Board Meeting 2020-02-20
From MakeICT Wiki
Jump to navigationJump to search2019 February 20 Board meeting minutes
- 1.1 Roll Call
- 1.2 Standing Items
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Committee Reports
- 1.5.1 Awards Committee - Kim Burton
- 1.5.2 Communications (and Wikibrarian)
- 1.5.3 Facilities Committee
- 1.5.4 Finance Committee
- 1.5.5 Fundraising- Kate Goad
- 1.5.6 IT - Tom Bloom
- 1.5.7 Membership (and Community outreach)
- 1.5.8 Outreach (and Education) - Daryl Goad
- 1.5.9 Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
- 1.5.10 Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - Nicole Kirkhart
- 1.5.11 New Building Committees
- 1.6 Decision Summary
- 1.7 Task Summary
Roll Call
Board Members
- President - David Springs
- Vice President - Alysa Bumgarner
- Treasurer - Devin Halsey - absent
- Secretary - Rustin Atkeisson
- At Large Director - LaDeana Dockery
- At Large Director - Scott Sullivan
- At Large Director - Josh Robinson
- At Large Director - Malissa Long
- Immediate Past President - Kim Burton
- Paula Pankratz
- Mike Barushok
- Patrick Hutchison
- James Lancaster
Standing Items
- Thanks & recognition
- Long list - to be updated later
- David for being there
Old Business
New Business
- Treasurer’s report
- Had to spend a lot of money on Booth
- Did have to pay the property taxes on Booth before we could get the deed
- Working on getting exempt from the taxes next year, but will need the CO first
- Had to spend a lot of money on Booth
- Borrowed Spirit Workers
- Spirit loaned us a few people to help with:
- Prepping for the Auction
- Small tasks to prepare for painting the building
- Removing the boiler!!!
- Spirit loaned us a few people to help with:
- Auction
- need 4 or 5 members for 4 or 5 hrs at Booth Saturday to get items on the site
- contact David Springs if interested and able to
- Donation - See Fundraising
- Raffle
- We are allowed to have one, as long as we don’t sell over $25,000.01 in tickets
- Would start within the next week
- Plan is to get more funding in before we move into Booth
- Haysville Bingo
- Haysville Angels of Hope have requested a $75 gift card to use as a bingo prize
- Josh motions to approve giving a $75 gift card to Haysville Angels of Hope. 2nd by Scott
- Motion approved 7 for, 0 against
@DECISION: MakeICT to donate a $75 gift card to Haysville Angels of Hope.
- Quarterly Meeting/Work Day
- At Booth, Sunday March 8th
- Moving
- Area leads need to start figuring out how to box/palletize their stuff
- It would behove the area leads to plan ahead on the move, and consider what equipment might need to be moved first
Upcoming Events
- Certificate of Occupancy update
- Still waiting
- Working with the fire department on a couple issues
- City Councilmen are involved
- Still aiming to at least get the code plan approved by the end of February
- Still waiting
Committee Reports
Awards Committee - Kim Burton
- Still owes a couple people signs
Communications (and Wikibrarian)
Facilities Committee
- Inventory Progress
- 0% complete
Finance Committee
Fundraising- Kate Goad
- Get the lights on – through 4/1/20
- Making it Awesome – through 4/1/21
- Star Lumber is ongoing. Offering a discount.
- Mabee - need to determine what we can ask for. Cannot do this without knowing what we have already in donations.
- Need to remind members of the Make ICT smile app on Amazon - Maybe put this in the newsletter?
- Plates cataloged and ready to be photographed.
IT - Tom Bloom
Membership (and Community outreach)
Outreach (and Education) - Daryl Goad
Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - Nicole Kirkhart
New Building Committees
Moving Committee
Procurement Committee
Building Modifications
- Progress Report
Garage Sale Committee - David Springs
- Progress Report
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: MakeICT to donate a $75 gift card to Haysville Angels of Hope.
Task Summary
- None