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[[Category:Rules and policies]]
#REDIRECT [[Unified Personal Property Policy]]
''People can loan tools to MakeICT if they wish. This is an alternative to donating tools.''
*MakeICT is responsible for the full cost of repair or replacement if: the item is damaged due to an action that occurred after being brought into MakeICT’s possession, or is stolen from MakeICT. 
*Once the item is returned to the lender, MakeICT is no longer responsible for replacement or repair. 
*MakeICT agrees to notify the lender promptly if the equipment is damaged or lost.
*For the protection of the loaned equipment, each Item will have on file a complete [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1no710uzJA7m3ecaTVU3zVNn9U7nQlk7M/view?usp=sharing Equipment Loan Agreement Form]  to act as a contract between MakeICT and the tool owner.
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==Tool Identification==
*A tool on loan will be labeled as such and will include contact information for the owner.
*The tool will also have a link to the wiki outlining care, use, precautions, and training options for use of the tool.
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==Use of Item==
*MakeICT is responsible for proper use of the Equipment and is responsible for training anyone using the Equipment on the proper use of the Equipment.
*The item will not leave the MakeICT location at any time, unless back to the lender.
*Tools loaned to the makerspace will follow the same [[Machine Access]] policies as other tools, defined by the Area Lead presiding over that particular area.
*The loaner of the tool will work with the area lead to determine appropriate policies.
*If a tool you loan to MakeICT harms any person or property while under operation of MakeICT, you will not be held responsible.
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==Delivery and Return of Equipment==
*Tools may be retrieved by the owner after notifying the Area Lead and/or Inventory Committee prior to retrieval. This will ensure the MakeITC’s inventory remains up to date and prevent the item being reported as lost/stolen.
*MakeICT has limited space and may at any time request that you take back your tool. If such a request is made you have 30 days to remove your tool before it is subject to disposal.
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==Maintenance and Repair==
*MakeICT will ensure loaned tools are maintained in approximately the same or better condition than they were received in.
*The loaner of the tool will determine who is allowed to perform maintenance or make repairs on the tool. This must be specified before the loan can be accepted.
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==MakeICT Administration==
*Every item on loan will need to have a complete [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1no710uzJA7m3ecaTVU3zVNn9U7nQlk7M/view?usp=sharing Equipment Loan Agreement Form] signed by the appropriate Area Lead and two board members.
*Agreement forms will be kept on file by the [[Inventory and Procurement Committee]].
*MakeICT keeps a list of tools on loan on [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12DNSho5Xg70VZbuAcyAieZnLkDU9EGo3RL7wZ0ncNbw/edit#gid=0 this google spreadsheet].
*Any equipment on loan prior to 12/17/2020 will need to have an Equipment Loan Agreement sent to the Inventory Committee.
''This policy is based on a model shown successful at Bloominglabs, a hackerspace in Bloomington, Indiana.''
Approved by the board on [[December 17 2020]]
Page last updated by Anna DiSalvo on 12/21/2020
[[Category:Rules and policies]]

Latest revision as of 15:17, 18 January 2025