Board Meeting 2020-11-19

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Roll Call

Board Members

  • JaiPal Chauhan, President
  • Paula Pankratz, Vice-President
  • Patrick Hutchison, Secretary
  • Scott Sullivan, At Large
  • Terrence Laurendine, At Large
  • Kate Goad, Treasurer
  • Tom Bloom, At Large
  • Doug Wilson, At Large
  • David Springs, Immediate Past President


  • Anna DiSalvo
  • Joe Pajor (happy hour only)
  • Brian Pressnall
  • Mike Barushok
  • James Lancaster
  • Steve Owens
  • Angel Mejia
  • June Huie
  • Ken Steadman
  • Steve Saner
  • Jeremiah Burian
  • Christian Kindel
  • John Nicholas
  • Rustin Atkeisson
  • LaDeana Dockery
  • Daniel Johnson
  • James Seymour
  • Malissa Long

Standing Items

  • Thanks & Recognition
    • All of our members who have stuck with us, it is paying off!!
    • For everyone who is planning on being in this weekend to knock off all the small stuff before our FULL CO inspection.
    • Kathy has been hard at work replacing windows!
    • Thanks to the first group that came through for orientation on Wednesday night!
    • Steve Owens for setting up the orientation and getting Wild Apricot going, and working on the Indiegogo setup.
    • Super thanks to Sam Shurter for all the time he spent in the chase and chasing plumbing and sewer lines
    • River City Mechanical, Shelly Electric, Love Plumbing for helping us get all of our certs signed off that are needed for our FULL CO
    • Everyone that pitched in on the Indiegogo campaign!

Old Business

  • Online Halloween Pumpkin Decorating Contest - Malissa
    • Anna was runner-up and got a gift card to AMC.
    • Dalene, the winner of the competition and the MakeICT Gift Card has gifted the card back to us. Malissa asks if she can re-use it with a random drawing of folks from a post on Facebook from folks who responded who are followers of our Facebook page when it reaches 5,920 likes for a social media promotion.
    • Jai asks Malissa to make sure the rules for how it would be awarded are clear. Paula asks that it be clear that the winner needs to be eligible to be a member.
    • Jai moves to allow Malissa to offer the three month membership gift card for 5,920 likes on Facebook which she will post on Facebook. Tom seconds. Nobody votes against, David abstains. Motion passes.
    • @DECISION: Board moves to allow gift card allocated for halloween pumpkin contest to be re-purposed for Facebook likes promotion.
    • Doug moves to allow the gift card to be applicable to any and all MakeICT fees, not just membership. No second. Motion fails.

New Business

  • Treasurer’s Update
    • Kate spoke with the finance committee, Paula, and Jai on Monday. She broke her leg and her ankle, and is unable to drive to the space to do the job. She has chosen to resign.
    • Terrence asks if she will be able to continue to stay in the loop and help with transition and/or future ability to return to the position. Kate will continue to be on the finance committee to help that way. She will be available to answer questions and help going forward as much as she can.
    • Jai says we will need to select an interim treasurer and have an election to appoint a new one to replace her.
    • Bylaws state: "In the case of a vacancy on the board, the remainder of the board has the right to appoint an interim member or to hold a special election to elect an interim member to fill the position for the remainder of the term." We have three months to do this per the bylaws. For reference: (Section 6 & 3 apply)
    • Jai says we should solicit the membership tomorrow for a volunteer to fill the position.
    • Malissa asks that we prepare a list of duties for the position to help make sure whomever we approach to do the job understands how much work is involved.
      • From the bylaws: The Treasurer shall serve as custodian of corporate funds, collect dues, present a financial report at each regular and annual meeting of members, assist in the preparation of the budget, make financial information available to all members and where deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors, to the public, and serve all other duties of a Treasurer as required by law or custom.
      • Work with our accountant
      • Keep Quickbooks accurate and up-to-date
      • Reconciliation of the books and identification of income streams
      • Weekly office hours will be required to accomplish the job successfully, maybe as often as every 3 - 4 days
      • Keep on top of cash payments / membership payments made directly
  • Treasurer’s Report
    • Emprise Bank Account Balance - $71,000 ish
    • We sorted out the different accounts at Southwest National Bank.
      • We released back to DevICT the monies that were held there for them, $900ish, and closed out that account.
      • Linux Fest account is still there pending action regarding Linux Fest and where the money came from and needs to go. We don’t believe the organization exists anymore.
    • $41,000 less $4,000 held in case of refunds, etc., from Indiegogo. The held funds will be given to us after a 6 month hold is up (minus fees).
    • Rivercity Mechanical contract will be invoiced at the end of this week, which will trigger an invoice from MEi. We have the funds to cover those.
    • There is an outstanding bill for $1,000 from Godecki Engineering (SP?) that we owe that hasn’t been paid for work done on the re-plat that was done with Jens.
    • We don’t have access to the TD Ameritrade account, but David has logged in and the balance is currently $5,728.17. He will get credentials to Jai for the login.
    • Jai moves to place all newly purchased three year and five year memberships moving forward from today 11/19/2020, not including those gained through the Indiegogo, into the TD Ameritrade account to be annuitized in 3 month distribution cycles. Paula seconds. 6 votes in favor, 1 abstention, 0 votes against. Motion passes.
    • @DECISION: Board moves to place future three and five year memberships into TD Ameritrade account and pull down the funds over time to lessen impact from funds being used all at once.
    • Indiegogo - Membership committee is working on the process for having folks start their new memberships. Doug says that after re-orientation the existing membership through PayPal will be cancelled and the new membership from Indiegogo will be applied. You can also go in and stop your membership directly through Wild Apricot and stop the recurring payment. An email will be going out to all the Indiegogo folks soon from the membership committee with info. Steve O says they ran through just before this meeting and updated some in Wild Apricot. Doug is going to send out emails this evening to the Indiegogo folks with details.
  • Membership
    • Currently at 276 active members, not including new members from Indiegogo.
    • 281 at the October meeting.
Active Members Plot
Active Members Plot

  • Building Renovation Update
    • Heating - Permit is closed out. Final walkthrough was today. They will be back to fix two small issues tomorrow. Heat is in, working. Thermostats set to 60 and it seems to be working.
    • Plumbing - Finalled out, a few small items need to be fixed. Plan to have the punch list knocked out Saturday
    • Electrical - Split into two permits
      • 1 - Wiring and electricity for unit heaters. Permit is finalled out.
      • 2 - Permit not open. Inspector agreed to split into a CO and non-CO permit.
      • There is still electrical work going on in the building to hook up all of our machinery. Expected finish date is 2nd or 3rd week of December. People have been asking electricians questions about stuff. Do not ask them anything, they are very busy. They are following the plan provided by our engineer.
      • Leave the electricians alone. ASK JAI INSTEAD.
      • Jai will ask and get clarification on whether or not new circuits can be used once they are hooked up and tested, prior to the final inspection and receipt of our CO.
      • They are working to get the machines wired up as soon as possible
        • Machines will not be powered up for use until after the non-CO permit is through inspection 2nd or 3rd week of December.
      • Electricians are in typically 7am - 3pm. Until we have CO, avoid being in the rooms where they are working so as not to interfere with their work.
  • Permit / Inspection / Certificate of Occupancy (CO) Status
    • In a good place for this and hope to pass on the first go!
    • Anticipate scheduling for Monday afternoon 11/23 if all of the punch list items are completed this weekend.
  • Classroom / Area COVID Safety Procedures
    • Max class size, Max area capacity, Cleaning and Sanitizing, etc.
    • Classroom committee has been setting up classrooms with social distancing spacing and are setting max capacities.
    • Cleaning and sanitizing materials are provided in the rooms and the instructor is expected to use them before and after the class is completed. Including hand sanitizer and paper towels. Have materials from the County COVID supplies.
    • The big classroom is looking like a max of 12, and the smaller classroom is 6.
    • What to do if someone tests positive after being in the space:
      • This will be discussed in re-orientation. Membership committee is working on this.
      • It is our intention to conduct ‘contract tracing’ if we are notified of a positive test by reviewing logs so we can inform other members who were in the building at that time.
      • Will add some disclaimers to class descriptions.
      • Jai moves that exceptions to our approved COVID policy need to be brought to the board for approval. Doug seconds. No votes against, David abstains, motion passes.
      • @DECISION: Board moves that exceptions to approved COVID policy need to be brought to the board for approval.
  • Quarterly Membership Meeting
    • Suggest Saturday, December 19th, 3-5, after the next board meeting on 12/17.
  • 2021 Area Leads Appointment
    • Review and send out interest form, set deadline, appointments to be made at December meeting.
    • Suggest Thursday, December 10th, as deadline a week before next board meeting on 12/17.
  • 2021 Budget
    • Area leads should re-evaluate and present a budget request at the next board meeting.
  • Executive/Office Computer
    • Paula reports that the machine is really slow and Quickbooks is really slow.
    • Tom will connect with Marti and review the machine and see if it needs replaced or if we can repurpose another piece of hardware to replace it.

Committee Reports

Awards Committee - Kim Burton

  • none

Scholarships - Kim Burton

  • none

Communications (and Wikibrarian)

  • Malissa need to be getting meeting dates for committee meetings so those can go on the MakeICT calendar
  • Working on updated website hope to have test site up by January Board meeting
  • Creating documentation on how we communicate internally and externally with members and community at large

Facilities Committee

  • Hasn’t met yet. Waiting till after CO.
  • Paula will confirm members at first meeting and get to IT.

Finance Committee - Dan Kries

  • Working on forecasting expenses and income.
  • Lot of current work is around operations and bookkeeping processes.
  • Accountant has offered to come in and help work on Quickbooks.
  • Accountant plans to have updated filing for SOS in December.

Fundraising - x

  • No official committee right now.
  • A couple folks have been doing some work. Need to formalize the committee.

IT - Tom Bloom

  • Christian has done a bunch of work on the MCP security to WA integration. Tom is planning to work on the second door this weekend.

Membership (and Community Outreach)

  • Re-Orientation
    • We’ve added a bunch of data points to collect that we need. These have already been added to WildApricot under the personal profile section. Folks can go and fill that out now to save time later at re-orientation. This includes vetting new members prior to membership.
    • Will be moving forward with re-orientation meetings, hopefully two per night, once CO is granted.
    • Will have a process for folks to sign up for a slot, using the existing sign-up system used for signing up for classes.
    • Will have a presentation, tour of the new building, gather updated information if not already done, check that badge works, then badges will be activated and folks will be good to go.
    • Committee will work with Malissa to get all of the re-orientations scheduled through the class scheduler tool once we have CO and set the dates.
  • The membership committee will review at its next meeting if any of the proposed changes or modifications to procedure require approval by the board and will bring that back to the board for approval if needed.
  • There was lengthy discussion of the keyed vs non-keyed member status and how that process may change or not with the new orientation and member vetting process.

Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery (interim)

Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery (interim)

  • The two classrooms are mostly set up. A little cleaning to finish up.
  • 19 classes for December already on the calendar.
  • Asks that required orientation classes get on the schedule through the end of the year.
  • Will have an instruction book in each classroom with a checklist for cleaning up, using the projector, etc.

Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman

  • MCP updates done and working forward with those and the second door controller.
  • Jai asks for a proposal with costs for fire pulls and panic buttons / medical pulls.

Inventory - Anna DiSalvo

  • Been working on new forms for equipment loan agreements (to MakeICT) and approval process.
  • Also have forms for equipment purchasing requests.
  • Working on policies and looking for what needs updates.
  • Have suggestions for updating the equipment disposal policy.
  • If Area Leads need help with inventory work, reach out to Inventory and they’ll help.

Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - Nicole Kirkhart

  • none

Upcoming Events

  • ReMakeICT Tuesday work nights at Booth
    • Every Tuesday from 6:00PM - 9:00PM
  • This Saturday and Sunday - Punchlist items for CO
  • December 3rd, MakeICT 8th birthday

Decision Summary

  • @DECISION: Board moves to allow gift card allocated for halloween pumpkin contest to be re-purposed for Facebook likes promotion.
  • @DECISION: Board moves to place future three and five year memberships into TD Ameritrade account and pull down the funds over time to lessen impact from funds being used all at once.
  • @DECISION: Board moves that exceptions to approved COVID policy need to be brought to the board for approval.

Task Summary

  • None