October 17th 2024

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Opening and Mission Statement

  • The regular monthly meeting of the MakeICT board of directors convenes on Thursday, October 17 at 7:00 pm in the MakeICT building.
  • MakeICT is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is operated entirely by volunteers. It’s our mission to innovate, learn, and build community at the intersection of art, technology, science, and culture.

Quote for Today:

“To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.” - Writer and philosopher Elbert Hubbard

Roll Call:

Board Members:

  • President: Gretchen Koch
  • Vice President: Dean Day
  • Secretary: Paul Shackelford
  • Treasurer: Aaron Grindstaff
  • Director At Large: Matthew Cleary
  • Director At Large: Eric Manda
  • Director At Large: Aaron Norton
  • Director at Large: Serena Oden-Powers


Thanks and Recognition

Thanks and recognition go to:

  • [list of people] who helped out at the Ren Faire
  • Rustin Atkeisson, Dave Hanson, James Lancaster, Matt Cleary, and Gretchen Koch for volunteering to design and build a new castle facade for the ren faire tent

Old Business

Communications - Newsletter

The next newsletter will come out on the first of November. Please send blurbs to communications@makeict.org.

  • Please send in current photos we can use anywhere (website, newsletter, social media, etc)!
  • Teachers please take pictures and send them to us


  • Be positive and forward-looking with articles.
  • If asked to submit an article, you are allowed to say "No," with the exception of the President and VP, who will have to submit make-up articles the following month.
  • Leads and Directors are encouraged to submit articles.
  • Deadlines for submissions are on the 25th of each month.
  • Newsletter will be published on the first of the month.
  • Members are also encouraged to take photos of activities at MakeICT and submit them for the newsletter.
  • Please make sure that photos are properly credited with who is in it and who took it.

First Thursday Board Workshop

The Board Workshop is an opportunity for members of MakeICT to get together and talk about plans and goals for MakeICT in an informal setting, outside of an official board meeting.


  • Every First Thursday of the month
  • Workshop to address issues from members 7-8pm
  • Closed executive session as needed for the Board 8-9pm

Area Reports

  • List

Treasurer’s Report

  • At a Glance
    • Income: $13,500
    • Utilities insight: $3,400
    • Instructor pay: $1,300
    • Area expenses: $3,100
    • Total expenses: $10,500
    • Cash Positive by: $3,000
  • Taxes and Mortgage
    • Still working with CPA to file the tax abatement that may be retroactive to more than the start of the year (got feedback, have a little more work, but so far, sounds good for abating back to 2019)
    • Still working to take care of refinancing the mortgage on the building (have all the paperwork read)
    • Sales tax paid for this quarter
  • Projects in Progress
    • $3,500 spent of $6,000 from the Collins grant to improve ventilation in the metals shops and wood shops.
    • Pledge drive for Keyacast Successful - all pledges received, Aaron Grindstaff to pick up 9/20 to save $500 on shipping
    • Operation Grant Submitted, also working to get it from last year – Aaron G met with them on 9/19 for questions (e.g. how donations are handled, do we in fact have an all-volunteer staff, etc.). We haven’t yet received the grant funding from last year because we didn’t submit an invoice. Aaron did that and is prepared to submit one for the next grant (assuming we receive it).
    • IRS 990 Form– we had an automatic extension last year and submitted it in November. Need to submit by 11/15.


  • Don’t open windows in a shop if the AC unit is turned on.
  • When leaving a shop:
    • Make sure all windows are closed and locked
    • Make sure no AC units are on
    • Turn off the lights (except if one room’s lights are left on for security reasons)
    • Drain portable units
    • Set heaters to 60 degrees

New Business

Approval of Previous Minutes

September board meeting: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/September_19th_2024

Motion: ______ moves to approve the minutes as stated.

Seconded by:

  • Dean votes:
  • Paul votes:
  • Aaron G votes:
  • Matthew votes:
  • Aaron N votes:
  • Eric votes:
  • Serena votes:

Result: Motion

{{decision | 9/19/24 minutes are approved }

WSU History Presentation

Dr. Jay Price and some of his students are in attendance tonight with a proposal for a history talk on November 14th.

Old Castle, New Castle

The sturdy-but-unwieldy MakeICT renaissance fair castle has officially been sold off to, and removed by, a fellow vendor who owns the Only Cows page/group on Facebook.

The new castle is already in the works, with Rustin Atkeisson creating prototypes and Dave Hanson advising. At the September 5 workshop Rustin agreed to add up the total for creating a test case of the castle, to be submitted as an expense at the next board meeting.

He assessed the cost of fiberglass at that point to be $345.66, and submitted receipts for reimbursement, speculating that the final cost for materials could top $1,500.

The new castle would be property of MakeICT and stored on the premises.

Blackhearts Fencing Club

The Blackhearts Fencing Club would like to regularly meet at MakeICT.

Their proposed contract: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QnIqAOC2AK4Aa5dQLF3b7NGqqDJAEEon/view?usp=drive_link

Motion: ______ moves to

Seconded by:

  • Dean votes:
  • Paul votes:
  • Aaron G votes:
  • Matthew votes:
  • Aaron N votes:
  • Eric votes:
  • Serena votes:

Result: Motion

Gutters in the Garden

Piper Thomas wants to install a 4" tall diverter to one of the gutters on the eastern side of the courtyard.

Link to planning Powerpoint: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gPk3yr0-ybllxbH7sre6WBWH_k3AFBl-dGxtMLlahyc/edit?usp=sharing

Motion: ______ moves to Seconded by:

  • Dean votes:
  • Paul votes:
  • Aaron G votes:
  • Matthew votes:
  • Aaron N votes:
  • Eric votes:
  • Serena votes:

Result: Motion

Halloween Party in the Garden

Piper Thomas is planning a Halloween party in the garden for 11/3/24. It’s already on the calendar.

Note: Cardboard is requested as a donation to the garden.

Letterpress Assets

During the September 2024 board meeting, we disbanded the Letterpress Area. According to the committee policy, items not claimed from the area by this meeting are subject to disposal by the board. This item is here to determine a path forward.

Decision Summary

    Task Summary