August 15th 2024
- 1.1 Opening and Mission Statement
- 1.2 Roll Call:
- 1.3 Thanks and Recognition
- 1.4 Old Business
- 1.5 New Business
- 1.5.1 Approval of Previous Minutes
- 1.5.2 Medical/First Aid Kits
- 1.5.3 Letterpress Area
- 1.5.4 Piper Thomas as Garden Area Lead
- 1.5.5 Officially Make Stained Glass an Area
- 1.5.6 Timothy York as Stained Glass Area Lead
- 1.5.7 Stained Glass Area to share Room 1 with Visual Arts
- 1.5.8 Management of Maker Mondays and New Member Orientations
- 1.5.9 Suggestion: Revising the Key Application Form
- 1.5.10 Executive Session
- 1.6 Decision Summary
- 1.7 Task Summary
Opening and Mission Statement
- The regular monthly meeting of the MakeICT board of directors convenes on Thursday, August 15 at 7:00 pm in the MakeICT building.
- MakeICT is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is operated entirely by volunteers. It’s our mission to innovate, learn, and build community at the intersection of art, technology, science, and culture.
Quote for Today:
“When we are truly having fun, we are not lonely. We are not anxious or stressed. We are not consumed by self-doubt or existential malaise. There is a reason that our moments of True Fun stand out in our memories: True Fun makes us feel alive.” ― Catherine Price, The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again
Roll Call:
Board Members:
- President: Gretchen Koch
- Vice President: Dean Day
- Secretary: Paul Shackelford
- Treasurer: Aaron Grindstaff
- Director At Large: Matthew Cleary - Absent for first three votes
- Director At Large: Eric Manda
- Director At Large: Aaron Norton
- Director at Large: Serena Oden-Powers - Absent
- Timothy York
- Aaron Rivers
- Rustin Atkeisson
- LaDeana Dockery
- Mike Barushok
- Piper Thomas
- James Lancaster
Thanks and Recognition
Thanks and recognition go to:
- James Lancaster and Gretchen Koch for putting up cameras
- Rustin Atkeisson for spearheading organization of volunteers to assist with ICT Comic Con and the Great Plains Renaissance Festival
- Rustin Atkeisson, Dave Hanson, James Lancaster, Matt Cleary, and Gretchen Koch for volunteering to design and build a new castle facade for the ren faire tent.
- Kim Burton for adding shelves to the cubbies in the Welcome Center to become permanent locations for various forms.
- Aaron and Piper for mowing and weed eating
- Mark Satoria and others who helped rearrange electronics
Old Business
Communications - Newsletter
The next newsletter will come out on the first of September. Please send blurbs to
- Be positive and forward-looking with articles.
- If asked to submit an article, you are allowed to say "No," with the exception of the President and VP, who will have to submit make-up articles the following month.
- Leads and Directors are encouraged to submit articles.
- Deadlines for submissions are on the 25th of each month.
- Newsletter will be published on the first of the month.
- Members are also encouraged to take photos of activities at MakeICT and submit them for the newsletter.
- Please make sure that photos are properly credited with who is in it and who took it.
First Thursday Board Workshop
The Board Workshop is an opportunity for members of MakeICT to get together and talk about plans and goals for MakeICT in an informal setting, outside of an official board meeting.
- Every First Thursday of the month (was second Wednesday of this month due to fourth of July)
- Workshop to address issues from members 7-8pm
- Closed executive session as needed for the Board 8-9pm
Area Reports
Director of Operations, Aaron Rivers, provided reports of activities in MakeICT areas:
Much of the news will be enacted by the board in this meeting, for brevity I will not cover that.
- The lounge continues to become a more popular destination for members.
- Facilities is gearing up to install type-B LED bulbs in all rooms.
- Russel Owens has named Thad Lawrence a SubLead in the Ceramics area.
Treasurer’s Report
- Income: $15,100
- Utilities insight: $2,850
- Instructor pay: $250
- Area expenses: $2,000
- Total expenses: $5,100
- Cash Positive by: $10,000
- Still working with CPA to file the tax abatement that may be retroactive to more than the start of the year. (got feedback, have a little more work, but so far, sounds good for abating back to 2019)
- Still working to take care of refinancing the mortgage on the building (have all the paperwork read)
- Completed Projects
- None completed in July but do not see much additional spending on AC
- In Work Projects
- $3,400 spent of $6,000 from the Collins grant to improve ventilation in the metals shops and wood shops.
- $9,800 of $10,000 spent on AC repair and replacement
- $1,100 of $2,000 spent on securing AC units
- Pledge drive for Keyacast Successful To pay $1,356 (Sep 1st call for pledges)
- Operation Grant Submitted, also working to get it from last year
- Don’t open windows in a shop if the AC unit is turned on.
- When leaving a shop:
- Make sure all windows are closed and locked
- Make sure no AC units are on
- Turn off the lights (except if one room’s lights are left on for security reasons)
- Drain portable units
New Business
Approval of Previous Minutes
Motion: Paul moves to approve the minutes as written.
Seconded by: Aaron N
- Dean votes: Yes
- Paul votes: Yes
- Aaron G votes: Yes
- Eric votes: Yes
- Aaron N votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: 7/18/24 minutes are accepted.
Medical/First Aid Kits
The proposition of expanding access to first aid materials was presented to the Leads and Chairs of MakeICT for evaluation by MakeICT President Gretchen Koch. That body unanimously found such need and has suggested that the metal and wood shops are in need of dedicated wall-mounted first aid kits in all of their rooms, and that additional wall-mounted kits be stationed at the west hall sinks, the defibrillator, and across from the restrooms in the south hall.
Further discussion at the Brunch with the board found consensus that the Facilities Area is also in need of a dedicated wall-mounted kit, and that the portable first aid kit presently in the cold metal shop should be moved to the Welcome Area. Presently, a small briefcase type first aid kit is stationed at the table in the entrance hall, and Timothy York has expressed that this kit would be suitable for and much appreciated in his stained glass classes. Additionally, Metals and Facilities are in need of burn cream for their kits.
Proposal by Director of Operations Aaron Rivers:
The suggested purchase is as follows:
- Six of the 2-shelf configuration ($90.24) (one for each of the needing shops: Metals, Woods, and Facilities)
- One for the west hall sink area
- One for the south hall opposite the bathrooms), and one of the 3-shelf configuration ($133.21, option must be chosen in the same listing) to mount at the defibrillator
- Burn cream for Metals and Facilities (144 packs for $14.95)
The total for this purchase is $741.33, which is in excess of the $500 discretionary spending limit.
Motion: Gretchen moves to approve the purchase.
Seconded by: Aaron Norton
- Dean votes: Yes
- Paul votes: Yes
- Aaron G votes: Yes
- Eric votes: Yes
- Aaron N votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Purchase of Medical/First Aid Kits is approved.
Letterpress Area
Director of Operations Aaron Rivers advises disbanding the Letterpress area for the following reasons:
- The area has not met any meaningful measure of its operational capacity.
- The greater part of the area’s machinery has been nonoperational for years.
- The area is bereft of any access policy.
- The letterpress is of little practical interest, and then only to an extreme minority of the MakeICT membership.
- The machine requires a level of expertise and maintenance that is beyond our current means.
If sufficient interest exists in the letterpress process, Aaron recommends that may still well be served by a smaller, safer, and more manageable machine that could be housed and maintained by the Visual Arts Area whose Lead, Kris Paxton, has expressed an interest in doing.
Aaron further recommends the sale of the machinery, and that it be repaired to maximize value prior to sale. The paper cutter (which is the only regularly used equipment in the area) and the laminating machine (which is used but effectively homeless) be a dedicated space where the cutter is presently installed, and the remainder of the Letterpress floor-space be granted to facilities which is overfull and badly in need of it.
- Aaron Grindstaff has expressed an interest in fixing up machinery to a working state prior to sale or further action.
- Aaron Grindstaff believes he can have a better feel for status by next board workshop on what needs to be done.
- Laminator belongs to no area
- Heidelberg belongs to Letterpress
- Paper Cutter - desire to keep but can’t physically move to visual arts so would likely stay in facilities
Motion: Dean moves to table item until next month’s board meeting.
Seconded by: Aaron G
- Dean votes: Abstain
- Paul votes: Yes
- Aaron G votes: Yes
- Eric votes: Yes
- Aaron N votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Determination of Letterpress Area status tabled until next board meeting.
Piper Thomas as Garden Area Lead
Aaron Rivers, has, in response to changing obligations at MakeICT decided to step down from the position of Garden Area Lead. This decision was announced to the Garden Committee at their July 27th meeting wherein he also nominated Garden Sublead Piper Thomas, to fill the role, and that nomination was approved unanimously.
Aaron wishes that it be known that Piper has been an indispensable presence in the MakeICT Community Garden, spearheading innovation and overseeing various vital functions. He has the appreciation, respect, and trust of the entire garden committee, the K-State Master Gardeners (with whom the Garden Committee works closely) and the individual plot renters who occupy the garden outside of the committee.
Motion: Dean moves to approve Piper Thomas as Garden Area Lead.
Seconded by: Eric
- Dean votes: Yes
- Paul votes: Yes
- Aaron G votes: Yes
- Eric votes: Yes
- Matthew votes: Yes
- Aaron N votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Piper Thomas is approved as Garden Area Lead.
Officially Make Stained Glass an Area
Motion: Paul moves to officially make stained glass an area.
Seconded by: Gretchen
- Dean votes: Yes
- Paul votes: Yes
- Aaron G votes: Yes
- Eric votes: Yes
- Matthew votes: Yes
- Aaron N votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Stained Glass is official area!
Timothy York as Stained Glass Area Lead
Motion: Gretchen moves to make Timothy York the Stained Glass Area Lead.
Seconded by: Eric
- Dean votes: Yes
- Paul votes: Yes
- Aaron G votes: Yes
- Eric votes: Yes
- Matthew votes: Yes
- Aaron N votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Timothy York is Stained Glass Area Lead.
Timothy York and Visual Arts Lead, Kris Paxton, have found common interest in sharing the Visual Arts Area (aka Room 1 or Classroom 1) and believe that doing so will benefit the MakeICT membership. Further, Classroom Lead, LaDeana Dockery, has given her approval to ceding the remainder of room one that is presently the responsibility of the Classroom Area for the aforementioned purpose.
Motion: Dean moves that we use part of Room 1 for the Stained Glass Area.
Seconded by: Paul
- Dean votes: Yes
- Paul votes: Yes
- Aaron G votes: Yes
- Eric votes: Yes
- Matthew votes: Yes
- Aaron N votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Stained Glass Area will use part of Room 1.
Management of Maker Mondays and New Member Orientations
It is the responsibility of the Membership Committee to:
- Build a happy, informed and engaged community of members.
- Grow membership base
- Host Maker Mondays
- Recruit and train volunteers for orientations, tours
- Improve member experiences
- Support security in providing a safe environment
Matthew Cleary as Membership Committee Lead
Motion: Aaron Norton moves we approve Matthew Cleary as Membership Committee lead.
Seconded by: Paul
- Dean votes: Oh hell yes
- Paul votes: Same
- Aaron G votes: Yes
- Eric votes: Yes
- Matthew votes: Abstain
- Aaron N votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Matthew Cleary is approved as Membership Committee lead.
Therefore going forward, the president is going to leave management of these events up to the Membership Committee. She has one suggestion to make:
Suggestion: Revising the Key Application Form
Existing key application form:
Proposed new key application form:
The application form for new members to request a badge would no longer require six signatures from two board members, two area or committee leads, and two keyed members. Instead, it would require two signatures: one from a board member, and one from the member of security creating the badge.
- Concerns expressed that proposed threshold is too low.
- We want people to get to know each other.
- We don’t want people to be afraid to talk, report issues, ask questions.
- Take a look at how we handle tours
- Want to avoid conveyor belt mentality in new member orientations.
- Will discuss more at next board workshop.
Rebooting the Gallery Committee
Dean Day called a meeting on Tuesday the 13th to propose re-creating the Gallery committee. Gretchen and LaDeana attended and expressed a desire to serve on the committee.
Background: The Gallery Committee was approved by the Board for the first time at the new space (here, as opposed to on Douglas) on July 21, 2022: “Ernst S Kind (chairperson), James Lancaster, Doug Wilson, LaDeana Dockery, Jim Hammer, and John Harrison. I will function as Chair until we get policy written, then the Chair will rotate.” The Committees policy states that “At least 5 members are required to submit a request to form a committee by adding the request to the next monthly board agenda.” However, the next line under Committee Formation states “Committees may also be formed directly by the board of directors.” The New Member Orientation presentation shows the Gallery committee as a Standing Committee, but it isn’t listed under Standing Committees on the main page of the wiki. MakeICT doesn’t currently have a Consignment committee, but it does have a Consignment Policy, approved by the Board on Feb. 20, 2017. The current entry for “Gallery” on the wiki is:
Executive Session
- Gretchen moves we go into executive session session for 20 minutes.
- No binding action was taken in executive session.
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: 7/18/24 minutes are accepted.
- @DECISION: Purchase of Medical/First Aid Kits is approved.
- @DECISION: Determination of Letterpress Area status tabled until next board meeting.
- @DECISION: Piper Thomas is approved as Garden Area Lead.
- @DECISION: Stained Glass is official area!
- @DECISION: Timothy York is Stained Glass Area Lead.
- @DECISION: Stained Glass Area will use part of Room 1.
- @DECISION: Matthew Cleary is approved as Membership Committee lead.
Task Summary
- None