICT Members above are unable to make one day.

Founders Day

  • Was pretty successful
    • Mayor of Wichita came by and proclaimed December 3rd as the MakeICT Founders Day
    • Both room 3 and room 4 were packed with vendors
    • Had multiple tours with more than 10 people
    • Make and takes were not super popular but still had decent engagement
    • The afterparty had a nice chill vibe between the live music, DJ, good food, and two rooms full of relaxed members
    • Some more volunteer coordination could be good, some volunteers showed up to help and there weren’t super clear roles assigned.
    • Some other feedback was mentioned as far as things we could’ve done better.
    • A post mortem meeting would be great to go over those things, and log them on the wiki

COVID Mask Policy Discussion / Update - All

New Business

Treasurer’s Report - Gary

  • We are up-and-running in the new (online) version of QuickBooks! The learning curve is a little steep, but we’re getting there.
  • We got our taxes filed! Bill of about $1,500 from our CPA for that.
  • Gary is still working quite a bit with our CPA to make sure our budget is reconciled.
  • Our bank account is reconciled!(?)
  • All instructors will get a paycheck regardless if they want one or not.  If they do not want the paycheck, they can sign the check and designate where that money is to go.
  • A $1723 bill, and a$102 bill from River City Electric was received. The $1723 bill was for fixing the Fab-Lab heater. The $102 bill was for them coming out and turning the circuit breaker back on for the kitchen.
  • We should call the heater company to see if any parts or labor can fall under warranty.
  • Still researching lockers, who owns them, who’s paying. Etc. Lots of demand for lockers!
  • Brad Decker? Does anyone know who this member is? They sent a check for membership but we don’t have a record of them.
  • a big change our CPA is recommending is for the Officers to take office at the start of the year, instead of halfway through. This keeps only one board responsible for one budget.
  • We need to further restrict funding to a board-approved transactions.
  • We need to make sure the Treasurer is in-the-know on sales so we can pay sales tax.

2023 Budget Review

  • Area leads submitted their budgets for 2023
  • Gary and James have been working to integrate those budgets into an overall budget for the space
  • Budget review will be postponed until the January board meeting. They are working diligently to get a budget to review.
  • Area budgets total somewhere around $20,000.
  • We need a more-than-1-year budget, to help save for big projects like a parking lot or a new roof.
  • Overall budget this year seems to be healthier than we thought, but certainly not enough to buy a new roof by next year.
  • A last resort to pay for a new roof may be a loan. If no other funding sources can be found

November Minutes Approval

  • Board to review minutes notes, but notes are not updated yet
  • Postpone until January

Security Chairperson

  • David Springs has stepped down to spend more time with his family and focus on his business
  • Rustin Atkeisson has been trained up to help process memberships and create badges
  • Rustin feels it’s a bit of a conflict of interest to be both Security lead and President.
  • Malissa mentioned at Breakfast with the board that she’d be willing to be on the committee, but not the lead
  • If a security alarm goes off, the designated member of security, the alert goes to a bunch of people on the security committee, in order, if the first does not answer, the second gets a call.
  • Michael Atherton also expressed an interest in being on the committee but does not want to be a lead.
  • Need to appoint an official chairperson for Security
  • Rustin is willing to be the security chairperson until another person is willing to be the chairperson.
  • James moves we appoint Rustin as the current chairperson
  • Sherry seconds
  • Motion carries. 6 yes, 1 not voting (president)

Code of Conduct Policy Revision

  • Member Privacy/Reporting:
  • Suggested Amendments in italics: “We will respect confidentiality requests for the purpose of protecting victims of abuse. Investigations will be kept as confidential as possible. At our discretion, the results of substantiated investigations may be made public if we believe that doing so will increase the safety of MakeICT members or the general public. We will not name harassment victims without their affirmative consent. Nothing in this section precludes contacting the police or other legal authorities when indicated."  
  • OLD TEXT: We will respect confidentiality requests for the purpose of protecting victims of abuse. At our discretion, we may publicly name a person about whom we’ve received harassment complaints, or privately warn third parties about them, if we believe that doing so will increase the safety of MakeICT members or the general public. We will not name harassment victims without their affirmative consent.
  • LaDeana Moves to adopt the suggested amendment to the policy as written
  • Sherry Seconds
  • Motion carries. 6 yes, 1 not voting (president)

@DECISION: Update Code of Conduct

Mt. Vernon Signage

  • A sign company will need to make the portion of the sign that says ‘MakeICT’ as well as take care of the permitting
  • A bonded company will need to print the sign and submit the permit
  • The only part of the sign that is considered the sign is the text that says "MakeICT". We can create almost anything in addition to that text.
  • Sign companies can have troubles with adhering a sign in cold weather
  • 4'x12.5' sign quotes from sign companies have been >$2500. This would cover the existing sign with two sides.
  • 2'tall, 8' wide, single sided sign could be closer to $500 if we make something removable.
  • We can make the monument that the sign sits on.
  • We need designs and to figure out budget.
  • There is an easement (distance from the streets) we need to stay out of
  • Rustin would like to put out a call for designs for a sign a monument for the sign to be on
  • It is $25 + $6 per 10 square feet (rounded up) for the permit of the sign

Area Lead Appointment

  • The current people have spoken up and said they are willing to be area leads at this point
  • Woodshop - Jesse Schlenker
  • Metalshop - Rustin Atkeisson
  • Screenprinting - Doug Wilson
  • Ceramics - Gaye Caine
  • Fablab - David Miller
  • Electronics lab - James Seymour
  • Print Shop/Letterpress - open (Doug Wilson?)
  • Visual Arts - Kim Nguyen
  • Textiles - Scott Sullivan
  • Gallery - Dean Day
  • Garden Area - Sean Sandefur
  • Jewelry - Michael Atherton

Committee Lead Updates

  • Outreach - Rustin Atkeisson
  • Events - LaDeana Dockery
  • IT - James Lancaster
  • Security -

Surplus Auction

  • Working with a 3rd party to sell off some of the stuff that was stored without purpose in room 4.
  • Waiting on details like commission rate and other limitations to doing the auction
  • Taxes will be considered and taken care of
  • Current list being considered:
    • 50 of the 100 black cloth covered chairs
    • 8 of the 16 yellow folding school benches
    • 2x 72 circuit square D electrical boxes
    • Rex 3 phase spot welder (from hot metal shop)
    • An A/V Cart
    • New 180k BTU tankless water heater
    • 4 1/2 ton A/C and furnace
    • Choir 10ft tall stage panels
    • 2 small podiums (4ft x 4ft, and 4ft x 6ft I think)
    • portable jewelry tables
    • Rustin moves we request doing an auction sale of the above-mentioned materials
    • Sherry seconds
    • Motion carries. 6 yes, 1 not voting (president)

Minor Maker Safety Committee

  • A group of members feels that there is a need to create a group to review and improve our policy of having people under the age of 16 in and around the makerspace.
  • Current Members:
  • Ben Rogers (chairperson)
  • Gaye Caine
  • Jay Christensen
  • April Schlenker
  • Jesse Schlenker
  • Sheldon Pangburn
  • Jeremy L
  • Ethan moves we create this as an ad-hoc committee
  • LaDeana seconds
  • Motion carries. 5 yes, 1 no, 1 not voting (president)

Wichita Art Council - Art Mixer

  • Wichita Art council wants to have an art mixer at MakeICT
  • Most likely the 2nd Maker Monday of February
  • Malissa Long is the main contact
  • Possibly use room 4 and turn into a potluck

2023 Board Meetings and Quarterly Meetings

  • Normal Board Meetings
    • Thursday January 19th
    • Thursday February 16th
    • Thursday March 16th
    • Thursday April 20th
    • Thursday May 18th
    • Thursday June 15th
  • Quarterly Meeting
    • Sunday December 18th
    • Sunday March 19th
  • Annual Meeting
    • Sunday June 18th

Executive Session

  • The board entered executive session
  • The board left executive session
  • Ethan moves we appoint the following Leads to Areas and Committees of MakeICT, vacant positions will be filled immediately, otherwise changes will occur January 1st. 2023
  • Rustin Seconds
  • Motion Passes by Acclamation
    • Woodshop - Jesse Schlenker
    • Metalshop - Rustin Atkeisson
    • Screenprinting - Doug Wilson
    • Ceramics - Gaye Caine
    • Fablab - David Miller
    • Electronics lab - James Seymour
    • Print Shop/Letterpress - Doug Wilson
    • Visual Arts - Kim Nguyen
    • Textiles - Scott Sullivan
    • Gallery - Dean Day
    • Garden Area - Sherry Ibrahim
    • Jewelry - Michael Atherton
    • Classroom - LaDeana Dockery
    • Welcome Center - Ben Rogers
    • Outreach - Rustin Atkeisson
    • Events - LaDeana Dockery
    • IT - James Lancaster
    • Security - Rustin Atkeisson
    • Multimedia - James Lancaster
    • Communications - Sherry Ibrahim
    • Inventory - Ben Rogers
    • Finance - Gary Titus
    • Membership - Steve Owens (subject to acceptance)
    • Facilities - Joe Birzer (subject to acceptance)
    • Fundraising - Ethan Doak
    • Anti-Harrassment and Anti-Discrimination (ad hoc) - Sherry Ibrahim
    • Minor Maker Safety Committee (ad hoc) - Ben Rogers
    • Long Term Planning (ad hoc) - LaDeana Dockery
  • Personal conduct concerns
    • The board is directing Security and IT revoke a members key access and revoke their access to electronic MakeICT Forums due to unwanted, blatently sexual harrasment. We will reconsider their access after 5 months. Rustin moves we direct Security and IT as declared Gary Seconds Motion carries. 6 yes, 1 not voting (president)
    • The board is directing Security and IT to revoke a members key access for repeated modification of areas without lead approval, and the space without approval of the Facilities Committee. We will reconsider their access after 30 days. Rustin moves we direct Security and IT as declared Gary Seconds 5 yes, 1 no, 1 not voting (president) Gary moves we adjourn LaDeana seconds Motion carried by acclamation

Committee Reports

Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery

Communications - Sherry Ibrahim

  • Meetings:
    • Recurring: 4th Wednesday @ 8pm primarily online

Events Committee - X

  • See above (Classroom Management Committee)

Facilities Committee - Joe Birzer

  • On Calendar Tuesday 6:30

Finance Committee - Dan Kries

  • 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30
  • Usually meet in Room 3 or the lounge (whichever is cooler)

Fundraising - Ethan Doak

  • Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd Thursday @ 7pm)

Letterpress - David Springs

  • Started having classes

Lounge/Breakroom - LaDeana Dockery?

Garden - Sean Sandefur

  • next meeting Dec 11, 2022 at 10AM
  • winter peas are growing in 3 communal beds thanks to Kim Burton’s middle school volunteers

IT - Tom Bloom

  • Next meeting ?

Inventory - Ben Rogers

  • Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd Wednesday @ 6pm)
  • Ceramics has already completed their area inventory update

Membership (and Community Outreach) -

Membership as of 2022-04-14: 467 (plus 2 donors)

Membership as of 2022-04-21: 466 (plus 2 donors)

Membership as of 2022-05-12: 462 (plus 2 donors)

Membership as of 2022-06-16: 459 (plus 2 donors)

Membership as of 2022-07-21: 457 (plus 2 donors)

Membership as of 2022-08-18: 456 (plus 2 donors)

Membership as of 2022-09-18: 445 (plus 2 donors)

Membership as of 2022-10-22: 452 (plus 2 donors)

Membership as of 2022-11-17: 448 (plus 2 donors)

  • next meeting Monday January

Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery

  • See Classroom above.

Security (and Safety) - Rustin Atkeisson

  • are working on a proposal to update and upgrade the security cameras

Welcome Center - Ben

Next meeting not on calendar: When?

  • As per committee policy: No meeting for a while, will need to be reviewed 1 months/meetings from now.

Other Items Discussed

Past Events

Upcoming Events

  • Maker Monday
    • 2nd and 4th Mondays
  • Breakfast with the board
  • January 14th 2023
  • 9am
  • Member Orientation
    • Saturday December 10th @2:30pm
    • Tuesday December 20th @ 6pm

2023 Board Meetings

Decision Summary

  • @DECISION: Update Code of Conduct

Task Summary

  • None