December 19th 2024
Opening and Mission Statement
- The regular monthly meeting of the MakeICT board of directors convenes on Thursday, December 19th at 7:00 pm in the MakeICT building.
- MakeICT is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is operated entirely by volunteers. It’s our mission to innovate, learn, and build community at the intersection of art, technology, science, and culture.
Message for Today
- This meeting will end no later than 9pm.
- Our primary agenda items this evening are area and committee lead appointments and budget approvals.
- Any appointments not made or budgets not approved in this evening’s meeting will be tabled until the next board workshop, and approved in the January meeting.
- Anything we as a board are expected to vote on must not be rushed. We, as a board, must review in detail anything that we will approve (or deny).
Roll Call
Board Members
- President: Gretchen Koch
- Vice President: Dean Day
- Treasurer: Aaron Grindstaff
- Director at Large: Matthew Cleary
- Director at Large: Eric Manda
- Director at Large: Aaron Norton
- Director at Large: Serena Oden-Powers
Paul Shackelford, Secretary
- Kim Kirwan
- Andy Tannahill
- Rustin Atkeisson
- Randy Reynard
- Thad Lowrance
- Mike Barushok
- James Lancaster
- Jeff Sparks
- Jeff Whitfield
- Joseph Pajor
- Stephen Atwood
Thanks and Recognition
Thanks and recognition go to:
- Whoever fills in for Paul, he appreciates you :)
Upcoming Important Dates
- December 25-30 - Communications Newsletter “deadline”
- December 28 - New Member Orientation
- December 29 - Member Meeting
Standing Items
Communications - Newsletter
The next newsletter will come out on January 5th. Please send blurbs to by December 30th.
- Please send in current photos we can use anywhere (website, newsletter, social media, etc)!
- Teachers, please take pictures of your classes and send them to us.
- Reminder that we are not free advertising for businesses
- If anyone is interested in reviving member of the month, feel free to write it and send it in
- Feature new members? Maybe include it in the revamp of the key form.
- The tri-meeting of Communications, Events, Outreach will not happen this month.
First Thursday Board Workshop
The Board Workshop is an opportunity for members of MakeICT to get together and talk about plans and goals for MakeICT in an informal setting, outside of an official board meeting.
- Every First Thursday of the month (was Wednesday this month)
- Workshop to address issues from members 7-8pm
- Closed executive session as needed for the Board 8-9pm
Area Reports
- N/A
Treasurer’s Report
- At a Glance
- Income: 14500
- Utilities insight: 1500
- Instructor pay: 1075
- Total expenses: 19250
- Cash Negative by: -5000
- The money sitting in escrow for the refinance, roughly $5,000, will come back once the tax abatement has been approved.
- Projects in Progress
- $3,500 spent of $6,000 from the Collins grant to improve ventilation in the metal shops and wood shops.
- Looking at Evergy rebate for changing fixtures to LED 3$ per lamp (may change in 2025)
- 52 lamps have been changed from fluorescent to LED so far
- Need about 300 more a month (3600 for the year)
Approval of Previous Minutes
November 21st board meeting:
Motion: Gretchen moves to approve the minutes as stated.
Seconded by: Serena
- Dean votes: Yes
- Aaron G votes: Yes
- Matthew votes: Yes
- Aaron N votes: Yes
- Eric votes: Yes
- Serena votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes. @DECISION: November 21st meeting minutes are approved.
Old Business
New Business
New Ad-Hoc Committee: Two-Way Radio
- Committee lead: Joe Pajor
- Members:
- Randy Reynard
- Steve Holmberg
- Adam Denton
- James Whitfield
- Kim Kirwan
- Jeff Sparks
- Met nov 23rd and decided to pursue creating a special committee, continued the discussion on Dec 5th, both Joe and Kim attend the ‘How to be a lead class’
- Plan to have activities on MM
- Plan to establish 2 radio stations (one in the HAM band)
- Continue to teach classes to get people certified as HAM radio operators
- James Seymour is 200% behind this committee
- Given past class attendance, there is a definite and sustainable interest in this group
- Will need to submit their budget at a later date (Jan 16th is the next board meeting)
- Meetings will be moving to the weekends (and try to avoid Thursdays)
Motion: Gretchen moves to approve the new ad-hoc committee
Seconded by Dean:
- Dean votes: Yes
- Aaron G votes: Yes
- Matthew votes: Yes
- Aaron N votes: Yes
- Eric votes: Yes
- Serena votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes.
@DECISION: New committee approved by the board.
- David Springs won the auction for the letterpress, and requested to remove it sometime this week.
- Letterpress subforum should be removed/archived from the forum
- Walls are coming down to make it disappear
- Still need to disconnect the power
- Plan to make it gone gone on Jan 7th, 2025, David is not looking for additional help to move the press, but help may be needed to move the letterpress furniture and cleanup
- David will pay for the letterpress when he picks it up
Area Lead Appointments
We received 7 responses to the 2025 Committee and Lead Signup form:
- Thad Lowrance for Ceramics lead
- LaDeana Dockery for Education/classroom lead
- Paul Shackelford for Area Member in Electronics and Fablab
- Andy Tannahill for:
- Area Member in Electronics
- Sublead for FabLab
- Sublead for Finance Committee
- Committee member for IT
- Sublead for Inventory Committee
- Area Member in Jewelry
- Committee member for Security
- Matt Cleary for Lounge Lead (but he is stepping down from that position)
- James Seymour for Electronics Sublead
- Gretchen Koch for:
- Welcome Center lead
- Area member, Metal shop
- Committee member, Inventory
- Committee member, IT
- Committee member, Security
- Kim Kirwan for Electronics Lead
Current Leads
- Woodshop - Doug Wilson (initially said he’d serve until December)
- Metalshop - [VACANT]
- Screenprinting - Doug Wilson
- Ceramics - Russell Owens (Thad wants to become lead)
- Fablab - David Miller (Andy wants to be lead)
- Electronics lab - James Seymour (wants to become sublead)
- Visual Arts - Kristopher Paxton
- Textiles - June Huie / Rayna Fischer
- Gallery - Dean Day
- Garden Area - Piper Thomas
- Stained Glass - Timothy York
- Jewelry - Ted McMullen
- Lounge/Break Room - Matthew Cleary (planning to step down)
- Welcome Center - Gretchen Koch
- Classroom - LaDeana Dockery
- Outreach - LaDeana Dockery
- Events - LaDeana Dockery
- Communications - Serena Oden-Powers
- Finance - Aaron Grindstaff
- Fundraising - Rustin Atkeisson (Aaron Grindstaff to take over as lead)
- IT - Steve Saner
- Membership/community - Matthew Cleary (planning to step down)
- Security - Bill Oden
- Inventory - James Lancaster
Motion: Gretchen moves to approve the new leads
- For FabLab: Andy Tannahill
- For Ceramics: Thad Lowrance
- For Electronics: Kim Kirwan
- For Fundraising: Aaron Grindstaff
Seconded by Serena:
- Dean votes: Yes
- Aaron G votes: Yes
- Matthew votes: Yes
- Aaron N votes: Yes
- Eric votes: Yes
- Serena votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes.
@DECISION: New slate of leads approved by the board.
Area and Committee Budgets
Budgets Submitted
- Metalshop - [VACANT] (Submitted by Rustin)
- Stained Glass - Tim York
- Ceramics - Russell Owens (Submitted by Rustin/Thad)
- Fablab - David Miller (Submitted by Andy)
- Jewelry - Ted McMullen $500 (need more info on wish list items)
- Lounge/Break Room - Matthew Cleary (planning to step down)
- Welcome Center - Gretchen Koch
- Classroom/Education - LaDeana Dockery
- Communications - Serena Oden-Powers
- Events - LaDeana Dockery
- Outreach - LaDeana Dockery
- Membership/community - Matthew Cleary (planning to step down)
- Security - Bill Oden (submitted by Rustin)
Budgets Not Yet Submitted
- Woodshop - Doug Wilson
- Screenprinting - Doug Wilson
- Electronics lab - Kim Kirwan
- Visual Arts - Kristopher Paxton
- Textiles - June Huie / Rayna Fischer
- Gallery - Dean Day
- Garden Area - Piper Thomas
- Finance - Aaron Grindstaff
- Fundraising - Rustin Atkeisson
- IT - Steve Saner
- Facilities - Joe Birzer (Estimated to be same as last year plus $300/mo for LED light bulbs)
- Inventory - James Lancaster
Budget Estimates Discussed
- Metalshop - $1,900 in operating expenses, hit wishlist as we have the ability ($27,000 potentially)
- Stained Glass - $4,800
- Ceramics - $3,000
- Security - $580
- Inventory - $700
- Facilities - $9,000 (includes LED bulbs)
- Communications - $100
- Lounge - $500
- FabLab - $3,237
Motion: Gretchen moves to approve a temporary budget of 1/12 of 2024s approved budget for leads until the budget has been reviewed and fully updated.
Seconded by Serena:
- Dean votes: Yes
- Aaron G votes: Yes
- Matthew votes: Yes
- Aaron N votes: Yes
- Eric votes: Yes
- Serena votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes.
@DECISION: Temporary budget approved. @DECISION: Temporary budget approved. Budget will be reviewed during the next board workshop.
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: November 21st meeting minutes are approved.
- @DECISION: New committee approved by the board.
- @DECISION: New slate of leads approved by the board.
- @DECISION: Temporary budget approved.
Task Summary
- None