Board Meeting 2020-04-16
From MakeICT Wiki
Jump to navigationJump to search2019 April 16 Board meeting minutes
- 1.1 Roll Call
- 1.2 Standing Items
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Committee Reports
- 1.5.1 Awards Committee - Kim Burton
- 1.5.2 Communications (and Wikibrarian)
- 1.5.3 Facilities Committee
- 1.5.4 Finance Committee
- 1.5.5 Fundraising- Kate Goad
- 1.5.6 IT - Tom Bloom
- 1.5.7 Membership (and Community outreach)
- 1.5.8 Outreach (and Education) - Daryl Goad
- 1.5.9 Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
- 1.5.10 Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - Nicole Kirkhart
- 1.5.11 New Building Committees
- 1.6 Decision Summary
- 1.7 Task Summary
Roll Call
Board Members
- President - David Springs
- Vice President - Alysa Bumgarner
- Treasurer - Devin Halsey
- Secretary - Rustin Atkeisson
- At Large Director - LaDeana Dockery
- At Large Director - Scott Sullivan
- At Large Director - Josh Robinson
- At Large Director - Malissa Long
- Immediate Past President - Kim Burton
- George Hanson
- Patrick Hutchison
- Joseph Pajor
- Dan Kries
- Tony Hernandez
- Dean Day
- Mike Barushok
- John Nicholas
- Keith Thorton
- Fred Castillo
- Larry
- Gary T
- Jim?
- Kristina Griffith
- Angel Mejia
- Paula Pankratz
- James Lancaster
- Sean Reed
Standing Items
- Thanks & recognition
- Everyone that came out last weekend to help with the final demo and cleanup at Douglas
- Everyone that has been helping with getting Booth ready for the certificate of occupancy
- Paula Pankratz and Kathy for all their efforts recruiting efforts and ‘go to it’ attitudes
- Malissa, Josh, and all the makers that have been cranking out PPE in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic - we will post on the facebook page everyone’s involvement
- Terrance and Christian for all their efforts on keeping both sites running
Old Business
- The Move
- All of our equipment is now at Booth!!!
- Had a little bit of demolition to do after moving all of our stuff out
- Property managers were floored by how nice of condition we left the building!
- Did say we had to pull up the ‘nasty green’ carpet up front along with the walls to the woodshop and ceramic studio.
- will get to use the glass doors from the woodshop on the new fablab
- will also get to use the heating and cooling system from the woodshop in the new building
- Still need a few big things done at Booth, but the list is shrinking
- We are shut down to normal making, but we are allowed to continue to do construction work
- Auction
- Our first auctioneer disappeared
- The Covid-19 shutdown hampered further attempts to make major sale happen
- Ended up 3-Nerd-Rule each room
- Will have everything out of the rooms in a week or two
- Raffle
- Grand Prize- $2,500 cash
- First Prize- Surface pro 7 12.3’’ or Ipad Pro 12.9”
- 2nd Prize- 75’’ 4k smart TV
- 3rd Prize - 1yr MakeICT membership
- We have tickets available as of 2pm today (packets of 20 tickets can be sold as well)
- Anyone can buy tickets since our CPA is running the drawing
- Tickets are $20 each, or 6 for $100
- We have already sold a handful of tickets
- We have 1500 tickets, but will have to stop before selling $25,000 per state laws
- Any member that would like to sell these tickets, is welcome to contact David Springs
- Need to sell about 200 tickets for the raffle to be successful
New Business
- Treasurer’s report
- Very close to our original cash flow projections despite not being able to have classes
- Did not lose any members during the move, we are below the number of members estimated, but we are behind in opening the new building
- We are losing membership because of this shutdown
- We do have slightly more in the bank than what we projected
- Does include the funds from the Auction/3-Nerd-Sale
- We did have some extra expenses (fire hydrant, parking lot)
- Have had some expenses reduced (like filament)
- Donation - See Fundraising
- Member Freddy Castillo - UV Printer Request
- Would like to get the UV printer up and running and out of storage
- Freddy would like to be the lead over the UV printer
- UV printing is something that Freddy is passionate about
- Would consider working with the Fablab lead () as a sub-lead
- UV printing can print on any material like an inkjet printer, can be used like screen printing but is not the same thing as screen printing
- Board welcomes Freddy Castillo to the team!
- Century Manufacturing
- Would like to donate a Powermatic table saw to MakeICT
- As well as a duplicating lathe & drum sander (or something similar)
- Has tons of ;Acrylic sheets and blocks he would like to donate as well
- They have been impressed with MakeICT, our membership, and our mission
- (donated the UV printer we currently have)
- Election Committee
- Need to get on it! Election will be in 2 months
- Currently composed of LaDeana, Malissa, and Rustin (need at least 3 people, person from IT, security, possibly former board members)
- Membership
- Are at about 393 today
- We DO NOT want to raise dues
- Will look at having people that re-join or become a new member fill out a survey with demographic information
- Access to Booth
- Temporary Keypad stopped working
- Might have the badge reader up by the end of the week
- Otherwise, contact a board member for access
- Covid-19
- Even after the ban is lifted, we will continue to be mindful of sanitization around the new building
Upcoming Events
- Certificate of Occupancy update
- Plumbing - Have the equipment, flanges installed for toilets, still need to install drinking fountains (the plumber will try to be in tuesday to do more, the following weekend will be a big push)
- Electrical - progress has been made for water fountains, still need to put in a lot of 110v and 220v outlets
- Fire walls - working on the doors and drywall, still need to fire caulk all the openings between rooms (caulking must remain red and can not be painted)
- Fire doors are installed, but still need some adjustment (thanks Steve!)
- Heating - still need to install the HVAC system
- Exterior doors - need to tinker with them to get opening force to be under 15 lbs
- Paula has been working to keep groups small, but we still have groups working on the building at different times.
- We are still concerned with members health
- David has been forwarding e-mails asking to help on to Paula
- Paula has done an EXCELLENT job of keeping people organized and informed
- Paula has been working to keep groups small, but we still have groups working on the building at different times.
Committee Reports
Awards Committee - Kim Burton
- Donor signs are in the office at Booth
- Kim will be working with Paula to find ways to post those at Booth
- We still have a list of donors to put on signs but we are up for more donors!
Communications (and Wikibrarian)
- Still need someone to fill this role
Facilities Committee
- Inventory Progress
- database is at Booth, but is offline at the moment
- are working to get the system back up and running
Finance Committee
- Have submitted the form for property tax abatement
- As of APRIL 1st (not a joke) we are no longer paying for 2 properties!
Fundraising- Kate Goad
- Has been putting in a few more Walmart Grants
- Did receive matching funds from Verizon and Textron for donations from members
- We are working on more grants
- Get the lights on – through 4/1/20
- Making it Awesome – through 4/1/21
IT - Tom Bloom
- Most of the offsite stuff is working as it was
- Discovered a new problem with the door controls, but are working on it
Membership (and Community outreach)
- Need to fill the role
- Kim will start a new thread on this subject
Based on the renewal date, note gap in data (horizontal line), and daily data collection only started later.
Outreach (and Education) - Daryl Goad
Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
- The alarm is functioning
- Will automatically arm at night
- There are a few ways to trigger the system now
- Make sure to get an alarm code from Ken if you plan at being at Booth in the evening
- Working to upgrade the video camera system
Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - Nicole Kirkhart
- Makerfaire was cancelled for this year, but will keep the people that registered notified for next year
- Found the cattle car power wheels racer while cleaning out Douglas
- needs some help getting back up and running
- Lots of new projects coming up
- Ham radio tower
- Public garden
- Lots of new projects coming up
New Building Committees
Moving Committee
Procurement Committee
Building Modifications
- Progress Report
Garage Sale Committee - David Springs
- Progress Report
Decision Summary
- None
Task Summary
- None