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MakeICT is operated entirely by member-volunteers, so there are many ways that you can be involved with MakeICT at whatever level you're looking for.

You could join one of the leadership subcommittees, help out or fill one of the long-term volunteer positions, find something to do around the makerspace, or help out at an event!

Leadership committees


Communications Hive

Finances and Fundraising

Outreach Gaggle

Special Projects Brigade

Appointed volunteer positions

Benevolent Dictators

Pending description...

Fab Lab BD

Woodshop BD

Studio Arts BD

Electronics BD

Metal shop BD

Long-term volunteer positions

Grant Coordinator

Planning and development

Safety Sultan

The Sultan of Saftey reports to the Makerspace Director (Tom McGuire) and is responsible for managing and providing oversight of safety policies, procedures, and practices for MakeICT. Responsibilities include:

  • Defining safe practices for all equipment/machinery at the MakeICT Makerspace
  • Ensuring that safety-related materials are available, maintained, and convenient. Including (but not limited to):
    • Machine information
    • Safety glasses
    • MSDS
    • Fire extinguishers
    • First aid kit
    • Ensure proper safety practices are being followed at all MakeICT events (workshops, classes, conventions, etc)
    • Serve as the point of contact for safety-related inquiries

Marketing Strategist

The Marketing Strategist reports to the Communications Hive Queen Bee (John Harrison), and is reponsible for creating and maintaining a marketing strategy and guidelines for MakeICT. This may include:

  • Social media
  • Radio/TV advertisements
  • Printed advertisements
  • Hand outs
  • Signage
  • Etc

Around the makerspace

Here's a list of things that could be done around the makerspace

  • Make spool holder for the 3D printer to accommodate spools with a smaller inner diameter