July 18th 2024

From MakeICT Wiki
Revision as of 14:17, 13 July 2024 by Paul Shackelford (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=AGENDA= ==Attendance== ===Board Members=== *Gretchen Koch, President *Dean Day, Vice President *Paul Shackelford, Secretary *Aaron Grindstaff, Treasurer *Serena Oden-Powers,...")
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Board Members

  • Gretchen Koch, President
  • Dean Day, Vice President
  • Paul Shackelford, Secretary
  • Aaron Grindstaff, Treasurer
  • Serena Oden-Powers, At-Large
  • Eric Manda, At-Large
  • Matthew Cleary, At-Large
  • Aaron Norton, At-Large

Director of Operations

  • Aaron Rivers


  • List Here


  • List as Needed

Opening and Mission Statement

  • The regular monthly meeting of the MakeICT board of directors convenes on Thursday, July 18 at 7:00 pm in the MakeICT building.
  • MakeICT is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is operated entirely by volunteers. It’s our mission to innovate, learn, and build community at the intersection of art, technology, science, and culture.

Thanks and Recognition

Thanks and recognition go to:

  • Everybody who mows, for mowing

Old Business

First Thursday Board Workshop

The Board Workshop, on the first Thursday of each month, is an opportunity for members of MakeICT to get together and talk about plans and goals for MakeICT in an informal setting, outside of an official board meeting.


  • Every First Thursday of the month (was second Wednesday of this month due to fourth of July)
  • Workshop to address issues from members 7-8pm
  • Closed executive session as needed for the Board 8-9pm

Area Reports

Director of Operations, Aaron Rivers, provides reports of activities in MakeICT areas.

  • List

New Business

Treasurer’s Report

  • Income: $
  • Utilities insight: $
  • Instructor pay: $
  • Shop expenses: $
  • Project Expenses: $
  • Other Expenses: $
  • Total expenses: $
  • Cash positive/negative by: ($)
  • Forecast for July:
  • Still working with CPA to file the tax abatement that may be retroactive to more than the start of the year.
  • Still working to take care of refinancing the mortgage on the building
  • Completed Projects
    • List
  • In Work Projects (update #s)
    • $200 spent of $1,000 for letterpress (Adam is continuing to work on the letterpress)
    • $3,400 spent of $6,000 from the Collins grant to improve ventilation in the metals shops and wood shops.
    • $9,800 of $10,000 spent on AC repair and replacement (end of project scheduled for Sat 6/22)
    • $1,000 of $2,000 spent on securing AC units (end of project scheduled for Sat 6/22)
    • $0 of 500 spent on security cameras (donated cameras got rid of the need to order more)


  • Close the windows and turn off lights in each shop before leaving each shop, except for one shop which should have lights on each night for security purposes.
  • Reset thermostats to the appropriate temperature of 60 degrees in winter, and turn off the air conditioning in the summer, to save energy. Close windows, turn off ACs, and turn off lights when leaving a room.

Approval of Previous Minutes

6/20/2024: June 20th 2024

Motion: moves to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by:

  • Gretchen votes:
  • Dean votes:
  • Paul votes:
  • Aaron G votes:
  • Matthew votes:
  • Eric votes:
  • Aaron N votes:
  • Serena votes:

Result: Motion @DECISION: Minutes are accepted

7/13/2024 special meeting: July 13th 2024

Motion: moves to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by:

  • Gretchen votes:
  • Dean votes:
  • Paul votes:
  • Aaron G votes:
  • Matthew votes:
  • Eric votes:
  • Aaron N votes:
  • Serena votes:

Result: Motion passes@DECISION: Minutes are accepted

Decision Summary

    Task Summary