Woodshop Access Policy
Required Woodshop Authorization
Woodworking is hazardous by nature. In order to use any of the woodshop tools any member or nonmember must take the Woodshop Authorization course. We want everyone to go home safe and in one piece! SAFE OPERATION of tools is our top priority.
PPE (Personal Safety Equipment)
Anyone entering the shop will be required to wear safety glasses. Use of additional PPE such as hearing protection, and dust masks is heartily encouraged. Cleanliness A clean shop is a safe and productive shop. All members and nonmembers are expected to clean after themselves while working, and thoroughly clean before leaving the area in which they’re working.
Most woods are allowed in the woodshop, but to protect machinery as well as to protect other members, only WELL INSPECTED reclaimed lumber free of sand, gravel, nails, screws, staples or finish will be allowed in the shop. Pressure treated lumber will NOT be allowed ANY time.
Hazardous Materials Authorization
Wood dust is a major safety concern, so cleanliness is of extreme importance. Some people are allergic to certain lumber. These individuals can and have become sensitized to such materials. Symptoms range from the minor problems, like Dermatitis (Skin Rash), to more serious problems, like Asthma Complication and Mucosal Irritation. Therefore, the use of woods from the following list requires additional authorization and training for proper clean-up after their use. These courses will be posted regularly to the calendar.
- African Mahogonay
- Jatoba “Brazilian Cherry”
- Ebony
- Ipe, “Brazilian Walnut”
- Iroko, “African Teak”
- Makore, “African Cherry”
- Mansonia, “African Walnut”
- MDF, Particle Board, Hardboard (Wearing of MDF spoil-boards on the Shopbot exempt)
- Olivewood
- Padauk
- Plastics and epoxies
- Purple Heart
- Walnut
- Wenge
- Western Red Cedar
ShopBot Authorization
The Shopbot operates on principles different than other woodworking machines, and requires special training. Only members who have completed the required shop bot authorization course (or any ShopBot class prior to the adoption of this authorization requirement) or been approved by an authorized instructor may use the ShopBot.
Lathe Authorization
Wood-turning is a distinct branch of woodworking that operates on principles and with different risks other woodworking operations, and requires special training. Only members who have completed the required lathe authorization course (or any lathe class prior to the adoption of this authorization requirement) or been approved by an authorized instructor may use the lathes.
Approved by the Board of Directors March 15, 2018, Modified 2022 April 21