Board Meeting 2021-08-19
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- 1.1 Attendance
- 1.2 Standing Items
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Committee Reports
- 1.5.1 Awards Committee - x
- 1.5.2 Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery
- 1.5.3 Communications (and Wikibrarian) - Malissa Long
- 1.5.4 Events Committee - X
- 1.5.5 Facilities Committee - Saga Roming
- 1.5.6 Finance Committee - Dan Kries
- 1.5.7 Forge Committee - James Seymour/Mike Atherton
- 1.5.8 Fundraising - Ethan Doak
- 1.5.9 Lounge/Breakroom - David Mendoza
- 1.5.10 Letterpress - David Springs
- 1.5.11 Garden - Aaron Rivers
- 1.5.12 IT - Tom Bloom
- 1.5.13 Inventory - Anna DiSalvo/Wallis Mead
- 1.5.14 Membership (and Community Outreach) - Paula Pankratz/Steve Owens
- 1.5.15 Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery
- 1.5.16 Scholarships - x
- 1.5.17 Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman/David Springs
- 1.5.18 Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- 1.5.19 Welcome Center - Angel
- 1.6 Other Items Discussed
- 1.7 Past Events
- 1.8 Upcoming Events
- 1.9 Decision Summary
- 1.10 Task Summary
Board Members
- Jai Chauhan, President
- Rustin Atkeisson, Vice-President
- James Lancaster, Secretary
- Beverly Schellenger, Treasurer
- Aaron Rivers, At-Large
- Anna DiSalvo, At-Large
- Doug Wilson, At-Large
- David Hanson, At-Large
- Patrick Hutchison
- Ethan Doak
- Mike Atherton
- Mike Barushok
- David Springs
- LaDeana Dockery
- Thomas Bloom
- Glenn ?
Standing Items
- Thanks & Recognition
- Roy Lyon, Joe Birzer, Steve Owens, and Domy for the amazing work on getting the ACs in Rooms 1 & 3 - James L
- Thanks to Anna D., David S., Paula P. Ethan D., LaDeana D., for committee reports using the form requested, also those who posted it to the wiki: Michael A. Steve O, - James L.
- Thanks to Wes, Aaron, and James clearing out the scrap metal - Inventory
- Steve Owens for running Maker Monday and Orientation - Membership
Old Business
Provide to members comparison of expenses from Booth and Douglas - Rustin
- In progress
- Some things more expensive. Others oddly cheaper
- @todo Rustin will try to add it to the next newsletter
Status of some policies - James
- Meeting reviewed and did not change the policy. Thanks to Patrick Hutchisonfor help with finding the recording.
- Forms were noted for changes
- Will review them at the next meeting
COVID Mask Policy Discussion / Update - All
Delta Variant is sweeping through Sedgwick County, should we consider a renewed mask request inside the makerspace?
- Sedgwick County has 0 ICU beds available
- Current policy has been CDC guidelines
- Current CDC guidelines are to mask regardless of vaccination status
- Davids Motion to post signs to wear masks with group activities, Jai seconds
- From now until the next board meeting the board, in accordance with CDC guidelines, MakeiCT is requesting mask wearing while in the makerspace, and a mask requirement for indoor group activities and classes. Signs will be posted as reminders.
- 7 in favor, 0 against
- @DECISION: Motion to adopt CDC guidelines and request mask wearing at the makerspace, and require it for indoor group activities and classes.
New Business
New member has asked about adding space for painting
- Not member yet
- What are the requirements?
- Acrylics? Oil?
- Suggested to follow the committee process
Treasurer’s Report - Bev
- AC question - purchases for rooms.
- Allocate money to be spent on AC units?
- Rooms without ac Woodshop x 2, metalshop x2, screenprinting (might not be possible), ceramics, textiles, erp, Classroom 2
- Status of existing units?
- Motion by Jai to instruct facilities to find best solution as soon as possible for ac, produce a list of spaces to be added or next newsletter, when funds requested by facilities by email, funds will be allocated so as to not exhaust the donated funds.
- Seconded by Aaron In favor: 6, not voting: 1
- @DECISION: Facilities to find a the best solution to add AC to rooms
- Allocate money to be spent on AC units?
Moving the Treasurer’s report to executive session: modified report will be presented at the meeting detailing expenses, but detailed discussion of accounts and totals should be more circumspect. - Jai
- Proposing to not include amounts and locations
- Discussion of benefits
- Incident with Fishing attempt
Committee Reports
Awards Committee - x
Next meeting not on calendar: When?
- Meeting will be held by Jai
- Meeting has not be held
- Meeting will be held by Jai
Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery
- Next meeting on calendar (26 Aug/9 Sept, Standard schedule: every 2nd and 4th Thursday @ 8pm)
- Committee was with Events, and has combined, People have joined in, including Outreach
- Ren Faire, Comic Con and similar.
- Project at Ren Faire
- Art faires not properly cover, but will covered by Malissa
- Will be meeting tomorrow @ 7 pm, and weekly.
- Classroom is effectively encompassing Events, and Outreach
- More people would be good.
- Neighborhood meeting, at Makerspace Sept 9th and is on calendar including a tour. 6:30-8:00 (ish)
Communications (and Wikibrarian) - Malissa Long
- Next meeting on calendar (25 Aug, Standard schedule: 4th Wednesday @ 6:30 pm)
- Limited meeting notes
Events Committee - X
- See above
- Notifications for adding events for MakeICT to attend, please give at least 1 month in advance of events.
- Need people committed should be 5 if under a month.
Facilities Committee - Saga Roming
Next meeting not on calendar: When?
- AC in Room 1 & 3
Finance Committee - Dan Kries
- 3rd monday of the month at 6:30 (20 Sept)
Forge Committee - James Seymour/Mike Atherton
- Next meeting on calendar (8 Sept, Standard schedule: every 2nd Wednesday @ 7pm)
- Working on Grinder when time.
- Holding waiting on Insurance questions.
Fundraising - Ethan Doak
- Next meeting on calendar (3 Sept, Standard schedule: every 1st Friday @ 7pm)
- Working on process for applying for grants.
Lounge/Breakroom - David Mendoza
Next meeting not on calendar: When?
Letterpress - David Springs
- Next meeting not on calendar, but per notes, on 20 August @ 9pm
- In holding pattern for funding.
- Working on conduit, waiting on funding
Garden - Aaron Rivers
- Next meeting on calendar (23 Aug, Standard schedule: every 2nd & 4th Monday @ 6pm)
- Next working meeting is Saturday
- Meeting held, but not notes (working meetings).
- Received loads of mulch ~15 m^2, spread with Wes, Scott S, Shawn spread it out.
- Lots of Tomatoes and peppers, cantaloupe, zucchini, watermelons, sweet potatoes
- Started solarization
IT - Tom Bloom
Next meeting not on calendar: When?
- Mostly where things were last month.
- Quickbooks was purchased, will be upgrading the VM.
Issue with spoofed email attempt-Tom
- Put together online security training if people are interested?
- Possibly add to newsletter (Next Friday ideally)
Inventory - Anna DiSalvo/Wallis Mead
- Next meeting on calendar (8 Sept, Standard schedule: every 2nd Wednesday @ 6pm)
- This month’s meeting was postponed
- Room 4 Cleanup:
- Habitat for humanity came to clear out items for donation on two separate days. The large pile of scrap metal has also been removed since the last board meeting. A large area of the room has now been cleared.
- Now room to maneuver and the rest of room 4 can be cleaned up
- Display boxes, and similar, other things.
Membership (and Community Outreach) - Paula Pankratz/Steve Owens
Next meeting not on calendar: When?
- 8 New Members
- 410 Members (Includes 2 donors)
- Scholarships as is
- Check to see if member communications is still wanting to be handled by particular person.
- Trifold printed
- As of 2021-08-12: 407 Members + 2 donors
- As of 2021-08-19: 409 Members + 2 donors
- Notes by James L on Membership: Reporting via ‘Active’ which has often been done in the past is inaccurate, as Wild Apricot will move people to ‘Pending Renewal’ usually 1-2 days before, sometimes as far as 14 days. (Which also includes people who are past renewal)
Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery
- See Classroom above.
Scholarships - x
- Per July decision will be handled by Finance.
Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman/David Springs
- Next meeting on calendar (23 Aug, Standard schedule: every 4th Monday @ 6pm)
- Locations have been identified for some security system expansion.
Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- See Events
Welcome Center - Angel
Next meeting not on calendar: When?
Other Items Discussed
Motion by Jai: MakeICT Institute in any official designation needs to read exactly as the filing with the secretary of state is presented, including punctuation. Seconded by Doug Ayes: 7 @DECISION: MakeICT Institute’s name should be the same across all documents, and done via the way it is to the secretary of state
Thanks to Ethan for microphone help.
Past Events
Upcoming Events
- Maker Monday
- 2nd and 4th Mondays
- Member Orientation
- ICT Comic Con
- Sept 11-12th
- Wichita Festival for the Arts
- Sept 18th
- Ren Faire
- Sept 25-26th
- National Drive Electric Week ICT
- Oct 2nd
Signups for the above
- ECO Fest
- Has been postponed to May 1st, 2022
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Motion to adopt CDC guidelines and request mask wearing at the makerspace, and require it for indoor group activities and classes.
- @DECISION: Facilities to find a the best solution to add AC to rooms
- @DECISION: MakeICT Institute’s name should be the same across all documents, and done via the way it is to the secretary of state
Task Summary
- None