GM@TIS2015:Week 4

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File:Lives.gm81 Move using the arrow keys. Hit the wall and lose a life. You are invincible for 3 seconds after losing a life. When you lose all of your lives you die. This demo demonstrates lives, variables. changing sprites, changing rooms
File:Enemies.gm81 Avoid the enemies. Every time you hit one, your health drops. Demonstrates showing and changing health, getting enemies to move
File:Easybullets.gm81 Move with the arrow keys. Shoot with the space bar! Demonstrates: bullets, setting direction of bullets
File:LessEasybullets.gm81 As above, except the bullet sprite changes depending on the direction of the bullet
File:AdvancedBullets.gm81 As above, except uses a variable to limit fire to 1 per second


  • Start with game showcase
  • Demo the examples above
  • Work Sessions