Board Meeting 2020-08-20

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Roll Call

Board Members

  • JaiPal Chauhan, President
  • Paula Pankratz, Vice-President
  • Patrick Hutchison, Secretary
  • Scott Sullivan, At Large
  • Terrence Laurendine, At Large
  • Kate Goad, Treasurer
  • Tom Bloom, At Large
  • Doug Wilson, At Large


  • David Springs, Immediate Past President


  • Rustin Atkeisson
  • LaDeana Dockery
  • Daniel X

Standing Items

  • Thanks & Recognition
    • Steve Owens, for making a very substantial donation to our ongoing effort in addition to the many countless hours of effort put into the building.
    • To the Tuesday Night plumbing crews for doing a tremendous amount of work.
    • Rustin A and Roy for the fantastic Fab Lab barn doors.

Old Business

  • Report on resolution of Stella Hankins / Bella Bonita borrowed items from Textiles
    • Jai was able to retrieve a check for the value of the fabric, as well as the fabric roller and a chair. There are no remaining outstanding loaned items.

New Business

  • Treasurer’s Report
    • Jai and Kate have just got access to QuickBooks so not much to report. They have been able to pay Wild Apricot. Will have a real Treasurer’s report at the next meeting. Jai did do a deposit today with some of the usual monthly donation clearing houses like Project for Good and Dillons, etc., and Kate has done a transfer.
  • Membership
    • Currently at 302 active members.
    • 330 at the July meeting.
  • Credit Card for Recurring Expenses
    • Approve a credit card (not a debit card) in MakeICT name from Emprise bank that is not tied to any individual and can be used for our subscription payments regardless of board officer transition. This is a no-fee card for 501(c)(3) organizations. The treasurer would be responsible for this card.

@DECISION: We will get a no fee non-profit credit card from our bank to use for paying recurring expenses.

  • Building Renovation Update
    • Plumbing has been going well. Very close to being done! (thanks Sam!)
      • Sinks Hung and vented, and faucets should be in tomorrow.
      • Water bubblers hung
      • West hall is almost done plumbing wise
      • There’s quite a bit of work left to do in the south hall before we can get our inspection. Leak checking, sewer work, more stuff to clean out in the chase, etc..
      • Will have another plumbing push next week 8/24-26
    • New doors for Fab Lab.
    • ERP and Fab Lab just went through a big swap of stuff between rooms.
    • Finally found and solved the problem with the hallway electrical switches so they now work correctly.
    • Ed has been working on bookcase shelving in Classroom 2 and it’s finished.
    • Shelving in Classroom 1 is done.
    • Big whiteboards are coming up on the agenda for those rooms as work continues.
    • Parking lot light is still a mystery to be figured out.
    • The light on the NE corner of the building is working again.

  • Examination/explanation of MEi report on proposed HVAC systems
    • After reviewing and discussing the proposed options, we will approach the bank / and possible grant funders (specifically Mabee Foundation), with three options, most desirable to least, with the unit heater (garage type heaters) option as our four and last resort option that we think we can fund ourselves without any other funding options:
      • Appropriate mix (80% in rooms that the room air can be used for combustion air) of 80% and 95% with 18EER A/C
      • Appropriate mix of 80% and 95% with future A/C expansion
      • Appropriate mix of 80% and 95% heat only
    • Jai did reach out to Ron Estes and Jerry Moran with an ask to see if they were aware of COVID fund sources for non-profits that have been impacted by the pandemic and both responded that they were not.
    • Jai is continuing to communicate with the bank to get them to move forward. It’s been a slow process.
    • Jai, Paula, and others will meet Sunday to write up a grant request to the Mabee Foundation.

@DECISION: A prioritization of our options was made to use as we move forward in discussions with the bank and grant funders.

@DECISION: We will have Joe Pajor move forward with contacting the city planning board to see if installing radio towers is within the allowable uses of our PUD.

  • Committee Restructuring Work Update
    • Paula - Has some notes from meeting to figure out where we are at and who we can find to chair committees, as well as some possible ad-hoc committees we need to work on some projects.

Upcoming Events

  • ReMakeICT Tuesdays work nights at booth, every Tuesday from 6:00PM - 9:00PM
    • The list of tasks to work on getting our CO is long and there are lots of tasks that need to be completed.

Committee Reports

Awards Committee - Kim Burton

Scholarships - Kim Burton

Communications (and Wikibrarian)

  • Paula - Have a couple possible candidates for the Wikibrarian position.

Facilities Committee

  • See above.

Finance Committee - Kate Goad

  • Sunday we will be able to access and report.

Fundraising - Kate Goad

  • Sunday we will be able to access and report.

IT - Tom Bloom

  • Nothing of note to report. Nothing has been turned off.

Membership (and Community outreach)

Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery (interim)

  • See below.

Classroom Management Committee - LaDean Dockery (interim)

  • Have had two meetings online. Started to pull together stuff about requesting classroom reservations and whatnot. Working on this committee and the Outreach/Education committee at the same time.

Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman

  • Jai - Haven’t been broken into. New keycard system seems to be working pretty well.

Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - Nicole Kirkhart

Decision Summary

  • @DECISION: We will get a no fee non-profit credit card from our bank to use for paying recurring expenses.
  • @DECISION: A prioritization of our options was made to use as we move forward in discussions with the bank and grant funders.
  • @DECISION: We will have Joe Pajor move forward with contacting the city planning board to see if installing radio towers is within the allowable uses of our PUD.

Task Summary

  • None