August 5th 2022
Board Members
- Rustin Atkeisson, President
- Sherry Ibrahim, Vice President
- Ethan Doak, Secretary
- James Lancaster, At-Large
- LaDeana Dockery, At-Large
- Doug Wilson, At-Large
- Aaron Rivers, At-Large
- Jai Chauhan, Immediate-past President
- Gary Titus, Treasurer
Brad Cozine
Cathy Bowman
Christian Kidel
Dave Miller
David Springs
Erik D
Kim Ward
Malissa Long
Michael Atherton
Michelle Lefavor
Mike Barushok
Patrick Hutchison
Sarah Denton
Scott Sullivan
Steve Owens
Steve Saner
Wesley Timmerman
1. Comments should be kept brief and concise
2. Comments need to be kept on topic
3. Comments from others should be treated with respect and without being interrupted
4. Speakers commenting for more than 3 minutes will be asked to wrap up their comment
5. Since this is a virtual meeting, please mute your mic when not talking
6. Names of people involved should be kept anonymous
7. When you would like to speak, select the 'raise hand' button in google meets and wait for the secretary to recognize you before speaking. Speakers will be selected in order of hand raises.
8. Any speaker that cannot follow these guidelines will be muted as necessary and removed if it becomes a problem
The board will address issues brought before us with concern and dignity.
This meeting is not for any other business before the board.
New Business
- Call to order
- Prepared comments sent to the board will be read at this time
Statement read by Vice President Sherry written by Jessica.
Statement from Malissa.
- Board member comments
Jai commented Rustin commented Sherry commented Aaron commented LaDeana commented Ethan commented James commented Doug commented
- Member in Question Comments
Member in Question commented
- Membership comments
- Closing Board/Member in Question Comments
Aaron moves to adjourn the meeting with a continuation of the member in question's membership and suspension following the the following 2 stipulations:
Member in Question gets signatures from 6 board members on a filled out Key Form. After 3 months from this date.
That they describe the work they have done in therapy and in anger management class to respond to feedback in a more healthy manner.
Ethan Seconds
Motion passes unanimously, meeting adjourned.
@DECISION: Continuation of membership and suspension to be reviewed after 3 months with a proposal
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Continuation of membership and suspension to be reviewed after 3 months with a proposal
Task Summary
- None