August 18th 2022
- 1.1 Attendance
- 1.2 Standing Items
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.4.1 Treasurer’s Report - Gary
- 1.4.2 Treasurer’s Report - Gary
- 1.4.3 Treasurer Computer
- 1.4.4 MakeICT 10yr anniversary party
- 1.4.5 Jewelry Room Move
- 1.4.6 Recycling
- 1.4.7 Future Planning
- 1.4.8 Cardboard Regatta
- 1.4.9 Event tent purchase
- 1.4.10 AED purchase
- 1.4.11 July Minutes Approval
- 1.4.12 Schedule September Quarterly Meeting
- 1.4.13 Communications - TBD
- 1.4.14 Events Committee - X
- 1.4.15 Facilities Committee - Saga Romig
- 1.4.16 Finance Committee - Dan Kries
- 1.4.17 Fundraising - Ethan Doak
- 1.4.18 Letterpress - David
- 1.4.19 Lounge/Breakroom - David Mendoza
- 1.4.20 Garden - Sean Sandefur
- 1.4.21 IT - Tom Bloom
- 1.4.22 Inventory - Anna DiSalvo/Wallis Mead
- 1.4.23 Membership (and Community Outreach) - Jai
- 1.4.24 Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery
- 1.4.25 Scholarships - x
- 1.4.26 Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman/David Springs
- 1.4.27 Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- 1.4.28 Welcome Center - Angel
- 1.5 Other Items Discussed
- 1.6 Past Events
- 1.7 Upcoming Events
- 1.8 Decision Summary
- 1.9 Task Summary
Board Members
- Rustin Atkeisson, President
- Sherry Ibrahim, Vice President
- Ethan Doak, Secretary
- James Lancaster, At-Large
- LaDeana Dockery, At-Large
- Aaron Rivers, At-Large
- Doug Wilson, At-Large
- Jai Chauhan, Immediate-past President
- Gary Titus, Treasurer
- David Springs
- Jeremiah Burian
- Kimdao Ward
- Mike Barushok
- Patrick Hutchison
Standing Items
- Thanks & Recognition
- Marti Secondine for her help getting the treasurer paperwork together and sitting down to help Gary up to speed
- Thanks to Aaron Rivers, Joe Birzer, and David Miller for all their efforts in the woodshop ripping down chalkboards and putting up a wood rack
- Jason “the hippie guy” for being a great plant waterer
Old Business
COVID Mask Policy Discussion / Update - All
- Prior meetings:
- MakeICT has no requirement to wear masks. However, MakeICT reserves the right to require mask wearing during indoor scheduled group activities at the discretion of the activity organizer with advance notice.
- Per: (Checked April 14th, no change since last meeting)
- In Sedgwick County, Kansas, community level is Low.
- People may choose to mask at any time. People with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask.
- If you are immunocompromised, learn more about how to protect yourself.
- April 14, 2022
- Johns Hopkins tracker
- Sedgwick County
- Per: (Checked April 14th, no change since last meeting)
Name alignment between various locations - Jai
- Patrick & James L. to follow up with Tom B. to close this issue out
- Jai says the state of Kansas does not consider a difference in our name with or without a space
- Secretary of state’s online system considers us the same entity, if we want to change the space we need to talk to a human.
- Filing was updated for June 15th
- need to look into if there is a penalty for filing late so that the current board can be listed
- Network for Good (Facebook) has been administering funds (not sure if all funds have been sent)
- Patrick & James L. to follow up with Tom B. to close this issue out
- Name Alignment between secretary of state and IRS
- Not a show stopping issue at this point
Discrimination and Harassment Policy/Committee
- Progress update
- Tuesday the 30th 7pm for first meeting
- Letterpress - working on it as of 7/21, will have it done before the 1st class
Discrimination and Harassment Policy/Committee
- Progress update
- Tuesday the 30th 7pm for first meeting
New Business
Treasurer’s Report - Gary
Treasurer’s Report - Gary
- Woodshop Fundraiser
- More equipment purchased for woodshop
- next finance meeting will be on Monday September 19th at 6:30pm
- MakeICT was put in the wrong category for Property Taxes, Jai filed a protest and had a hearing, More hoops are being jumped through, but should be resolved by September hopefully
Treasurer Computer
- given the issues and unreliability of accessing QB remotely, there is a need for a designated laptop for the treasurer that can connect to the internet and reliably
- QB issue was fixed on Gary’s PC
- Not a high urgency issue, but something we will continue to dig into
- QB online is $75/yr
- Issue was with the Accountant being certified with QB online
- Table motion to buy laptop until further discussion done with Gary and Finance
Request the Finance Committee provide a recommendation to the board.
MakeICT 10yr anniversary party
- December marks 10yrs of officially being a 501(c)(3) and it’s a Maker Monday!
- Looking at December 3rd for the event
- maker fair/open house combo
- considering live music from bands with makers involved (need to look into restrictions)
- PUD does not include live outdoor music (we do have some restrictions)
- Might be okay indoors
- From our PUD: “Live music, or music provided by a DJ, is an option for events and shall be located entirely within a building.”
- Tom Page Trio/Quatro/?? Is interested in playing
- need volunteer willing to champion this event
- Aaron Rivers would like to lead the event
- Kim Nguyen would also like to help with the event
- Motion to recognize champion and enable them to lead the event?
Rustin moves that we have a 10 year anniversary party on the 3rd of December with Aaron Rivers as Champion of that event. Aaron seconds Motion carried unanimously @DECISION: Board intends to hold a 10 year anniversary party, Aaron Rivers will head the efforts
Jewelry Room Move
- Jewelry needs more room
- Considering moving into a part of room 1
- Move bike repair into cold metalshop
- LaDeana would like to have 2 nice classrooms available (may mean adding a/c to classroom 2 immediately)
- Motion to approve move?
- PUD/code plan/building code/fire code concerns mean we may need to table this motion until further research can be completed.
- A visual arts meeting is scheduled for Monday the 22nd from 6-7.
Rustin will follow up with Jai to find the best contact with the city, to ask their opinions on this move.
- Had considered getting a recycling can
- would have been residential sized and would be charged an extra $10/month
- Might have another option where the company would pay us to recycle
- ABC recycling picked up scrap from the metalshop this past month as well as aluminum
- Aluminum cans are no longer being accepted by some recyclers
- We do need to designate a spot to recycling station in both wings
- Instead of going with a service at this time, we will setup recycling bins and see how quickly they fill
Future Planning
- Revisit 5yr plan and see how we’re coming along with the last 5yr plan
- Need to establish a good 1yr budget to work for future years to come up with what is feasible in 5yrs
- Area leads need to submit a 1yr plan for each area
- Motion to establish a future planning ad hoc committee with LaDeana as chairperson/empress with the following goals
- Create a 1, and 5 year plan
- Suggest creating a policy that encourages future members large to be the next chairperson of the committee (work assignment)
LaDeana moves to establish a future planning ad hoc committee with LaDeana as chairperson/empress with the proceeding goals
- Rustin Seconds
6 Votes yes, 1 abstain @DECISION: Created ad hoc committee with laDeana as chair to create 1 and 5 year plans and review committee policy
Cardboard Regatta
- Officially Recognize the cardboard regatta on the 27th of August
Insurance came back with restrictions for the event: The additional premium to add this event to the policy would be $34. All participants must sign liability waivers prior to competing in the boat race competition. Please forward a blank copy of the waiver. Either professional police and/or medical personnel must be on sight to oversee the safety of the event. Please note, participants will be excluded on the policy. Coverage is for spectators only.
- Potentially a motion that we give Rustin the power to make a decision.
- Police officer in KC min charge of about $38/hour, event is scheduled from 12-5. Totaling $190.
- Rustin moves we add the additional premium to our policy of $34 to allow us to do other outdoor events on a yearly basis.
LaDeana seconds. Motion carries unanimously @DECISION: Added a an additional premium to our Insurance to allow events off MakeICT Campus
Rustin moves we contact the City/County to see if police/medical professionals can be arranged, and the price. If, That price if above $200 will be submitted to the board for approval via email and/or phone call and reported on via the next board meeting, or that the event may be canceled, if the cost is not approved. Sherry seconds Motion carries unanimously @DECISION: Approved a budget to have a police officer at the event
- Classroom 1 can be used for construction for the regatta, classroom 2 for overflow, but please check schedule to make sure a class is not going on
Event tent purchase
- The 10x10 tents aren’t great
- The 20x20 loaner tent we have been using for the renaissance fair is falling apart
- Can use up to a 20x30 tent for the renaissance fair
- need something that can be easily setup and doesn’t require a specific member to be there to setup
- currently looking at end of season sales on a lot of tents
- suggest getting a King Canopy 18x27 for $700 from Cabelas
Ethan moves we buy the tent LaDeana seconds Motion carries unanimously @DECISION: A tent will be purchased for use at Ren Fair and similar events
Woodshop to requisition 7hp motor from old table saw
- Aaron and the Woodshop would like to use this motor to create an upgraded dust collection system for the woodshop.
- The old Table saw in question is more dangerous than the Sawstop machine currently used
- Don’t anticipate having the cyclone built this month
- Rustin moves to allow Aaron to use the motor from the table saw for a more industrial dust collection system, and sell the table to get it out of the maintenance shop. Funds generated from the sale of the table are to go to the woodshop.
Aaron Seconds 6 votes yes, 1 vote no @DECISION: The Woodshop under Aaron will take the 7hp motor out of the old table saw for use in a dust collection system, and will sell the table
AED purchase
- Batteries are no longer available
- Our model of AED is no longer supported
- FDA ended support at the February of 2021
- New AEDs run near $2,000
- Jai will research and recommend an AED to the space.
- Jai moves we approve paying up to $2000 for a new, usable AED Device to be usable in the space
James seconds Motion carries unanimously @DECISION: Budgeted up to $2000 to purchase a new Automated external defibrillator as the old one is out of support
July Minutes Approval
- Rustin moves to approve minutes from July 21st
- Second by LaDeana
Motion carries unanimously
- Board to review August 5th minutes in September board meeting pending review by James and Ethan.
@DECISION: July Minutes approved
Schedule September Quarterly Meeting
- next normal board meeting: Sept 15th 7pm
- Quarterly meeting Sept 25th 5pm (potluck ahead @5pm)
- Motion to set the next membership quarterly meeting to September 25th at 5pm.
- Second by LaDeana
Motion Carries unanimously by acclimation @DECISION: Scheduled next Quarterly Board meeting for September 25th @5pm
Communications - TBD
- Meetings:
- Recurring: 4th Wednesday @ 8pm
Events Committee - X
- See above (Classroom Management Committee)
Facilities Committee - Saga Romig
- On Calendar Tuesday 6:30
Finance Committee - Dan Kries
- 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30
- Usually meet in Room 3 or the lounge (whichever is cooler)
Fundraising - Ethan Doak
- Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd Thursday @ 7pm)
- Will need help as we look into BIG projects like a new roof and A/C
- Will need someone from metalshop to help apply for welding safety equipment scholarship
Letterpress - David
- Jai and David have discussed getting a Bento card for Letterpress (also need to look at setting up a card for Events committee, and garden committee)
Lounge/Breakroom - David Mendoza
Next meeting not on calendar: When?
- Suggested to see if people want to take over this.
- As per committee policy: No meeting for a while, will need to be reviewed 2 months/meetings from now.
Garden - Sean Sandefur
- Meetings 10am Sundays
- having meetings on Sundays
- have been hard at work on a walkway in the garden
IT - Tom Bloom
- Next meeting ?
Inventory - Anna DiSalvo/Wallis Mead
- Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd Wednesday @ 6pm)
- Have had meetings listed, but membership has fallen. Only 2 people at last 2 meetings.
Membership (and Community Outreach) - Jai
Membership as of 2022-04-14: 467 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-04-21: 466 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-05-12: 462 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-06-16: 459 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-07-21: 457 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-08-18: 456 (plus 2 donors)
- next meeting Monday August 15th at 8pm
Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery
- See Classroom above.
Scholarships - x
- As per committee policy: No meeting for a while, will need to be reviewed in August.
Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman/David Springs
- are working on a proposal to update and upgrade the security cameras
Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- See events
Welcome Center - Angel
Next meeting not on calendar: When?
- As per committee policy: No meeting for a while, will need to be reviewed 1 months/meetings from now.
Other Items Discussed
Past Events
Upcoming Events
- Maker Monday
- 2nd and 4th Mondays
- Breakfast with the board
- September ?? 9am
- Rock Rd Village Inn
- Member Orientation
- Saturday 3rd @2:30pm
- Tuesday 20th @ 6pm
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Board intends to hold a 10 year anniversary party, Aaron Rivers will head the efforts
- @DECISION: Created ad hoc committee with laDeana as chair to create 1 and 5 year plans and review committee policy
- @DECISION: Added a an additional premium to our Insurance to allow events off MakeICT Campus
- @DECISION: Approved a budget to have a police officer at the event
- @DECISION: A tent will be purchased for use at Ren Fair and similar events
- @DECISION: The Woodshop under Aaron will take the 7hp motor out of the old table saw for use in a dust collection system, and will sell the table
- @DECISION: Budgeted up to $2000 to purchase a new Automated external defibrillator as the old one is out of support
- @DECISION: July Minutes approved
- @DECISION: Scheduled next Quarterly Board meeting for September 25th @5pm
Task Summary
- None
Aaron moves to adjourn LaDeana seconds Motion carries unanimously by acclimation