Board Meeting 2021-09-16

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Board Members

  • Jai Chauhan, President
  • Rustin Atkeisson, Vice-President
  • James Lancaster, Secretary
  • Anna DiSalvo, At-Large
  • David Hanson, At-Large
  • Doug Wilson, At-Large (late)
  • Beverly Schellenger, Treasurer (late)


  • Aaron Rivers, At-Large


  • Patrick Hutchison
  • Ethan Doak
  • Steve Owens
  • LaDeana Dockery
  • Angel Mejia
  • John Nicholas
  • Mike Barushok
  • Malissa Long

Standing Items

  • Thanks & Recognition
    • Steve Owens and James Tennant for getting the CAD nights going - Metalshop
    • Thanks Brad Cozine for taking on the wiki - Communications
    • Steve Owens, Thank you for your ongoing expertise as a major contributor to the Membership team. We rely on your dedication and knowledge to keep us moving forward in our effort to build MakeICT membership numbers. Your personal sacrifices do not go unnoticed. -Membership
    • Thank you to those who answered the call for help staffing the Key form interviews at Member Orientations. We can not complete the process for our new members without you. Thank you to those who make themselves available at Maker Mondays. As always, it is easier to sell the concept of MakeICT when the building is active. - Membership
    • Joe Birzer for getting the AC going
    • Patrick Hutchisonfor his donation to the ceramics A/C units (2 new 14,000 btu units!)
    • Wes and Saga for the entry way/counter.

Old Business

COVID Mask Policy Discussion / Update - All

  • Fully vaccinated people are getting covid
  • Mask Mandate for the building as current in classes and in space, and/or close proximity.
  • Last meeting: “From now until the next board meeting the board, in accordance with CDC guidelines, MakeICT is requesting mask wearing while in the makerspace, and a mask requirement for indoor group activities and classes. Signs will be posted as reminders.”
  • Rustin proposes we extend the policy until the next meeting.
  • votes in favor 4 in favor, 1 not voting (president) 0 against.

@DECISION: Motion continue CDC guidelines and request mask wearing at the makerspace, and require it for indoor group activities and classes.

New Business

Treasurer’s Report - Bev

Pursuing Nomcon conference in Wichita - Malissa

  • Permission to pursue NOMCON 2022 and/or 2023 with Visit Wichita and the other makerspaces in Wichita’s ecosystem.
  • 2021 was virtual
  • Applied 3 of the 4 years, it’s been available.
  • Had in kind donations and support letters.
  • Doesn’t think it’s something we should do on our own.
  • Visit Wichita sent 85 page application last time. Didn’t apply for 1 year because of short timeline.
  • Would like to work with all makerspaces in ecosystem, as having multiple types.
  • Main conference might be at a central location (Visit Wichita has offered Century II at no charge in the past), and events around it at the makerspaces, as well as trips and workshops.
  • Discussion on proposing to form an Ad-hoc committee to pursue this to meet as soon as possible.

@todo Malissa reach out to Visit Wichita and see if they are willing.

  • Will establish an ad-hoc committee at membership meeting later in the month assuming they are.

(Float will be in Riverfest parade on Storytime village float)

Name alignment between various locations - Jai

  • As voted to use it last meeting, but some differences in various locations.
  • MakeICT vs Make ICT (with space)
  • Things which do not match need to be resolved. Can’t do CASE/SAM for grants with mismatching name.
  • IRS would be free, but might take a year or more
  • Changing Secretary of State of Kansas would be faster, but there may be a fee. Bank accounts would need to be changed, would just need a resolution to change name on bank accounts. Also Utilities.
    • Looks like that is free to change the Kansas Secretary of State.
  • Jai proposes that the name be “MakeICT Institute” (with no space) is the official name, and all official filings and documents be changed to reflect that. Rustin seconds
  • Voting: In favor: 6 Not in favor: 0 Not voting: 1 (president)

@DECISION: Motion to make sure everything be named "MakeICT Institute" and consistent including changing any documents.

Inventory policies - Jai

  • As it wasn't voted on, and was tabled, bringing back up the proposed changes.

  • David couldn’t access the file.
  • Jai suggests tabling it until October.
  • The policies were discussed, and was said to be revised and brought back it was not following December.

@todo board review the above, tabled until next meeting.

Committee Leads - James

  • To quote from the policy: "Each Committee shall select by vote a recommended Committee Chairperson and shall vote for a Committee Chairperson prior to the September Board Meeting each year, so that the recommendation may be presented to the Board. The Board shall appoint the Chairperson for each Committee, taking into consideration the recommendation of the Committee."
  • This wasn't stressed by the board to committees, and because of the few committee reports I have not including that.
  • James proposes that for this year, this be delayed a month, and that be done at committee meetings before the October board meeting, result submitted by the 19th, (along with signups in cases of no meeting/no lead) and committee leads appointed at the next meeting instead of this one, leaving all existing leads as is until then. Jai seconds
  • Voting: in favor: 5 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 not voting (president) (Bev not present)

@DECISION: Delay committee chairman votes until next meeting.

Area Reports

Metalshop - Rustin A.

  • Still need to get CNC plasma table back up and running reliably.
  • Almost have all the funds needed to upgrade the manual mill to a full digital read out setup.
  • Teaching fewer classes in September until all the out reach events are done.
  • Had a 6in Atlas lathe donated that we would like to use to raise funds for the CNC plasma cutter table
  • Some questions on reselling. May have to file with the IRS if above a certain amount.

Board Requests

  • Request that funds raised from selling the donated 6in lathe go towards paying for the plasma cutter upgrades.
  • Rustin motions to sell the lathe, and give the resulting income to the metalshop for the CNC plasma cutter table. Not to exceed $500. Doug seconds
  • Voting in favor: 4, opposed 1, 1 not voting (president)

@DECISION: Motion allow lathe to be sold and money contributed to the CNC plasma table.

9-13-2021 Area Leads Meeting Notes

  • Confusion about what constitutes a committee as different from a area. Discussion intended for the future, which they present reports too.
  • Discussion ensued.
  • Historically the intent was to have the areas move to committees.

Committee Reports

Awards Committee - Jai

  • WIll have a meeting on Monday, Oct 4th at 7pm
  • Jai is acting as interim head for Awards and Donor wall

@todo James add to calendar

@Jai makes a motion to have a committee Open House on October 7th (tentative), committee heads to present to explain about the work and purpose of their committee. Refreshments will be provided. To draw new people into the committees @todo will send out a poll on date

Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery

  • Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd and 4th Thursday @ 8pm)
  • Classes are down
  • Events went to Comic Con, got a lot of people at the Maker Monday (Doug estimates at least 6)
  • Renaissance Faire on the 24th, 25th, could use some more help with the tent.
  • Thanks to Rustin and Ethan, and Katie C.
  • Festival of the Arts this Saturday, Malissa’s booth, and MakeICT is tagging along.
  • National Drive Electric event at Towne East in 2 weeks.
  • Tallgrass will have an art section. May see about that. Also possibly Art in the alley.
  • Tell the committee about other events.

Communications (and Wikibrarian) - Malissa Long

  • Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: 4th Wednesday @ 6:30 pm)
  • Sept 22nd Good Day Kansas will be in the building filming John N. will not run until end of Nov/Beginning of Dec, DIY segment.

@todo Malissa will check about other things they’d be interested in and post on the forum.

  • Haven’t had a lot of time to post things, disappeared somewhat from social media due to differences in social media algos in the first few minutes.

Board Request

  • Need help working on communications policy

Events Committee - X

  • See above (Classroom Management Committee)

Facilities Committee - Saga Romig

Did not officially meet.

Next meeting not on calendar: When?

Finance Committee - Dan Kries

  • 3rd monday of the month at 6:30

Forge Committee - James Seymour/Mike Atherton

  • Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd Wednesday @ 7pm)
  • Planning/Working on the 2x72 belt sander.

Board Request

  • Clarification of Insurance policy with regards to forge.

Fundraising - Ethan Doak

  • Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 1st Friday @ 7pm)
  • First grant application ‘party’, one night applying for grants.
  • Grant in Kansas (matching) to upgrade tools, have several others.

Lounge/Breakroom - David Mendoza

Next meeting not on calendar: When?

Letterpress - David Springs

  • On hold for the rollers.
  • Has raised funds to buy the rollers, send link to ebay, and sellers can’t take credit card payments.

Next meeting not on calendar: When?

Garden - Aaron Rivers

  • Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd & 4th Monday @ 6pm)

@todo change expiration on calendar for garden committee meetings - Done by Patrick H. (Thank you!)

IT - Tom Bloom

  • Didn’t meet.

Next meeting not on calendar: When?

Inventory - Anna DiSalvo/Wallis Mead

  • Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd Wednesday @ 6pm)
  • Didn’t meet

Membership (and Community Outreach) - Paula Pankratz/Steve Owens

  • We continue to see good numbers at Maker Mondays even through the summer months. This past Monday, we held two sessions with a total of 29 registered, 22 in attendance. 8 applied for membership giving us a total of 17 new members in the last 30 days including 2 signing up for 6 month memberships. Two attendees were drawn to Maker Monday, because of the Comic con event.
  • 15 members completed the Member Orientation in the past 30 days.
  • The updated tri-fold brochure was printed. Many were distributed at Comic con and are ready for distribution at the Renfaire. Jai also printed 100 business cards as an easy to handout and an easy to keep promotion of MakeICT. Both will be very effective.
  • We are still looking to produce another brochure with a completed updated look. New member Analysis from WSU's communications dept. has agreed to give it a look over. Others who have an interest in this project should reach out to the Membership Team.
  • Membership numbers: 411 as of today.
  • Next meeting (10 October 2021)

@todo James add to calendar

Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery

  • See Classroom above.

Scholarships - x

  • Per July decision will be handled by Finance.

Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman/David Springs

  • Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 4th Monday @ 6pm)
  • Discussed coverage for Orientations and expanded cameras

Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x

  • See Events

Welcome Center - Angel

Next meeting not on calendar: When?

Other Items Discussed

  • Postponed event with Joel L. will be rescheduled at some point, current events removed
  • Sept 30 Thursday 7 pm for Membership meeting.

Past Events

  • ICT Comic Con
    • Sept 11-12th

Upcoming Events

  • Maker Monday
    • 2nd and 4th Mondays
  • Member Orientation
  • Wichita Festival for the Arts
    • Sept 18th
  • Ren Faire
    • Sept 25-26th
  • National Drive Electric Week ICT
    • Oct 2nd

Signups for the above

  • ECO Fest
    • Has been postponed to May 1st, 2022

Decision Summary

  • @DECISION: Motion continue CDC guidelines and request mask wearing at the makerspace, and require it for indoor group activities and classes.
  • @DECISION: Motion to make sure everything be named "MakeICT Institute" and consistent including changing any documents.
  • @DECISION: Delay committee chairman votes until next meeting.
  • @DECISION: Motion allow lathe to be sold and money contributed to the CNC plasma table.

Task Summary

  • None