Board Meeting 2022-07-21

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Board Members

  • Sherry Ibrahim, Vice President
  • Ethan Doak, Secretary
  • James Lancaster, At-Large
  • LaDeana Dockery, At-Large
  • Aaron Rivers, At-Large
  • Rustin Atkeisson, President
  • Doug Wilson, At-Large
  • Jai Chauhan, Immediate-past President
  • Gary Titus, Treasurer



  • Mike Barushok
  • David Springs
  • Ernie S Kind
  • Paul Tyson
  • Malissa Long

Standing Items

  • Thanks & Recognition
    • Bev Schellinger for her help getting the treasurer paperwork together and sitting down to help Gary up to speed
    • Steve Owens for helping to train up the new board in wild apricot
    • To everyone on the election committee for helping the election run smoothly
    • Anonymous non-member and member donors who helped the woodshop with donations and acquisitions of tools

Old Business

COVID Mask Policy Discussion / Update - All

Name alignment between various locations - Jai

    • Patrick & James L. to follow up with Tom B. to close this issue out
      • Jai says the state of Kansas does not consider a difference in our name with or without a space
      • Secretary of state’s online system considers us the same entity, if we want to change the space we need to talk to a human.
      • Filing was updated for June 15th
      • need to look into if there is a penalty for filing late so that the current board can be listed
    • Network for Good (Facebook) has been administering funds (not sure if all funds have been sent)
  • Name Alignment between secretary of state and IRS
    • Not a show stopping issue at this point

Classroom Policy update -- James and LaDeana


    • Garden Committee is still working on their access policy (currently have a rental agreement, which is different)

Sherry Moves we accept the classroom policy as presented LaDeana seconds (7) in favor (1) abstain (1 not voting)


    • Letterpress - working on it as of 7/21, will have it done before the 1st class

=Gallery Committee

Planned first show at maker monday in September. - Punk Withanahchi will be our first featured Maker Member, with some iteration from the Cyber Garden.

    • Gallery was not formed as a committee,

Motion: Board motions to approve a gallery committee with Ernie Kind as chair.

Sherry Motions, Doug Seconds

All (8) in favor (1 not voting)

New Business

Treasurer’s Report - Gary

  • Woodshop Fundraiser
  • More equipment purchased for woodshop
  • next finance meeting will be on Monday August 15th at 6:30pm
  • MakeICT was put in the wrong category for Property Taxes, Jai filed a protest and had a hearing, More hoops are being jumped through, but should be resolved by September hopefully
    • review trash service - decide if necessary to go to increased pickups or a larger dumpster depending on cost.
      • currently paying $73/m for a 2yrd dumpster
      • waste link offers a $125 for a 3yrd, and (if Rusty heard right, might have been $185), but a 4yrd might be $165

Aaron moves we move to a 3yrd dumpster at the earliest opportunity

Sherry seconds

All (8) in favor (1 not voting)

Loan Progress

- $4794 remaining of loan -would leave $2594 after usual payment at the start of August Electrical loan paid off

Sherry Moves we officially close the rotating line of credit with Equity bank

Jai seconds

All (8) in favor (1 not voting)

Discrimination and Harassment Policy/Committee

  • MakeICT currently only has a statement showing our stance on discrimination and harassment
    • To tackle the policy, it is recommended to create an ad hoc committee to review and create a policy to cover how issues related to discrimination and harassment are handled.

Motion to be presented by Sherry:

Sherry moves that The president appoint an ad hoc committee to: |

Write a code of conduct with more detail than the current “be excellent to each other” Create appropriate reporting mechanisms and policy for handling complaints on the code of conduct and anti discrimination policies

Determine appropriate outside resources to support the organization in handling complaints Report the recommendations to the Board

Sherry is to be appointed the chairperson of the committee

Gary seconds

All (8) in favor (1 not voting)

Salina Artist thing - Malissa

  • review and approval of letting Malissa borrow 3 sewing machines for an event in Salina from July 25th to the 30th (which was discussed during the leads meeting 7/11)
  • 2 classes of 7 to 11 yr olds (7 students in one class, 9 in the 2nd)
  • request that she brings and displays flyers and banners with where the sewing machines go
  • request that she takes photos and relays them on to the communications/multimedia committee to help advertise the event

Gary moves for the board to approve the use of 3 sewing machines as long as MakeICTs waivers are completed before the event.

Aaron seconded the motion,

All (8) in favor (1 not voting)

Area Reports

2022-07-11 Leads Meeting Notes

Committee Reports

Committees should consider their chairpeople in the next month before the election in September.

Awards Committee & Donor Wall - Jai

Next meeting not on calendar: When?

Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery

Communications - TBD

  • Meetings:
    • Recurring: 4th Wednesday @ 8pm

Ethan Motions to appoint Sherry Ibrahim as committee chairperson (Which will be until the normal election in Sept) LaDeana Seconds All (8) in favor (1 not voting)

Events Committee - X

  • See above (Classroom Management Committee)

Facilities Committee - Saga Romig

  • On Calendar Tuesday 6:30

Finance Committee - Dan Kries

  • 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30
  • Usually meet in Room 3 or the lounge (whichever is cooler)

Fundraising - Ethan Doak

  • Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd Thursday @ 7pm)
  • Will need help as we look BIG projects like a new roof and A/C
  • Will need someone from metalshop to help apply for welding safety equipment scholarship

Letterpress - David

  • Jai and David have discussed getting a Bento card for Letterpress (also need to look at setting up a card for Events committee, and garden committee)

Lounge/Breakroom - David Mendoza

Next meeting not on calendar: When?

  • Suggested to see if people want to take over this.
  • As per committee policy: No meeting for a while, will need to be reviewed 2 months/meetings from now.

Garden - Sean Sandefur

  • Meetings 11am Sundays
  • having meetings on Sundays

IT - Tom Bloom

  • Next meeting ?
  • more interest is being taken into setting up classroom 2 as a computer room, but would need additional electrical circuits and networking done

Inventory - Anna DiSalvo/Wallis Mead

  • Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd Wednesday @ 6pm)
  • Have had meetings listed, but membership has fallen. Only 2 people at last 2 meetings.

Membership (and Community Outreach) - Jai

Membership as of 2022-04-14: 467 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-04-21: 466 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-05-12: 462 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-06-16: 459 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-07-21: 457 (plus 2 donors)

  • next meeting Monday August 15th at 8pm

Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery

  • See Classroom above.

Scholarships - x

  • As per committee policy: No meeting for a while, will need to be reviewed in August.

Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman/David Springs

  • are working on a proposal to update and upgrade the security cameras

Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x

  • See events
  • Ceiling tiles are being peeled off by Jai Christianson
    • Need to look at a way to deaden the sound echoing from the concrete

Welcome Center - Angel

Next meeting not on calendar: When?

  • As per committee policy: No meeting for a while, will need to be reviewed 1 months/meetings from now.

Other Items Discussed

Past Events

Upcoming Events

  • Maker Monday
    • 2nd and 4th Mondays
  • Breakfast with the board
    • Saturday August 13th at 9am
    • Rock Rd Village Inn
  • Member Orientation
    • Tuesday 19th @ 6pm

Decision Summary

  • None

Task Summary

  • None

Rustin moves we go into executive session LaDeana Seconds