Board Meeting 2020-01-16
From MakeICT Wiki
Jump to navigationJump to search2019 December 19 Board meeting minutes
- 1.1 Roll Call
- 1.2 Standing Items
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Committee Reports
- 1.5.1 Awards Committee - Kim Burton
- 1.5.2 Communications (and Wikibrarian)
- 1.5.3 Facilities Committee
- 1.5.4 Finance Committee
- 1.5.5 Fundraising- Kate Goad
- 1.5.6 IT - Tom Bloom
- 1.5.7 Membership (and Community outreach)
- 1.5.8 Outreach (and Education) - Daryl Goad
- 1.5.9 Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
- 1.5.10 Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - Nicole Kirkhart
- 1.5.11 New Building Committees
- 1.6 Decision Summary
- 1.7 Task Summary
Roll Call
Board Members
- President - David Springs
- Vice President - Alysa Bumgarner
- Treasurer - Devin Halsey (absent)
- Secretary - Rustin Atkeisson
- At Large Director - LaDeana Dockery
- At Large Director - Scott Sullivan
- At Large Director - Josh Robinson
- At Large Director - Malissa Long (absent)
- Immediate Past President - Kim Burton
- Daniel Johnson
- John Nicholas
- James Lancaster
- Bart Walker
- Kate Goad
- Mike Barushok
Standing Items
- Thanks & recognition
- Thanks to everyone that has been working on the building
- Thanks to everyone that has been helping out with the rummage sale
- Mark Satoria for figuring out the hydronic heating system
- Monty Myrtle for all his help with the electrical
- Matthew Cooley for all the help with plumbing
- Mike Barushok for leading up the rummage sale
- Kate and Goad Family for all their time on the grants
Old Business
New Business
- Treasurer’s report
- Donation - See Fundraising
- CCTV Policy
- as posted on
- Security and IT handle all security camera related issues relevant to their title.
- Access to security camera video footage is set by security. The Lead Security Officer may release video footage as deemed necessary to support law enforcement investigations. In all other cases, release of video footage to the public is only authorized by board approval.
- Motion made by Josh to approve replacing the policy, 2nd by LaDeana
- Motion Passers, 6 Approved
@DECISION: CCTV policy to be updated as approved during the board meeting
- Adding Josh to the banking account
- Motion Made by Scott to approve adding Josh to the account. 2nd By LaDeana
- Motion Passes, 6 approved (2 absent)
- Motion Made by Scott to approve adding Josh to the account. 2nd By LaDeana
@DECISION: Board resolution passed to allow Josh Robinson access to the Emprise Bank accounts.
- Bingo Casino Volunteers Needed - see more in newsletter
- South Kansas Woodturners (SKW) - an American Association of Woodturners (AAW) Chapter - would like to start a ‘partnership’ with MakeICT
- Would bring in 4 lathes and set aside one of those lathes for maintenance outages
- May bring 1 to Douglas now to support classes
- Will look at an agreement in the near future
- Doug (woodshop lead) is in favor of this
- Josh proposes to accept a partnership with SKW. 2nd LaDeana
- Motion passes, 6 Approved
@DECISION: MakeICT to form a partnership with John’s lathe guild.
- Josh and Alysa to follow up with SKW to come up with a written agreement
- Help needed at Booth - Electrical/Plumbing/Drywall/Auction/Cleaning
- Close to pulling permits for electrical and plumbing
Upcoming Events
- Feb 1st - Goal date to have Certificate of Occupancy
- Might be a little late on plumbing, but should have electrical good to go
Committee Reports
Awards Committee - Kim Burton
- Donor wall signs have been made!
Communications (and Wikibrarian)
Facilities Committee
- Inventory Progress
- 0% complete
Finance Committee
Fundraising- Kate Goad
- Get the lights on – through 4/1/20
- Continuing solicitation of donations
- Work on Grants – 3 grants submitted
- Fundraising newsletter with status.
- Making it Awesome – through 4/1/21
- Grand opening fundraising event open to the public.
- Room sponsorships - will formalize soon
- Continue grants – 8 grants submitted.
- Make Founding Day a thing. Would like to start advertising and setting up for the event sooner this year
- Holiday Galleria Booth - would like to get MakeICT involved with this
- Keeping the Momentum Going
- Want to increase income from income streams by 5%.
- Will consider new income streams.
- Want to expand grant solicitation.
IT - Tom Bloom
- CCTV Policy Review
Membership (and Community outreach)
Outreach (and Education) - Daryl Goad
Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - Nicole Kirkhart
- On hiatus until January
New Building Committees
Moving Committee
Procurement Committee
Building Modifications
- Progress Report
Garage Sale Committee - David Springs
- Progress Report
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: CCTV policy to be updated as approved during the board meeting
- @DECISION: Board resolution passed to allow Josh Robinson access to the Emprise Bank accounts.
- @DECISION: MakeICT to form a partnership with John’s lathe guild.
Task Summary
- None