Board Meeting 2020-07-16
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- 1.1 Roll Call
- 1.2 Standing Items
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Upcoming Events
- 1.6 Committee Reports
- 1.6.1 Awards Committee - Kim Burton
- 1.6.2 Communications (and Wikibrarian)
- 1.6.3 Facilities Committee
- 1.6.4 Finance Committee
- 1.6.5 Fundraising - Kate Goad
- 1.6.6 IT - Tom Bloom
- 1.6.7 Membership (and Community outreach)
- 1.6.8 Outreach (and Education) - Daryl Goad
- 1.6.9 Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
- 1.6.10 Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - Nicole Kirkhart
- 1.7 Decision Summary
- 1.8 Task Summary
Roll Call
Board Members
- JaiPal Chauhan, President
- Paula Pankratz, Vice-President
- Patrick Hutchison, Secretary
- Scott Sullivan, At Large
- Terrence Laurendine, At Large
- David Springs, Immediate Past President
- Kate Goad, Treasurer
- Tom Bloom, At Large
- Doug Wilson, At Large
- LaDeana Dockery
- Gary Titus
- Rustin Atkeisson
- Alysa
- Malissa Long
Standing Items
- Thanks & Recognition
- Our tireless volunteers who keep showing up to make this thing work, especially Kathy and Steve who are working non-stop.
- Roy for working on the bathrooms and the bathroom doors.
- Paula for coordinating all the volunteers and projects and keeping us moving forward.
- Brad for all the tile and concrete work in the kiln room and screen printing room.
Old Business
- Raffle: All prizes have been distributed to the winners. We made between $1,000 - $3,000.
New Business
- Treasurer’s Report
- No formal report. Kate is in-process of getting access to all of the accounts.
- No expenses of note since the last month’s meeting other than utilities. Just a couple small reimbursement checks have been written.
- Current Account Balances
- Emprise Bank: $21,201.01
- Southwest National: $818.22
- TDAmeritrade: $5,700.44
- Bento for Business: $2,722.38
- PayPal: $4,476.91
- Undeposited Funds (Jai has): $117
- Total Cash on Hand: $35,035.96
- Have the second half payment coming up to Behren for the parking lot for $2,500 (ish?)
- Membership
- Currently at 330 active members.
- Resolution to update the bank account to the new President and Treasurer.
- David moved that we accept the draft as presented and was seconded by Paula. 7 votes in favor, no votes against, nobody abstains.
@DECISION: Approved resolution to update bank account information for the officers at each of our financial institutions requiring such.
- Generic resolution on transfer of powers to new board if needed for any other entities that might require documentation to make a change.
- Will revisit if required.
- New Facilities Standing Committee
- Draft proposal presented for discussion:
- Discussed sanitization and COVID-19 and if that should be the responsibility of this new committee. Amended the description to include sanitization.
- Discussed SDS sheets and possibly a Safety Committee. David mentioned that the fire department did ask that we have an SDS Notebook that they would be able to access.
- Discussed working to evaluate the responsibilities of all of our committees, to look for overlap in responsibilities, clean that up, and work to find folks to staff those committees.
- Discussed engaging some folks to review the bylaws to make sure they are meeting our current needs.
- Discussed working on building a prioritized list of tasks and where we want to be so we can work within the resource and time restraints we have to accomplish the things we need to.
- Tom Bloom moves to accept the proposed Facilities Committee proposal as presented, to fill out the remaining pieces in the document later, Kate Goad seconds. 7 votes in favor, no votes against, nobody abstains.
@DECISION: Voted to establish a standing committee called Facilities Committee
- Re-Opening / Re-Orientation project for Membership Committee
- Draft proposal presented for discussion:
- Current Membership Committee description for reference:
- Discussed the purpose and function of the Membership Committee to see if it makes sense to add this project to the committee or set it out as a separate committee.
- Will wait to discuss this further as work is done to evaluate all of our committees and readdress later after that work has been done.
- Booth Building Updates
- Business plan / bank loan
- Mechanical Engineering Contractor
- Have hired MEI Engineering, with an $18,000 cap, to prepare sealed drawings of the required mechanical systems to meet city requirements.
- Electrical Contractor
- Have hired Pike Engineering for $1,700 to prepare sealed drawings to meet city requirements. He was out at the building today and met with Jai.
- Project Updates:
- Have widened the bathroom doors to meet ADA requirements.
- There were 9 folks who showed up at this week’s ReMakeICT Tuesday work night.
- Plumbing Work
- The plumber we have been working with is focusing on jobs that pay more. Jai is working to get the supplies we need and working on a list of the tasks that need to be done. Paula will get Jai a list of volunteers she has contact info for who are interested in that sort of work. They will put together a post for the forum to solicit volunteers.
- Jai has asked that the metal shop, woodshop, textiles, and screen printing area leads work to set up their areas so that they can be used to build the things we need to continue moving forward in the building remodel. He believes that we are allowed to do this under our current construction status with the city. There’s no deadline, and we understand that there will be limitations because of electrical availability.
- Quilting machine quote
- The party who had the machine no longer wishes to sell it, so this item is off the table.
- Original plan was to use the machine to help sew the curtains.
- Security cameras quote
- Ken prepared a quote that came back at less than $1,000 for additional cameras to provide expanded coverage outdoors, as well as in each of the spaces, particularly after the building intrusion that happened a month ago.
- IT will get together with Security to discuss, and to confirm server requirements, etc., and then bring the proposal back for consideration.
- Stella Hankins / Bella Bonita Designs unreturned items [Malissa Long]
- $235 in un-returned fabric and $116 in fabric bars that belong to MakeICT are in her possession. Malissa has been communicating with her for two months and has not had resolution. She is not a member of MakeICT.
- We will prepare a letter to send to her to be delivered by certified mail and/or process server to formalize our collection attempt. Malissa will get the details to Jai for that.
- We should double-check existing policy and be sure that it meets our needs.
Upcoming Events
- ReMakeICT Tuesdays work nights at booth, every Tuesday from 6:00PM - 9:00PM
- The list of tasks to work on getting our CO is long and there are lots of tasks that need to be completed.
Committee Reports
Awards Committee - Kim Burton
Communications (and Wikibrarian)
- Malissa has been trying to keep our Instagram and Facebook engaged, but has been busy and hasn’t had as much time to find interesting things to post.
Facilities Committee
Finance Committee
Fundraising - Kate Goad
- In a holding pattern since we are not high on the list for giving right now because of COVID. Haven’t had any luck on Walmart grants that have been applied for recently.
- Paula wants to make sure we work forward for the fourth quarter application period for the Mabee Foundation grant to fund roof, parking, and fire access road if required. Kate will work on the required financial records as she settles into the treasurer’s role.
IT - Tom Bloom
- Tom and Christian worked on the access control system last weekend. Tom will be back this coming weekend to re-mount the card reader when the wood finishing is done.
- They have taken over part of the security office for equipment because the IT closet was getting too hot.
Membership (and Community outreach)
Outreach (and Education) - Daryl Goad
Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - Nicole Kirkhart
- Don’t believe this committee still exists.
- Malissas reports no updates from Exploration place on Makerfaire.
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Approved resolution to update bank account information for the officers at each of our financial institutions requiring such.
- @DECISION: Voted to establish a standing committee called Facilities Committee
Task Summary
- None