Board Meeting 2022-03-31 Special

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Special Meeting 3/31/2022

Purpose: MakeICT Alcohol and Drug Policy Adoption



Board Members

  • Rustin Atkeisson, Vice-President
  • James Lancaster, Secretary
  • Jai Chauhan, President
  • Beverly Schellenger, Treasurer
  • Doug Wilson, At-Large
  • Anna DiSalvo, At-Large
  • Aaron Rivers, At-Large


  • David Hanson, At-Large


  • Ethan Doak
  • Steve Owens
  • Mike Barushok
  • Brad Cozine


Discussion of Alcohol and Drug Policy

  • Policy Proposal:
1. The possession or use of illegal drugs is prohibited at MakeICT makerspace and events.
2. Possession and use of alcoholic beverages or other intoxicating substances is always prohibited in the Woodshop, Metal Shop, Jewelry Lab and Letterpress Shop.
3. Members and Guests may not operate tools or machinery anywhere at MakeICT Makerspace while in a state of impairment due to intoxication.
4. Anyone observing this behavior should escalate to the Area Lead or Security. If no representative of either is present, a message should be sent to with the date, time, location of the incident, name of the offender, witness names and any other relevant details.


  • Discussion
    • James expresses his concern that #1 is under the illegal activity is forbidden.
    • Discussion on the case of shop not being able to be more open than the overall rules. (Wouldn’t be: The organization rule would supersede it.)
    • Discussion of areas (shops vs whole area)
    • Issue was raised of loopholes, such as being around people using tools, which wouldn’t violate this. (Ie, going to a place but not using a tool.)
  • Rewrite:
    • 2. Possession and use of alcoholic beverages or other intoxicating substances is always prohibited in the Woodshop, Metal Shop, Jewelry Lab and Letterpress Shop. Anyone impaired by intoxication cannot be present in the above named shops.
      • Item is not agreed to, suggestion is that it be its own paragraph
      • Connection and personal responsibility to enforce it. New space has some issues.
  • Rewrite:
    • 3. Members and Guests may not operate tools or machinery anywhere at MakeICT Makerspace while in a state of impairment due to intoxication. Individuals impaired by intoxication may not be in any west wing shop, the garage or any extension of an Area as designated by a MakeICT event.
      • #3 already falls under ‘Make Safely’, but could be more explicit. (Some disagreement over how specific it is.)
      • 3. Members and Guests may not operate tools or machinery anywhere at MakeICT Makerspace while in a state of impairment due to intoxication. Individuals impaired by intoxication may not be in any west wing shop, the garage or any extension of an Area as designated by a MakeICT event. Individuals who are impaired by intoxication may not be around any person using tools or machinery.
      • Discussion ‘around’ of how far, around seems a decent compromise over a more defined term.
      • Vote to add paragraph #3 to the policy as amended as above: 7 ayes. Amended
      • Discussion of Alcohol and Drug Policy
    • Policy:
1. The possession or use of illegal drugs is prohibited at MakeICT makerspace and events.
2. Possession and use of alcoholic beverages or other intoxicating substances is always prohibited in the Woodshop, Metal Shop, Jewelry Lab and Letterpress Shop.
3. Members and Guests may not operate tools or machinery anywhere at MakeICT Makerspace while in a state of impairment due to intoxication. Individuals impaired by intoxication may not be in any west wing shop, the garage or any extension of an Area as designated by a MakeICT event. Individuals who are impaired by intoxication may not be around any person using tools or machinery.
4. Anyone observing this behavior should escalate to the Area Lead or Security. If no representative of either is present, a message should be sent to with the date, time, location of the incident, name of the offender, witness names and any other relevant details.
  • Amendment to Policy Item 4
    • Anyone unwilling to confront individuals in violation of this policy, or after having confronted an individual should immediately contact Security. A message should be sent to with the date, time, location of the incident, name of the offender, witness names and any other relevant details.
    • Members are encouraged to confront offenders of this policy if they feel they can safely correct the behavior. Anyone observing this behavior should escalate to the Area Lead or Security. A message should be sent to with the date, time, location of the incident, name of the offender, witness names and any other relevant details.
    • Vote: 7 to amend.
    • Policy (currently):
1. The possession or use of illegal drugs is prohibited at MakeICT makerspace and events.
2. Possession and use of alcoholic beverages or other intoxicating substances is always prohibited in the Woodshop, Metal Shop, Jewelry Lab and Letterpress Shop.
3. Members and Guests may not operate tools or machinery anywhere at MakeICT Makerspace while in a state of impairment due to intoxication. Individuals impaired by intoxication may not be in any west wing shop, the garage or any extension of an Area as designated by a MakeICT event. Individuals who are impaired by intoxication may not be around any person using tools or machinery.
4. Members are encouraged to confront offenders of this policy if they feel they can safely correct the behavior. Anyone observing this behavior should escalate to the Area Lead or Security. A message should be sent to with the date, time, location of the incident, name of the offender, witness names and any other relevant details.
    • Discussion of Punitive Action Attached
Corrective Action for violation:
1. First offense a member will lose key access to the makerspace for a period of 14 days.
2. Second offense a member will lose key access to the makerspace for a period of 3 months and must make an application to the Membership Committee for its return. During this period they may not use any tools or equipment while in the makerspace.
3. Third offense will result in the revocation of membership at MakeICT. A member may apply to have their membership reinstated after proof of successful completion of a drug or alcohol abuse rehabilitation program has been supplied to the Security Committee.
    • Discussion:
      • Questions about punitive actions
      • Arguments against it, and discussion of #3.
      • Third offense will result in the revocation of membership at MakeICT. A member may apply to have their membership reinstated after proof of successful completion of a drug or alcohol abuse rehabilitation program or suitable plan to prevent recurrence has been supplied to the Security Committee.
      • Note that this can be overridden by the board
      • Per Member and guest policy, member is responsible for guest.
      • No objections to the above.
      • As amended, to be voted on:


1. The possession or use of illegal drugs is prohibited at MakeICT makerspace and events.
2. Possession and use of alcoholic beverages or other intoxicating substances is always prohibited in the Woodshop, Metal Shop, Jewelry Lab and Letterpress Shop.
3. Members and Guests may not operate tools or machinery anywhere at MakeICT Makerspace while in a state of impairment due to intoxication. Individuals impaired by intoxication may not be in any west wing shop, the garage or any extension of an Area as designated by a MakeICT event. Individuals who are impaired by intoxication may not be around any person using tools or machinery.
4. Members are encouraged to confront offenders of this policy if they feel they can safely correct the behavior. Anyone observing this behavior should escalate to the Area Lead or Security. A message should be sent to with the date, time, location of the incident, name of the offender, witness names and any other relevant details.
Corrective Action for violation:
1. First offense a member will lose key access to the makerspace for a period of 14 days.
2. Second offense a member will lose key access to the makerspace for a period of 3 months and must make an application to the Membership Committee for its return. During this period they may not use any tools or equipment while in the makerspace.
3. Third offense will result in the revocation of membership at MakeICT. A member may apply to have their membership reinstated after proof of successful completion of a drug or alcohol abuse rehabilitation program or suitable plan to prevent recurrence has been supplied to the Security Committee.


  • Vote, seconded:
    • Vote: 6 yay, 1 no, 1 not voting.

@DECISION: Alcohol policy is accepted as amended.

  • Aaron brought up woodshop policy.
    • Quickly looked over.
    • Question on access policies notification needing to be to the board/membership.

Decision Summary

  • @DECISION: Alcohol policy is accepted as amended.

Task Summary

  • None