March 23 2015
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Governance Committee (Dom)
- Sustainability plan release
- @DECISION: Write GLOWING piece on the new space, all we have done, what we are going to be doing to prep for Sustainability plan release
- @TODO (Dustin, April 1): Release Sustainability plan to members April 1, 30 day comment period, adopt May 1
- Floor plan release
- @TODO (Dom, ASAP, April 4): share floor plans with blog post on various floorplan ideas, start official thread, the future to be floorplan (not day 1)
- Workshop refund policy - OFFICIAL
- Proposal 1: Refund policy varies for each workshop. Workshop facilitators must submit a refund policy as part of their final proposal before the workshop will be approved and scheduled.
- Proposal 2: 100% refund will be granted if reservation is cancelled no less than 7 days in advanced; no refunds will be granted after that date.
- @DECISION: Proposal 2 is accepted as Standard/Default policy: 100% refund will be granted if reservation is cancelled no less than 7 days in advanced; no refunds will be granted after that date. They can submit a different policy when they submit the workshop paperwork. If none submitted, Standard/Default policy applies.
- @TODO (Dom, no date): Find official policy on splitting workshop fees
- Douglas Design District application
- Application has been submitted
Communications Hive (John)
Social media stats
- Kill (dom)
- @TODO (?, no date): Set up forward for to, fix all accounts and references that use
Finances and Fundraising Task Force (Jens)
Member count
- Budget check - $47k remaining of $62k equipment budget - see here for itemized list
- Taxes in work
- Some suggestions from members for improvements to new building
- Enclose wood shop - $1,000-2,500 for walls; $1,500 for ceiling
- Electrical - $750 (does not include 220 needs)
- Plumbing will need to be added
- Utilities for new building set except for trash
- @TODO (Mike H, no date): Check with Westar on electricity feed quality
- @DECISION: Burt asked about getting materials from businesses and trading for MakeICT access. It is OK. They have to follow the membership policies.
- Businesses have two options: they can donate materials (tax deductable) or trade for MakeICT access.
- We will have Donor Appreciation visibility
- @TODO (?, no date): Donation levels need to be added to fundraiser information
- ArtDOG forms uploaded on the new Google drive: ArtDog event, postcard mailing list, volunteer list
- Is on Final Friday
- @TODO (board, March 27): talk to members to volunteer for ArtDog
- @TODO (April, no date): put our activities on our ArtDog webpage
- Insurance
- Costs are increasing because of larger space and number of members.
- @TODO (board, March 30): Jens will send out insurance info by email, for us to approve
Remote Events and Outreach Gaggle (Barb)
- MakerFaire
- Exploration Place will hold and pay for Mini MakerFaire
- @TODO (John, no date): send out notes from Exploration Place discussion of doing MakerFaire
- @TODO (Barb, no date): create committee to work on MakerFaire
Special Projects Brigade (Mike)
- Like to see interactive wall at 1500
- Arduino Day - I signed us up for a codebender event
- "codebender wants to support events and workshops that will take place on the Arduino Day 2015 (March 28th). We want to share these events and promote them through our social media. We also want to send some swag for your event which due to long distance we sincerely hope that they will arrive on time! We will also write a blogpost on codebender’s blog about the Arduino Day and the events/workshops around the world so we’d love to have some photos of your event especially the ones with codebender in :D . Last but not least, we would like to run a contest and offer an Arduino board to a lucky participant of your workshop."
- Needs information about what we are doing
- Running a contest and offer an Arduino board to a lucky participant of your workshop
Makerspace (Tom)
- @TODO (Mike, by next meeting): Find out if an Occupancy Permit is needed
- Learn to solder went fairly well good turn out. Any feed back welcome.
- @TODO (Dom, no date): Need to send Learn to solder survey
(Dom or Tom) need to refund two regestrants that didn't make it to the learn to solder class (already done)
(Mike) I let someone take my space in the class, did not get refund. use my for membership. Unable to use RFID chip.
- Wood Carving with Roy moved to April 2nd Saturday
- Basic Electronics With James and Tom moved to May 2nd Saturday
- thanks Gina
- Phase 2 Day 1 electrical needs (Dustin)
- Costs displayed above
- Switches for areas currently switched at the breaker
- Bulbs
- Gordon Murray's Robot Sumo promo video (dom)
devICT (Seth)
- Junior Coders - Initial conversation with John
- Kansas Linux Fest report
- Lawrence Maker Space
- Talked about Mike AI
- wants to work with other markerspaces
- Linux Install Day
- Evan Roth show at Ulrich - reception and speaker on March 24 at 630pm
- Havester Arts Kick Off Party at their new location, 8pm March 27
- Bike Walk Wichita built a bike rack for The Workroom (one of our new DDD neighbors)
- Bike Walk Wichita is hosting Bike Beautiful (a women's cycling fashion show) on April 2 at Fisch Haus
- DDD is having their annual meeting April 21
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Write GLOWING piece on the new space, all we have done, what we are going to be doing to prep for Sustainability plan release
- @DECISION: Proposal 2 is accepted as Standard/Default policy: 100% refund will be granted if reservation is cancelled no less than 7 days in advanced; no refunds will be granted after that date. They can submit a different policy when they submit the workshop paperwork. If none submitted, Standard/Default policy applies.
- @DECISION: Burt asked about getting materials from businesses and trading for MakeICT access. It is OK. They have to follow the membership policies.
Task Summary
- @TODO (?, no date): Set up forward for to, fix all accounts and references that use
- @TODO (?, no date): Donation levels need to be added to fundraiser information
- @TODO (April, no date): put our activities on our ArtDog webpage
- @TODO (Barb, no date): create committee to work on MakerFaire
- @TODO (board, March 27): talk to members to volunteer for ArtDog
- @TODO (board, March 30): Jens will send out insurance info by email, for us to approve
- @TODO (Dom, ASAP, April 4): share floor plans with blog post on various floorplan ideas, start official thread, the future to be floorplan (not day 1)
- @TODO (Dom, no date): Find official policy on splitting workshop fees
- @TODO (Dom, no date): Need to send Learn to solder survey
- @TODO (Dustin, April 1): Release Sustainability plan to members April 1, 30 day comment period, adopt May 1
- @TODO (John, no date): send out notes from Exploration Place discussion of doing MakerFaire
- @TODO (Mike, by next meeting): Find out if an Occupancy Permit is needed
- @TODO (Mike H, no date): Check with Westar on electricity feed quality