July 12th 2023
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Board Members
- Rustin Atkeisson, President
- James Lancaster, At-Large
- Gretchen Koch, At-Large
- Michael Atherton, At-Large
- Nicole Reid, Treasurer
- LaDeana Dockery, At-Large
- Mindy McKinley, Secretary
- Tony Reid
- Jay Christensen
- Russell Owens
- Aaron Rivers
- Scott Cockrill
- Mike Barushok (remote)
- Kez Cook (remote)
New Business
Review or member’s access suspension
- A member’s access to the forum was removed after comments were made that violated the terms of use of the forum.
- Is further action suggested?
- Rustin reads COCC determination 2023-07-4
- Report is deemed substantiated
- Member has been found guilty of Doxxing
- Suggested action: COCC asks that Board has a meeting with 1-2 members of both the board and the COCC to determine expectations of the forum and makerspace
- continue forum suspension until this meeting
- tell this member that any violations of the COC in the next six months may result in permanent banning from MakeICT
- This member has had a verbal warning previously
- Nicole says this is without context and there was already a full apology, minutes after the post in question
- LaDeana asks if Nicole is objecting to this meeting
- Nicole thinks an email will suffice
- Mindy agrees with Nicole
- Gretchen says the apology was taken into account in the COCC Determination
- This member has canceled their membership already
- LaDeana requests Moderation of this member’s forum account
- Nicole recommends an email asking if this member is interested in coming back to MakeICT. If this person wants to come back, they would need to agree to the terms
- Mike Atherton motions to reach out to the member to ask if interested in coming back to MakeICT and regain access to the forum under a 90 day moderation period, plus contact with the person and the board. The board will turn off moderation at the closest board meeting
- Mindy seconds the motion
- James Lancaster abstain
- Gretchen Koch yes
- Michael Atherton yes
- Nicole Reid yes
- LaDeana Dockery yes
- Mindy McKinley yes
Motion passes 5 yes, 1 abstain
@DECISION: [Board approved report and course of action by Mike on 2023-07-4 ]
- 2nd member review not needed as action taken by security does not require further action by board - person can regain key access by submitting a new signed key form that would then have to be approved by the board of directors
- Jay asks if security can arbitrarily turn off key card access
- LaDeana states security can unilaterally turn off badge access to make situations safe
- Jay asks what the policy is when a member of security puts their hands on another member
- LaDeana states police should have been called
- Nicole states the policy, any active security officer may deactivate a key of a member, and states any member may present policies to the board for consideration
- Jay reasks what the policy is when security puts hands on a member
- Nicole states that was not on the agenda, but that needs to be investigated
- Mike states that that is under investigation by COCC
- Jay states he is a witness for other incidents and was not asked his side of any story
- 3rd member review not needed as action taken by forum moderators does not require further action by the board - person would have to reply to forum moderators and agree to the terms of service
- They can email directors@makeict.org and we will forward to the moderators
COC Reporting Committee
- Doug Wilson would like to join the committee
- Looking for more people to join the COC Reporting Committee
- Motion?
- Nicole moves for Doug to be appointed
- Mike seconds
- James Lancaster yes
- Gretchen Koch yes
- Michael Atherton yes
- Nicole Reid yes
- LaDeana Dockery yes
- Mindy McKinley yes
Motion carries 6 yes
If anyone is interested in joining COCC they should email coc-reporting@makeict.org (Any reports should go to reports@makeict.org )
@DECISION: [Doug is appointed to COCRC ]
Interim Ceramics Lead
- Nicole is willing to help with financial side of ceramics, but declines being lead at this time
- Ceramics will have a meeting Monday at 6:30pm
- Apparently owe Evans for 3 years of taxes on ceramics goods purchased
- Nicole reiterates we are NOT tax exempt
- Nicole is looking into the process to become tax exempt and hopefully reapply
VP Election
- Will have a special election for a new vice president
- Asking that the election committee reach out for more candidates
- Current VP candidates:
- Dean Day
- Aaron Rivers
- If someone wants to nominate themselves or someone else for the VP position, they can email election@makeict.org
- If you want to become a member of the election committee, email election@makeict.org or talk to Doug Wilson
- Jay asks if the old election is ‘book closed’, moving on
- Rustin asks for clarification
- Jay states there are facts that membership does not know
- Rustin states we are trying to be as transparent as possible
- Jay asks if transparency is a new thing
- election date will be pushed back to account for the two weeks
- Mike B says he will be willing to assist the election committee
- Mindy moves to adjourn
- Rustin seconded
Committee Reports
Upcoming Events
- Maker Monday
- 2nd and 4th Mondays
- Member Orientation
- Saturday July 8th @2:30pm
- Tuesday July 18th @ 6pm
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: [Board approved report and course of action by Mike on 2023-07-4 ]
- @DECISION: [Doug is appointed to COCRC ]
Task Summary
- None