Unified Personal Property Policy

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Scope: This policy applies to member property that members wish to have on the MakeICT premises for some amount of time. The MakeICT Property Policy covers items owned by MakeICT.

Donations and Hackables


As a nonprofit organization, MakeICT benefits hugely from donations, but our space is limited, so we can’t accept everything people want to donate. In order to restrict donations to what MakeICT specifically wants to accept, donees must:

  • Confer with the appropriate area lead for the area where the item will be placed, and/or with the board of directors for general and major donations. Items donated that can’t be used in the space can, alternately, be sold by MakeICT and the proceeds will be used to benefit the space.
  • Fill out an Equipment Donation Receipt form and send an image of the complete and signed form sent to inventory@makeict.org and file the original signed form. The Equipment Donation Receipt form should also be copied and given to the donee for tax purposes.


Area leads may designate a portion of their areas for hackables, which are items meant to be used for projects by other members.

Hackables do not require an Equipment Donation Receipt, and can be generally approved by area leads (e.g. “put all scrap materials here”), so that they can be immediately used by other members without seeking permission. Hackables may not be sold off by the area leads– they must be rejected for donation if unwanted. Check the wiki page for each area for information on how hackables are handled in that area.

If a lead accepts hackables as a donation but members aren’t using them, the lead can place the hackables in a “free” area where anyone in membership can take them.

Equipment/Tool Loans

Items may be loaned to MakeICT, but only if the loan is documented.

Every item on loan will need to be documented using the Equipment Loan Agreement Form, signed by the appropriate Area Lead and two board members. Agreement forms will be kept on file by the Inventory and Procurement Committee.

Equipment loans can be viewed on this spreadsheet.


  • An item on loan will be labeled as such and will include contact information for the owner.
  • The item will also have a link to the wiki outlining care, use, precautions, and training options for use of the tool.

Return of Loaned Items

  • Items may be retrieved by the owner after notifying the Area Lead and/or Inventory Committee prior to retrieval. This will ensure the MakeICT’s inventory remains up to date and prevent the item being reported as lost/stolen.
  • MakeICT may request that a loaned item must return to its owner, in which case the item will be subject to disposal 30 days after notifying the owner, if the owner does not respond.

MakeICT’s Obligations

  • MakeICT will ensure loaned items are maintained in approximately the same or better condition than they were when received.
  • MakeICT is responsible for the full cost of repair or replacement if the item is damaged in, or stolen from, the premises. Once the item is returned to the lender, MakeICT is no longer responsible for replacement or repair.
  • MakeICT will notify the lender promptly if the item is damaged or lost.
  • The lender of the item will determine who is allowed to perform maintenance or make repairs on the item. This must be specified before the loan can be accepted.
  • MakeICT is responsible for proper use of the equipment and is responsible for training anyone using the equipment on the proper use of the equipment.
  • The item will not leave the MakeICT location at any time, unless they are returned to the lender.
  • Tools loaned to the makerspace will follow the same Machine Access policies as other tools, as defined by the area lead. The lender will work with the area lead to determine appropriate policies.
  • If a tool loaned to MakeICT harms any person or property while under operation of MakeICT, the lender will not be held responsible.


Consignment is when MakeICT brokers items on behalf of a member.

MakeICT’s Obligations

  • MakeICT will collect and remit sales tax. Items that are being sold by an entity that has a retail sales tax permit are not an exception.
  • MakeICT will retain discretion to move, pull, or place time limits on any or all items in the display area. If an item is removed, it will be returned to the seller within 30 days of notification to the seller.
  • MakeICT will create and/or allow signage to instruct purchasers where the payments go, and what needs to be written on the envelope or in the comments when making payment online.

Seller’s Obligations

A signed and dated formal agreement must be submitted with the following:

  • Where the item to be consigned will be placed
  • A beginning and end date for the sale, which will not exceed six months except by agreement between the seller and MakeICT.

Prices, item names, and seller's name must be firmly attached to, and/or clearly visible for, each item.

Pricing and Fees

  • The consignment fee will be 20% for items with a sale price greater than or equal to $100. A consignment fee will not apply to items less than $100.
  • Prices should be multiples of $0.25 (quarter dollars).
  • Sales tax is to be included in the sale price and should be considered when pricing items.
  • Sales tax is subject to the current rate for Wichita which can be accessed on the city website. As of policy approval, it is 7.5%.
  • A limited amount of lockable storage may be available for items.
  • Please limit the total value of each display case to be less than $1,000.

Property Sale

Direct Sale via the Forum

MakeICT members may sell their own items directly using the For Sale category on the forum. Member should create a new thread with the name of the item to be sold, e.g. “Band Saw,” and add information in the first post of the thread including how to contact the seller and, ideally, photos and more details about the item. Responsibility for all parts of the transaction rests on the buyer and seller.

Personal Storage


Members may rent lockers, if available, to store their possessions on the premises. The price to rent a locker is currently $5 per month, which may be rolled into a member’s regular payments, but availability is not guaranteed.

Members are responsible for the contents of their lockers and must provide a lock if necessary.

Storage of perishable food items in lockers is prohibited.

A member must remove all possessions from their locker in the event that they cancel their membership, immediately if not beforehand. Members whose membership ends involuntarily will have their possessions shipped to their address on file within 30 days.

Approved Area-Specific Storage

Area leads may designate space within their areas for personal storage as part of their area-specific guidelines as stated on their wiki page.

If an area lead requests payment in exchange for storage space, that payment will be applied to the budget for the area.

General Storage

Permission to store items outside of area-specific policy can in some cases still be granted by an area lead, or in other cases approved by the board, depending on circumstances.

Lost and Found

The Lost and Found box is located in the Welcome Area cabinet to the left of the desk. If an owner isn’t immediately identified, members are asked to place the items in this box to keep them safe until the owner can claim them.

Food Storage

Food items that require refrigeration must be placed in the break room refrigerator in sealed storage containers clearly labeled with the owner’s name and phone number, with the current date. Food items left in the fridge for longer than three days are subject to disposal.

Immediate Disposal

Items not covered elsewhere in the policy that have not been approved for storage are subject to immediate disposal by any member if they are deemed an impediment to members using equipment in that area correctly, safely, and/or easily.

Disposal to Other Members

Items in an area that don’t fall within the parameters of the area’s guidelines but also don’t present a hindrance to the area may be acquired by other members upon receiving permission from the area lead.

This includes hackables that have been accepted as donations by the area lead, but haven’t been used in the area by members. The lead can place these hackables in the general “free stuff” area.

Approved by the board on January 16th 2025.