Board Meeting 2020-05-21
From MakeICT Wiki
Jump to navigationJump to search2019 May 20 Board meeting minutes
- 1.1 Roll Call
- 1.2 Standing Items
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Committee Reports
- 1.5.1 Awards Committee - Kim Burton
- 1.5.2 Communications (and Wikibrarian)
- 1.5.3 Facilities Committee
- 1.5.4 Finance Committee
- 1.5.5 Fundraising- Kate Goad
- 1.5.6 IT - Tom Bloom
- 1.5.7 Membership (and Community outreach)
- 1.5.8 Outreach (and Education) - Daryl Goad
- 1.5.9 Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
- 1.5.10 Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - Nicole Kirkhart
- 1.5.11 New Building Committees
- 1.6 Decision Summary
- 1.7 Task Summary
Roll Call
Board Members
- President - David Springs
- Vice President - Alysa Bumgarner
- Treasurer - Devin Halsey - ABsent
- Secretary - Rustin Atkeisson
- At Large Director - LaDeana Dockery
- At Large Director - Scott Sullivan
- At Large Director - Josh Robinson
- At Large Director - Malissa Long
- Immediate Past President - Kim Burton
- Joseph Pajor
- Tom Bloom
- Jai Chahaun
- Paula Pankratz
- James Lancaster
- Brian Pressnall
- Mike Barushok
- Larry Walton
- Aaron Wolf
- Steve Owens
- Steve Thornton
- Daniel
- Patrick Hutchison
- Dean Day
Standing Items
- Thanks & recognition
- Brian Pressnall for all the tree trimming
- All the makers for hanging in there with us
- Steve Thornton for putting in our 2nd bathroom!
- Kathy for being amazing with all the paint work
- Paula and Jai for heading up the construction
Old Business
- Auction - done, all is sold and will be leaving the building this weekend!
- Raffle - past the break even point but will continue to sell and accept tickets up to June 14
New Business
- Wild Apricot - last fall, they started hitting us with a 20% surcharge for not using their payment system
- we avoided that charge by paying for a year in advance
- should we go back to paying monthly?
- would allow us to get rid of Apricot at any point
- was recently bought by Personify and may eventually force us to use their paysystem
- we have looked at coming up with our payment system (Domesticated Apricot)
- Nation of Makers is also looking into a open source payment system
- Would be an extra $16/m to pay monthly (or run us about $2300/yr)
- Somewhere around ~$2090
- Suggest not paying for a full year until we are open
- Need clarification on where the charge is being placed
- Currently advise that we go back to paying monthly until construction is closer to completion
- Treasurer’s report
- still paying for extra insurance
- Election Committee
- Elections are next month
- Need to post a call (on the forum) for nominations today
- nominees need to e-mail
- Election Committee Nominees- potentially Malissa Long, LaDeana Dockery, Tom Bloom?, Ken Steadman?, Rustin Atkeisson, Kim Burton
- Election Committee would end up reviewing the results of the vote
- Rustin motions that the Election Committee be composed of LaDeana Dockery, Malissa Long, Ken Steadman and Rustin Atkeisson, as well as additional help as approved by the board. 2nd by kim b. Motion passes - 6 in favor, 1 abstained
@DECISION: 2020 Election Committee be composed of LaDeana Dockery, Malissa Long, Ken Steadman and Rustin Atkeisson, as well as additional help as approved by the board.
- Annual Meeting- June 21st, Father’s Day
- Membership
- Currently at 353 active members
- May look at virtual maker mondays in the near future
- Consider doing a membership drive when we open back up
- Will need to be careful about how we show the building
- Make some better use of social media
- Will talk more on the forum about this
- Access to Booth
- Still working on badge access
- Post on the forum for more questions
- Access will still be limited when the badge readers are up
- Still a lot of people up there DAILY
- Covid-19
- We are conforming to restrictions
- Need to make sure we are cleaning up more often
- Will be getting more guidance from Nation of Makers on how to continue dealing with Covid-19
- Application for a line of credit
- we’ll need more money to get to a full certificate of occupancy
- will need a Professional Engineer to review drawings for HVAC and Electrical
- looking at an ‘Improvement Loan’ based on a final evaluation of all the upgrades/improvements that we want to complete
- would need a ‘multifaceted appraisal’ done first (would cost about $2000)
- looks not only at the value of the property but the income MakeICT generates
- Jai believes with this loan that we could be completely done by mid July
- the line of credit would allow us to borrow more than we needed, and would not penalize us if we did not spend all of the amount or paying off the loan early
- currently at 4.75% interest rate (about the same rate we have today)
- this loan would be seperate from the amount we already borrowed for the building
- most likely not eligible to refinance,
- line of credit would effectively borrowing against the future value of the building
- Asking for appraisal 1st
- Will need mechanical and electrical drawings done up, signed and sealed before permits can be pulled
- Mechanical Survey is needed to figure out what electrical and heating loads we may actually need
- No way around getting the drawings signed before pulling permits
- Then asking to pursue a loan
- if we were done today, we are currently making more than we spend
- LaDeana moves to get a new appraisal and pursue a bank loan on the future value of the building, pursue a mechanical engineer and electrical engineer for the signed and sealed drawings required for permitting with a budget up to and not to exceed $20,000. 2nd by Malissa
Motion passes, 7 approved, none abstained. @DECISION: MakeICT will go forward with getting a new appraisal and pursue a bank loan on the future value of the building, pursue a mechanical engineer and electrical engineer for the signed and sealed drawings required for permitting with a budget up to and not to exceed $20,000.
- Appointment of GC to cover construction at Booth
- LaDeana moves to appoint Jai Chauhan as the general contractor until completion of the project. 2nd by Scott
Motion passes, 7 approved, none abstained @DECISION: Jai Chauhan is appointed as the general contractor until completion of the project.
Upcoming Events
- Certificate of Occupancy update
- Plumbing - epoxy is coming in hopefully tomorrow, have the 2nd office bathroom plumbed in, needs a door
- Electrical -
- Fire walls - have been inspected
- Heating/Mechanical
- don’t have to heat woodshop or metalshop but would have to heat the hall and 4 classrooms
- looking at heating/venting about 6500 sqft
- City would not let us pull a permit and are requiring a licensed mechanical engineer to sign off on drawings
- Looking at getting a survey done to get a better idea of what systems would serve our space the best
- Exterior doors - all exit signs are hung by all doors
- Roof - Jai patched a hole in the roof
- All fire extinguishers have been hung
Committee Reports
Awards Committee - Kim Burton
- Have found a good hanging system for the plagues
Communications (and Wikibrarian)
- Still need someone to fill this role
Facilities Committee
- Inventory Progress
Finance Committee
Fundraising- Kate Goad
IT - Tom Bloom
Membership (and Community outreach)
Outreach (and Education) - Daryl Goad
Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - Nicole Kirkhart
New Building Committees
Moving Committee
Procurement Committee
Building Modifications
- Progress Report
Garage Sale Committee - David Springs
- Progress Report
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: 2020 Election Committee be composed of LaDeana Dockery, Malissa Long, Ken Steadman and Rustin Atkeisson, as well as additional help as approved by the board.
- @DECISION: MakeICT will go forward with getting a new appraisal and pursue a bank loan on the future value of the building, pursue a mechanical engineer and electrical engineer for the signed and sealed drawings required for permitting with a budget up to and not to exceed $20,000.
- @DECISION: Jai Chauhan is appointed as the general contractor until completion of the project.
Task Summary
- None