MakeICT Property Policy

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Scope: This policy applies to MakeICT property is for the benefit of all members. The Unified Personal Property Policy covers items owned by members that are at MakeICT.

Property Acquisition

MakeICT strives to provide great equipment as a benefit to our membership. We often dream about what a future tool or machine capability could mean for the space. These rules govern expenditure of MakeICT funds for property acquisition:

  • Items included in a board-approved budget shall not be subject to any further board approval for purchase.
    • In the case of a cost overrun, the treasurer and board should be notified.
    • If further funds are needed to cover a cost overrun, a request should be made to the board for funds and a plan submitted to either control costs or maintain a higher level of spend.
  • Board approval is required before fundraising and plans should be submitted that outline:
    • Where the item is to be located
    • What modifications are needed to the space (if any)
    • Any ongoing costs to be funded beyond electricity
    • What safety considerations should be made. If there is anything that suggests an access policy would be needed for the equipment, a draft should be provided at time of approval
    • A draft of class material to support equipment
    • A commitment of no less than three classes to support equipment. These should be put on the calendar no later than a month after receiving equipment.

50/50 Fundraising

A 50/50 split in fundraising has been a popular method of bringing new equipment to the space, including providing funds for our 3D printers, Kayacast jewelry casting machine, and other equipment. Donations are still allowed and encouraged, this governs the use of fundraising for equipment.

  • Unless included in a board approved budget, the 50/50 method of fundraising should be used for equipment purchases exceeding $500.
    • Facilities, IT, and Security shall be exempt from 50/50 fundraising.
  • If equipment purchase is approved by the board, the board will provide no more than 50% of the total cost of the equipment and startup costs (modifications needed to the space, materials or accessories needed to support equipment as expected to be used)
  • An area or committee will be responsible for fundraising no less than 50% of the total cost of the equipment and startup costs

Property Removal

  • Borrowing equipment for personal use is not allowed.
  • The removal of property for repair, maintenance or use at an educational event is allowed as long as approval is granted by the lead.
    • The board and security do not need to approve this but both should be notified via email.
  • To request an equipment loan:
    • Complete Equipment Loan from MakeICT Agreement Form
    • Obtain approval signature from the relevant lead
    • Obtain approval signatures from two board members
    • All three signatures are required before equipment is loaned
  • By signing the Agreement Form, the borrower takes responsibility for the care and use of the equipment as outlined in the agreement form.

Property Sale


The sale of consumables is covered by the Cash Donation Policy.

The “Three Nerd Rule”

Property can be sold in an auction format, with the proceeds going to MakeICT, using the Taking Offers form. This form must be attached to the item to be sold. It requires the signatures of either 1) the lead for the area where the item will be placed and two members of the board of directors, or 2) three members of the board if no area lead is available. Only bids made on the Taking Offers Form will be considered valid.

The seller should post on the forum under the For Sale category, with the thread title of “Taking offers for [item].” The post should include a short description and the location of the item so anyone can add their bid to the form. Items are not to be bid on through the forum.

The winning bidder must pay for the item before receiving it. If the item is not paid for and removed by the date specified on the Taking Offers form (with specific exceptions made by the board), the item will be considered MakeICT property and subject to disposal.

After the sale is completed and payment received, the Sale/Disposal Receipt or remittance form must be completed with all relevant Taking Offers forms attached, and submitted (via hard copy or images emailed) to the Treasurer and Inventory committee. Funds from the sale will be dedicated to the area, or to the general fund as deemed appropriate.

Approved by the board on January 16th 2025.