July 11 2016
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Roll Call
- Board members
- Barb Davis
- Christian Kindel
- Curt Gridley
- Dominic Canare
- James Lancaster
- John Alexander
- Kip Landwehr
- Logan Pajunen
- Tracy Hoover
- Members
- David Springs
- Jeff Eck
- Jeremiah Loder
- Jerry Carpenter
- Kirk Lancaster
- Mike Barushok
- Mike Hutton
- Tom McGuire
- Guests
- Kerry Majher
Officer Reports
- Secretary: Acceptance of previous meeting minutes
- @DECISION: Meeting minutes for June 27, 2016 are accepted.
Old Business
- ArtDOG thank you letters have been sent
- Bus Updates
- Logan and Jeremiah are going to have a work day
- Insurance Updates
- No new updates
- Tom - Updates from landlord regarding funding AC
- No updates
- Outreach and Maker Academy director search updates
- Dominic will take the lead on this search
- Barb - Maker Faire Updates
- Logan, Tom, John, Barb, Dom, and James L would like to be on the review committee
- @TODO (Logan, no date): Attempt to find where the leak in the classroom is coming from.
- @TODO (Logan, no date): Put rain cap on chimney while on the roof looking for the entry point of the leak.
- Kerry on Mini Maker Faire at Barnes and Noble
- This is the 2nd year
- Book sale fundraiser:
- MakeICT would fit into the criteria to do this
- If people come in on the specified day and say they are supporting MakeICT, a percent of the purchase comes back to MakeICT
- What kinds of things would MakeICT want/need to bring, so as to not duplicate things that Barnes and Noble will already be showing?
- Duplicates aren't necessarily a bad thing.
- Makers get an audience at a certain time slot, not a booth for the day
New Business
- Dominic - Change public email and phone responsibilities
- Currently, info@makeict.org is managed by Dominic and Jens. Jens is no longer a board member, and Dominic would like to hand this to someone else.
- All phone calls also go to Dominic's phone and he would like to step away from that as well.
- Volunteers to take either of these things
- Email:
- Curt Gridley
- James Lancaster
- Phone:
- Logan Pajunen
- Forward voicemail to info@makeict.org
- Email:
- Dominic - United Way GIV appointments
- @TODO (Dominic and Logan, July 25,2016 at 7:15): Go to our United Way GIV appointment.
- Studio Concerns
- Jess is pretty set on doing the curtains herself
- @DECISION: We have a commitment to our renters to have curtains done by July 25, 2016.
- @TODO (John, no date): Let Jess know that we made a commitment to have studio curtains hung by July 25 and find out if she will have them done by then.
- Potential TODO for Jess: Finish curtains by by July 25.
- Potential TODO for ____: Find a curtain solution by July 25.
- Seth - OpenWichita
- Moving ahead with Ohana project around open community resource data
- Hackathon winner presentations to city July 20 and 21
- Project storage policy review
- Do we have any space for large project storage?
- Should we charge by square footage if we define space?
- Think on these things and discuss further at next meeting
- We have a hackables policy on the wiki. Electronics_and_Rapid_Prototyping#Hackables_Policy
- @TODO (unassigned, no date): Post the hackables policy on the hackables shelf or other designated hackables dropoff location.
- Explore idea of a hackables/storage manager
- Clarify metalshop boundaries
- A member put some things in the metalshop/bike shop area that are too large. Jeremiah asked him on June 27 to have them removed within the week and they are still there. Is it within Jeremiah's power to do somehthing about it?
- Yes.
- Jeremiah can handle it OR a board member can talk to the member.
- Jeremiah thinks it would be better for a board member to have the discussion.
- @TODO (unassigned, no date): Talk to the member that is leaving large items in the metalshop/bike shop.
- A member put some things in the metalshop/bike shop area that are too large. Jeremiah asked him on June 27 to have them removed within the week and they are still there. Is it within Jeremiah's power to do somehthing about it?
- Discuss forging/casting/blacksmithing
- Concrete explosions are a concern
- Space that this would take up is a concern
- These things are available at Dean's group in Haysville on Monday nights (Central States Metal Artisans)
- @TODO (Logan, no date): Post on forum searching for interest in forging, casting, and blacksmithing.
- Discuss scheduled reviews of departments and BDs for next board meeting
- Schedule Susan and/or Sam to talk at the next meeting about their respective areas and what they need from the Board
- Discuss ways to increase committee involvement
- Create a list of committees?
- Electricity usage - green team report, if possible
- Not enough time for this
General Topics and TODOs
- @DECISION: Eliminate use of the word certification.
- @TODO (Logan, no date): Post on the forum about the electricity bill with the suggestion that anybody with ideas on how to reduce the bill join the Green Team.
- @DECISION: The next meeting will take place on July 25, 2016.
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Meeting minutes for June 27, 2016 are accepted.
- @DECISION: We have a commitment to our renters to have curtains done by July 25, 2016.
- @DECISION: Eliminate use of the word certification.
- @DECISION: The next meeting will take place on July 25, 2016.
Task Summary
- @TODO (Dominic and Logan, July 25,2016 at 7:15): Go to our United Way GIV appointment.
- @TODO (John, no date): Let Jess know that we made a commitment to have studio curtains hung by July 25 and find out if she will have them done by then.
- @TODO (Logan, no date): Attempt to find where the leak in the classroom is coming from.
- @TODO (Logan, no date): Put rain cap on chimney while on the roof looking for the entry point of the leak.
- @TODO (Logan, no date): Post on forum searching for interest in forging, casting, and blacksmithing.
- @TODO (Logan, no date): Post on the forum about the electricity bill with the suggestion that anybody with ideas on how to reduce the bill join the Green Team.
- @TODO (unassigned, no date): Post the hackables policy on the hackables shelf or other designated hackables dropoff location.
- @TODO (unassigned, no date): Talk to the member that is leaving large items in the metalshop/bike shop.