Board Meeting 2020-12-17
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(Redirected from December 17 2020)
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- 1.1 Roll Call
- 1.2 Standing Items
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Committee Reports
- 1.5.1 Awards Committee - Kim Burton
- 1.5.2 Scholarships - Kim Burton
- 1.5.3 Communications (and Wikibrarian)
- 1.5.4 Facilities Committee
- 1.5.5 Finance Committee - Dan Kries
- 1.5.6 Fundraising - x
- 1.5.7 IT - Tom Bloom
- 1.5.8 Membership (and Community Outreach)
- 1.5.9 Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery (interim)
- 1.5.10 Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery (interim)
- 1.5.11 Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
- 1.5.12 Inventory - Anna DiSalvo
- 1.5.13 Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- 1.6 Upcoming Events
- 1.8 Decision Summary
- 1.9 Task Summary
Roll Call
Board Members
- JaiPal Chauhan, President
- Paula Pankratz, Vice-President
- Patrick Hutchison, Secretary
- Scott Sullivan, At Large
- Terrence Laurendine, At Large
- Tom Bloom, At Large
- Doug Wilson, At Large
- David Springs, Immediate Past President
Empty Board Seats
- Treasurer
- Steve Owens
- Cathy Bowman
- James Lancaster
- Jeremiah Burian
- Anna DiSalvo
- Ken Steadman
- James Seymour
- Angel Mejia
- Barb Davis
- Mike Barushok
- LaDeana Dockery
- Samantha Dockery
- Gary Titus
- June Huie
- Joe Pajor
Standing Items
- Thanks & Recognition
- All of our volunteers.
- Members who have been coming in for re-orientation.
- Cathy Bowman for making it work.
- All of the volunteers who come to ReMakeICT Tuesdays in particular.
- June and Marty for organizing the board office and working on finances and figuring out invoices and Quickbooks.
- The IT guys for helping June figure out how to do all the things.
- Steve Owens for Re-Orientation and Membership renewal help.
- Cathy Bowman for all of the amazing window work!
- Doug, again, for the Indiegogo campaign.
Old Business
- None
New Business
- Treasurer’s Report
- Account Balances
- Current Emprise Account Balance - $69,397 + $2,800 (PayPal xfer)
- Bento - $1,118
- TD Ameritrade - unchanged
- PayPal - $0 - transferred today
- SW National Bank - less than $2,000 (still has KS Linux fest account)
- Outstanding Debts
- River City Mechanical - $33,650
- Account Balances
- Treasurer Replacement
- Need motion and vote to approve resolutions to remove Kate Goad from bank accounts.
- Jai moves to approve the resolution, Scott seconds. Motion passes.
- Jai moves to amend the motion to use the template to remove Kate Goad and update all four banking institutions. Paula seconds. Motion passes.
- @DECISION: Board resolves to remove Kate Goad from bank accounts
- Membership
- Currently at 286 active members
- 276 at the November meeting.
- Move to Wild Apricot Integrated Pay System
- Prior Board Discussion
- Link to FAQ page with more information
- Propose move to fully integrate with Wild Apricot and move our PayPal billing system over to WA's Automatic Payment Portal. Engage New Path Consulting for $199 so as not to cancel any existing recurring payments, thereby making the transition seamless.
- Arguments for: Savings of $432 a year. Removing conflict between WA and PayPal.
- WA offers automatic money sweeps, WA does automatically with no extra fee.
- The processing fee is the same.
- If declined, an Ad Hoc committee must be formed to find a replacement software for WA by the end of January.
- Are we setup as a Non-Profit with PayPal to get the best rate?
- Approx difference in fees between 2.2% and 2.9% at current membership level is $58/month.
- If we do nothing, we have caos 2/1.
- Tabled. Sent to IT to report back to the board no later than January 1st to make a suggestion on how to move forward. The board will hold a special meeting on January 5th to discuss and vote if necessary to move forward.
- COVID Policy for Handling Positive Tests
- A COVID policy should be put in place to handle positive's in the space with a clear understanding of how to proceed after notification. Policy needs to establish:
- Who should be notified and by what method.
- Should keys of possible exposures and positives be turned off until 5 days have passed and a subsequent negative test can be produced?
- The Plan:
- Notification will consist of the date and time frame as best we know when the positive test person was in the building. The identity of the person will not be disclosed.
- Notifications should be sent:
- Directly to the people who we know were in the building at the time of exposure via access logs or class registrations to the best of our ability.
- On the forum under a new COVID Contacts category whenever a new positive is reported.
- Via email to the active membership through WA.
- A note on the main entrance.
- We will ask people to stay away for the recommended number of days or until they receive a negative test result. We won’t block keys, but may do so if there is an issue.
- A COVID policy should be put in place to handle positive's in the space with a clear understanding of how to proceed after notification. Policy needs to establish:
- Building Renovation Update
- Heating - The heat is on and so far the policy is to keep the thermostats at 60 when we're not using the rooms and up to whatever we're comfortable with when we are.
- Plumbing - We still need to connect the recirculating pump and fix the pinhole leak in the West chase but otherwise it's complete.
- Electrical - Is on it's way to being complete. Wire has been run to all of the boxes and now it's just a matter of completing the box caps and inspection.
- Classroom 1 - The floors have been cleaned and are awaiting a coat of sealer. Please stay off of the floors until they have been finished.
- Ongoing Work - Painting the west hall and if we can painting the shops. Lockers need to have bases built for them and put in place.
- Quarterly Membership Meeting
- Saturday, 3 - 5 PM
- Patrick will send out reminder via email for a Q&A style meeting via Zoom for this time.
- New Areas / Create or Acknowledge Per Committee Policy (link to committee policy)
- Lounge / Breakroom
- Welcome Center
- Patrick moves that the board approve these two areas as standing committees, and that we direct the people who wish to be in charge of them to use the committee template to create a description and bring to the next board meeting for approval. Jai seconds. Motion passes.
- @DECISION: Board moves to approve the ‘Lounge / Breakroom’ and the ‘Welcome Center’ as standing committees (Areas) so they can have leads and operate
- 2021 Budget (link to 2019 - effectively 2020)
- Requests from Areas:
- Ceramics - Patrick Hutchison
- $1,000 (Prior Year $2,100)
- Link to spreadsheet
- Electronics/Rapid Prototyping - James Seymour
- $x (Prior Year $500)
- Fab Lab - Steve Saner
- $1,500 (Prior Year $2,500)
- Link to document
- Gallery - x
- $x (Prior Year $250)
- Jewelry - Luke Swearingen
- $1,500 (Prior Year $1,000)
- Link to document
- Metalshop - Rustin Atkeisson
- $1,718 (Prior Year $2,800)
- Link to spreadsheet
- Printmaking - Marc Lujan
- $926 (Prior Year $1,500)
- Link to spreadsheet
- Textiles - Malissa Long
- $650 (Prior Year $600)
- I just want a supply budget for textiles at this time. I’d be happy with just carrying over what is on my Bento card or $650 for the year, which has been my budget for the past 2 years. I only plan on Making the 2 additional ironing tables which can be done for less than $100, getting casters for the big table, and magnetic chalkboard paint to redo one of the chalkboard walls. I may need to replace one of our basic machines which is less than $200.
- Woodshop - Doug Wilson
- $2,201 (Prior Year $3,500)
- Link to spreadsheet
- Ceramics - Patrick Hutchison
- Requests from Committees:
- Facilities - X
- $x (Prior Year $2,000)
- Inventory Committee - Anna DiSalvo
- $1,000 (NEW)
- Classroom Committee - LaDeana Dockery
- $3,030 (NEW)
- Link to spreadsheet
- Facilities - X
- Budget Plan
- For the time being, the $500 that is on the Bento cards for each area can be what they can spend until we get through the first quarter, or longer if possible. Bare bones, absolute critical needs only while our finances recover. We will re-evaluate and reallocate funds as necessary.
- Each area is asked to look at their critical needs for the first quarter and report that back to the board. Areas are asked to re-work their proposals to show those critical needs and to try and group needs together by quarter to help finance do their work.
- Send these numbers to the finance committee to work on along with the overall budget to report back at the January board meeting.
- Do we have enough supplies to run the new welcome center and classroom committee without allocating additional funds at this point in time? Want a bare bones proposal for the first quarter and can approve from there if needed. Lets use up supplies on hand and address needs if they come up.
- Next finance committee is XX/XX. Patrick send a reminder email out to areas and committees to update their budgets.
- Requests from Areas:
- Inventory Committee Proposed Policy Changes and New Documents
- Link to proposal
- Proposed changes to the following:
- Property Removal Policy
- Tool Loans to MakeICT Policy
- Donations and Hackables Policy
- Area Leads Policy
- Proposed new documents:
- Internal Equipment Reservation Form
- Sale/Disposal Receipt
- Equipment Donation Receipt
- Equipment Loan Agreement Form
- Equipment Loan from MakeITC Agreement Form
- Consignment Agreement Form
- Purchase Request Form
- Each was reviewed during the meeting, suggested tweaks were provided as needed.
- Need a locker policy. Consult security to write it??
Committee Reports
Awards Committee - Kim Burton
- none
Scholarships - Kim Burton
- none
Communications (and Wikibrarian)
- Working on website and communications policy for the entire organization.
- Hope to start a Monthly or quarterly Historian report next year to have a record and pictures of current events for future prosperity.
- Anna is working with committees to update Wiki
Facilities Committee
- Has not met yet. Hope that will happen in next week. Per Jai.
Finance Committee - Dan Kries
- Make sure receipts are turned in ASAP to get the books cleared up by the end of the year.
- Turn in receipts with your name, what is was for, if it’s a donation, etc.
- Will look at budget.
- Have set a goal to have 50 new members per month!
Fundraising - x
- None
IT - Tom Bloom
- None
Membership (and Community Outreach)
- Continuing re-orientations. Wish more people would show up.
Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery (interim)
Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery (interim)
- Outreach - None
- Couple of classes, but want to see more.
- Required classes / authorizations, get those to LaDeana to get them scheduled.
Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
- The new Indiegogo members have had the (interim style) background checks completed. I am making a note of the Background check completed in the "old notes" block, under "Internal Use" in Wild Apricot.
- Gary will be at the space on Saturday at 1pm to issue keys. Please email the list of new members that are signed up for Saturday to
Inventory - Anna DiSalvo
- See above...
Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- Time Capsule - David - We will be doing some for part of the national Bury 2020 event. Will have some for the 30th. If you want to include things, email:
Upcoming Events
- ReMakeICT Tuesday work nights at Booth
- Every Tuesday from 6:00PM - 9:00PM
- Maker Monday
- Starting January 4th, 2021
- Time slots will be required, not an open event to control for safety. Membership working on.
- During executive session, the board approved creating Letterpress as a new standing committee (Area) and renaming Printmaking to Screenprinting.
- During executive session, the board reviewed and made Area Lead appointments.
- 2021 Area Leads Appointment
- Ceramics
- Scott Sullivan, Lead
- Patrick Hutchison, Assistant Lead
- Electronics/Rapid Prototyping
- James Seymour, Lead
- Fab Lab
- Steve Saner, Lead
- Gallery
- Working on revisions to this area to match our new building
- Jewelry
- Luke Swearingen, Lead
- Metalshop
- Rustin Atkeisson, Lead
- John Miranda, Assistant Lead
- James Tennant, Assistant Lead
- Screenprinting
- Marc Lujan, Lead
- Textiles
- Malissa Long, Lead
- Woodshop
- Doug Wilson, Lead
- Letterpress (NEW)
- David Springs
- Lounge / Breakroom (NEW)
- David Mendoza
- Welcome Center (NEW)
- Angel Mejia
- Angel Mejia
- Ceramics
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Board resolves to remove Kate Goad from bank accounts
- @DECISION: Board moves to approve the ‘Lounge / Breakroom’ and the ‘Welcome Center’ as standing committees (Areas) so they can have leads and operate
Task Summary
- None