June 20th 2024
Board Members
- Mike Atherton, President
- Gretchen Koch, Secretary
- Serena Oden-Powers, At-Large
- LaDeana Dockery, At-Large
- Aaron Rivers, Vice-President
- Rustin Atkeisson, Treasurer
- James Lancaster, At-Large
- Steve Saner
- Timothy York
- Tricia Cortes
- Dean Day, At-Large
Opening and Mission Statement
- The regular monthly meeting of the MakeICT board of directors convenes on Thursday, June 20 at 7:00 pm in the MakeICT building.
- MakeICT is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is operated entirely by volunteers. It’s our mission to innovate, learn, and build community at the intersection of art, technology, science, and culture.
Thanks and Recognition
Thanks and recognition go to:
- The Air Conditioning Crew! Rustin Atkeisson, Aaron Rivers, Mike Atherton, Joe Birzer, Steve Owens, Larry Meeks, Mark Satoria, Aaron, George Baldridge, Dean, and the hazardous materials folks: Aaron Conway, Evan Castleberry, Koal Soto, and Kim Kirwan.
- East side Lowes for $1,000 discount on units
- Aaron Rivers for tree maintenance
- Everybody who mows, for mowing
- James and Steve for putting up cameras
- Members– thanks for being members!
- Election committee for their work
- Anyone who accepted a nomination to serve on the next board
- Tim York, Bonnie Cowles, Mike Atherton for donations to the raffle for the Magnificent Soiree
- The crew putting on the Magnificent Soiree
- Steve McHugh for polishing the floor in the hot shop
Old Business
First Thursday Board Workshop
The Board Workshop, on the first Thursday of each month, is an opportunity for members of MakeICT to get together and talk about plans and goals for MakeICT in an informal setting, outside of an official board meeting.
- Every First Thursday of the month
- Workshop to address issues from members 7-8pm
- Closed executive session for the Board 8-9pm
Area Reports
Vice President Aaron Rivers provides reports of activities in MakeICT areas.
- Inventory is ongoing
- Leads have worked to get handicap accessible chairs in each room
- Electronics is getting classes again.
New Business
Annual Membership Meeting – AND PARTY
The annual membership meeting will be held on Sunday, June 23. After the meeting, ballots will be sent out to membership to vote in the next Board of Directors.
The meeting this year will be a combination of business meeting and a party for members/guests of members, beginning at 1pm and continuing until 8pm.
Bring cash for the raffle and activities!
Raffle tickets will be available for purchase at 1pm, and remain available until the drawing at 5pm. 6 month membership for members and guests of members (needs approval) Other items made/contributed by members
The tentative schedule is:
- Set up time until 1pm
- 1pm - 4pm: Activities:
- Board games indoors
- Water balloon toss
- 4pm - 5pm
- Business Meeting
- Grill out: Hamburgers, brats, beans, potato salad, etc. Potluck contributions are also welcome!
- 5pm - Raffle drawing
- 5pm - 8pm: BYOB garden party
- 8pm - Ballots sent out
Anyone who is willing to donate items to be prizes for the raffle can contact Serena.Oden-Powers@makeict.org
Treasurer’s Report
- Income: $13,200
- Utilities insight: $1,550
- Instructor pay: $650
- Shop expenses: $ 1700
- Project Expenses: $5,600 (Handicap parking spot and lawn mower)
- Other Expenses: $600
- Total expenses: $15,900
- Cash negative by: ($2,700)
- Forecast for June: probably going to be cash negative by ($8,000)
- Still working with CPA to file the tax abatement that may be retroactive to more than the start of the year.
- Still working to take care of refinancing the mortgage on the building
- Completed Projects
- $1,300 spent on stained glass class
- $1,000 spent of $1,650 for garden hydrants
- In Work Projects
- $200 spent of $1,000 for letterpress (Adam is continuing to work on the letterpress)
- $3,400 spent of $6,000 from the Collins grant to improve ventilation in the metals shops and wood shops.
- $9,800 of $10,000 spent on AC repair and replacement (end of project scheduled for Sat 6/22)
- $1,000 of $2,000 spent on securing AC units (end of project scheduled for Sat 6/22)
- $0 of 500 spent on security cameras (donated cameras got rid of the need to order more)
- Close the windows and turn off lights in each shop before leaving each shop, except for one shop which should have lights on each night for security purposes.
- Reset thermostats to the appropriate temperature of 60 degrees in winter, and turn off the air conditioning in the summer, to save energy. Close windows, turn off ACs, and turn off lights when leaving a room.
Approval of Previous Minutes
5/16/2024: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/May_16th_2024
'Motion: Mike moves to approve the minutes as written.
Seconded by: Serena
- Rustin votes: Yes
- James votes: Yes
- Serena votes: Yes
- LaDeana votes: Yes
- Aaron votes: Abstain
- Gretchen votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes @DECISION: Minutes are accepted
6/8/2024: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17izeDquHbdDF2zXhifkM0AIl2mmzJn4UyrY08TfBcTc/edit?usp=sharing
Motion: Mike moves to approve the minutes as written.
Seconded by: Serena
- Rustin votes: Yes
- James votes: Yes
- Serena votes: Yes
- LaDeana votes: Yes
- Aaron votes: Yes
- Gretchen votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes @DECISION: Minutes are accepted
Minutes from the special meeting will be posted to the wiki.
New Position: Director of Operations
Oversees the leads and chairs meetings. Facilitates communication between areas/committees and the board. Not an actual board member. Appointed by the board, yearly.
Motion: Rustin moves to create a new position of Director of Operations at Make ICT, based on the above definition of the role, to be appointed yearly in June.
Seconded by: Serena
- LaDeana votes: Yep
- Aaron votes: Yep
- James votes: Abstain
- Rustin votes: Yes
- Serena votes: Definitely
- Gretchen votes: Yes please
Result: Motion passes @DECISION: The role of Director of Operations is created, to be re-appointed yearly.
Motion: Mike moves to appoint Aaron Rivers to the position of Director of Operations at MakeICT.
Seconded by: Serena
- LaDeana votes: Yes I approve the motion
- Aaron votes: Abstain
- James votes: Abstain
- Rustin votes: Yes
- Serena votes: I will concur that Aaron needs to be the DoO.
- Gretchen votes: Likewise.
Result: Motion passes @DECISION: Aaron is approved as the first Director of Operations (DoO).
Communications - Newsletter
The next newsletter will come out on the first of July. Please send blurbs to communications@makeict.org. Guidelines for future newsletters:
- Be positive and forward-looking with articles.
- If asked to submit an article, you are allowed to say "No," with the exception of the Pres and VP, who will have to submit make-up articles the following month.
- Leads and Directors are encouraged to submit articles.
- Deadline for submissions will be the 25th of each month.
- Newsletter will be published on the first of the month.
- Members are also encouraged to take photos of activities at MakeICT and submit them for the newsletter.
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Minutes are accepted
- @DECISION: Minutes are accepted
- @DECISION: The role of Director of Operations is created, to be re-appointed yearly.
- @DECISION: Aaron is approved as the first Director of Operations (DoO).
Task Summary
- None