February 15th 2024
Board Members
- Mike Atherton, President
- Aaron Rivers, Vice-President
- Rustin Atkeisson, Treasurer
- Gretchen Koch, Secretary
- James Lancaster, At-Large
- Serena Oden-Powers, At-Large
- Dean Day, At-Large
- LaDeana Dockery, At-Large
- Sam Richardson
- Tricia Cortes
- Steve Saner
- Ted McMullen
- Adam Denton
The regular monthly meeting of the MakeICT board of directors convenes on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2023 at 7:00 pm in the MakeICT building.
Mission Statement
- MakeICT is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is operated entirely by volunteers. It’s our mission to innovate, learn, and build community at the intersection of art, technology, science, and culture.
Thanks and Recognition
- Michael A and Rustin A for salting the entrances and shoveling the snow
- Pip, Brad, Larry, Victor, Jeremy, and Rustin for torching out the boiler
- Tricia and Brad for taking care of the Facebook page
- Aaron for taking up the website
- Joe, SteveO, Victor, and others for locating breakers, cleaning up things and general helping
- LaDeana Dockery for running a booth at the Lady’s Group Sale on 2/10
Old Business
First Thursday Board Workshop
- Every First Thursday of the month at 7pm and run until 9pm
- Workshop to address issues from members 7-8pm
- Closed executive session for the Board 8-9pm
SCA Agreement
- SCA would like to start meeting at MakeICT
- May involve sword play, might be indoor or outdoor and involve marshalls
- Will be reviewed at the next workshop if a contract is presented
- Next steps are to collaborate on contract between SCA and MakeICT
Area Reports
- Removing request for new policy
- Have existing requirement under Area Lead section of wiki: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/Category:Area_Lead
- Aaron is working on a set of questions that should be answered each month
- Aaron will create an executive summary that is presented at board meetings from the reports
- Area lead meetings will be more focused on addressing problems, coming up with fun projects/events, relaying on policies, or providing training
New Business
Treasurer’s Report
- Income: $17,800
- Utilities insight: $1300
- Instructor pay: $1300
- Shop expenses: $2300
- Total expenses: $8150
- Cash positive by: $9650
- 1099s have been sent out
Approval of Previous Minutes
- LaDeana moves to approve the minutes as written. Mike seconds.
- Dean votes ___ Yay
- Aaron votes ___ Yay
- James votes___ Yes
- Rustin votes ___ Yep
- Serena votes ___Yep
- LaDeana votes ___ Yes
- Gretchen votes__Yes
- Motion passes
- @DECISION: Minutes are accepted.
Payment for Authorization classes
Current Verbiage: Approved by the board on September 18 2017: Since safety authorization classes are important to the membership, MakeICT agrees to pay the instructor $15/hour per instructor, not to exceed $60/class. Instructors must submit requests directly to the treasurer with hours, class type and date taught.
Revised Verbiage: Approved by the board on TBD: Since area safety authorization classes are important to the membership, MakeICT agrees to pay the primary instructor $22.50/hour (rounded up to the nearest hour) not to exceed $90/class. Additionally, MakeICT agrees to pay the approved assistant $15/hour (rounded up to the nearest hour) per assistant, not to exceed $60/class. Instructors must submit requests directly to the treasurer with hours, class type, and date taught.
In the event that the instructor is not available to teach, and the assistant teaches the class instead, that assistant will receive the primary instructor salary of $22.50/hour.
The treasurer must be notified of, and approve, the selection of assistant(s) at least one week prior to the authorization class, and the assistant must be in attendance to receive payment for the class. Neither the instructor nor the assistant will be paid if no one attends the class.
- Aaron moves to adopt the phrasing. Mike seconds.
- Dean votes ___Yes
- LaDeana votes ___Heh yeah
- Aaron votes ___Eff yeah
- James votes___thumbs up
- Rustin votes ___….Yes
- Serena votes ___Yeah
- Gretchen votes ___Sure
- Motion passes
- @DECISION: Revision to the payment for authorizations are approved.
Workshop and classes https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/Workshops_and_classes James motions to change the Workshops and classes to reference the Authorizations and Area lead policy:
Current Verbiage: Instructors may either volunteer or be paid $15 per hour, up to $60 per class
Revised Verbiage: Instructors may either volunteer or be paid as per the [Authorizations and Area Lead] policy
Spring Market vendor application approval
- Tricia proposes having the next Maker Market on May 18th, 2024
- The updated contract needs approval before sending to vendors to sign. The board will meet for 30 minutes next Thursday via Zoom at 7pm to review and approve the new contract.
Purge Day/Week
- Was discussed in last Lead’s Meeting and no opposition was raised, but some good feedback was discussed
- Email was then sent out with all information to all Leads and again, no opposition was raised, only approval, and more support for a Purge Week as opposed to one day
Communications - Newsletter
- Next one to come out at the end of February
- Please send blurbs to communications@makeict.org
- Rules for future newsletters:
- Be positive and forward-looking with articles
- If asked to submit an article, you are allowed to say ‘No’ with the exception of the Pres and VP who will have to submit make up articles the following month
- Leads and Directors are encouraged to submit articles
- Deadline for submissions will be the 25th of each month
- Newsletter will be published on the first of the month
- Mike motions to add the deadline for the newsletter to the public calendar each month
- Mike withdraws the motion
New Jewelry Shop Lead
Ted McMullen
- LaDeana moves to appoint Ted McMullen as jewelry shop lead. Serena seconds.
- Dean votes ___YES
- LaDeana votes ___yes
- Aaron votes ___Yes
- James votes___Nod
- Rustin votes ___Yes’m
- Serena votes ___Yes
- Gretchen votes ___Yes
- Motion passes
- @DECISION: Ted is approved as jewelry shop lead.
2024 Budget Approvals
- Letterpress Budget: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pUDMrRWdmyMJx33MW02wjSQ6TePBhCJR/view?usp=drive_link
- Aaron motions to budget $1,000 interim budget with review in May. Adam and Dean will put together a pilot class concept. Serena seconds/
- Dean votes ___Yes
- LaDeana votes ___Yes
- Aaron votes ___Yes
- James votes ___Yes
- Rustin votes ___Yes
- Serena votes ___Yes
- Gretchen votes ___Yes
- Motion passes
- @DECISION: Letterpress budget is approved at $1,000 interim, to be reviewed in May.
Bids for Air Conditioning and Heat
- Bid 1: Corey Burgardt, Precision Air
- 9 units - Classroom 2, classroom 3, classroom 4 (2 units), lounge, ceramics, fab lab, textiles, server room
- Corey suggests bumping it up to 10, adding another unit in classroom 2
- Server room - 18,000 BTU, 1.5 unit
- It will all depend on what’s possible with the electrical– he doesn’t think it’s possible to do full HVAC with our existing electrical system
- He will print off specs with model numbers, manufacturer website and send them with the proposal
- Time estimate for the whole building was six weeks, so it would be shorter with fewer units but still might be about a month
- Not sure about controlling everything with the central system we have– Johnson Controls. He’ll need to check. Doesn’t want to void warranties.
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Minutes are accepted.
- @DECISION: Revision to the payment for authorizations are approved.
- @DECISION: Ted is approved as jewelry shop lead.
- @DECISION: Letterpress budget is approved at $1,000 interim, to be reviewed in May.
Task Summary
- None