June 8th 2024

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Special Board Meeting: AC Discussion


Board Members

  • Mike Atherton, President
  • Gretchen Koch, Secretary
  • Serena Oden-Powers, At-Large
  • LaDeana Dockery, At-Large
  • Aaron Rivers, Vice-President
  • Rustin Atkeisson, Treasurer
  • James Lancaster, At-Large

Short-Term Solution

Motion: Mike moves to allocate up to $10,000 for purchase of equipment for short-term cooling solution.
Seconded by: Aaron

  • Rustin votes: Yes
  • James votes: Yes
  • Serena votes: Yes
  • LaDeana votes: Yes
  • Aaron votes: Yes
  • Gretchen votes: Yes

Result: Motion passes

With portable coolers we’ll need to set up brackets in the windows for the exhaust duct/hose.

Protecting Window Units

If we go window units, they will need a “killdozer” shell/cage. We lost 11 units due to intentional damage.

Motion: Aaron moves to allocate up to $2,000 for purchase of material to create AC cages.
Seconded by: Mike

  • Rustin votes: No
  • James votes: Yes
  • Serena votes: Yes
  • LaDeana votes: No
  • Aaron votes: Yes
  • Gretchen votes: Yes

Result: Motion passes

Security Cameras

We have wired, indoor-only cameras. We need wireless cameras– 28 to cover the outside.

Motion: Mike moves to allocate $500 to buy as many new wireless cameras as possible.
Seconded by: Serena

  • Rustin votes: Yes
  • James votes: Yes
  • Serena votes: Yes
  • LaDeana votes: Yes
  • Aaron votes: Yes
  • Gretchen votes: Yes

Result: Motion passes

Discussion on Electrical

Discussed electrical options for MakeICT.

Suggestions for the Incoming Board

  • Director of Operations? In charge of the leads. Not an actual board member. Appointed by the board, yearly. Aaron would be great for this. Mike will float it with him.
  • Have more parties