Electronics and Rapid Prototyping

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Details: missing details and access policies

General Information

MakeICT's Electronics and Rapid Prototyping lab is an enclosed 708 sq ft area. This area has several dedicated spaces. One is for creation of electronics, including a board milling machine, area dedicated for assembly, and reflow oven. Another is for the troubleshooting of electronics, including a hot air rework station, Spectrum Analyzer, Oscilloscope, current limited power supply, and logic analyzer. We offer Dremmel sets to handle less delicate work (or more delicate depending on your skill.) We also have systems one can check out for the learning of electronics, toolsets to fix and repair, as well as Chip programmers, a bus pirate, Raspberry Pis, Arduinos, even a pic based USB module. We offer a full components library, resplendent with analogue devices, TTL type logic, some rare chipsets, and a full complement of passives. This lab is dedicated to creating and debugging electronics, as well as some rapid prototyping capabilities. Never a room to be bored in, the common complaint in this room is, "what do I make first?"

This is the place to start learning about electronics. Need some 2-tor-ialz?

The Area Lead over the electronics and rapid prototyping lab is James Seymour. Frazzled Captain-in-Training and self proclaimed organizing queen is Kez Cook.

Equipment Access Policy


All Equipment

  • Equipment requiring authorization may be operated by an unauthorized user only under the direct supervision of an authorized user.


MakeICT has a few Oscilloscopes. Most notably is the Tektronix 465B We are fortunate to have some nice ones. Using the Oscilloscope takes some finesse and it's best you have some help with it if you're fairly new to one, so we require certification. The Oscilloscope shows Voltage over time, similar to a graph. There are lots of settings, dials, and switches. if you want to learn to use it just ask to be taught from a reasonably knowledgeable member.

Spectrum Analyzer

We have a very nice Spectrum Analyzer (Tektronix 492 AP). The Spectrum Analyzer shows receive power over frequency. So if you set it properly you would see Peaks where each Wifi network is transmitting. It is easy (and expensive) to damage the input of a Spectrum Analyzer. We ask you are certified and use proper caution. We have several attenuators available for impedance matching, so use them.


We prefer a solid understanding of the equipment you are using before use. Certain pieces of equipment are expensive and not easily repaired. Some pieces of equipment can seriously injure or kill you. It never hurts to run what your doing by someone. There are some dangerous pieces of equipment that can burn mutilate or electrocute. These require peer authorization, for the user's safety. SAFE OPERATION of equipment is top priority.

To protect members, any project that exceeds 50V must be clearly labeled "DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE" and will not be left powered up unattended unless wiring is inaccessible to accidental contact.

Finally, is HIGHLY recommended that we use a buddy system, where no single person is working in the shop without a second person in the building so that if there is an injury, somebody else is there to call for help or assist you.

Borrowing Items

Currently we do not lend out equipment, but as we build up an inventory of certain items, we may allow checkout similar to a library. Special arrangements may be made on a individual basis, but that is entirely up to the Area Lead.

Items for Purchase

We do not currently have items for purchase.

Component Library

MakeICT maintains an electronics library. There is currently an inventory of available active components. This inventory is maintained by volunteers, we ask that you record components you are removing or adding on the clipboard, so that they can be included/subtracted from the inventory. Inventory management is to help the membership, and must rely on the membership. Components in the library are for member use, We only ask you put a buck or two in the donation bucket if you use a lot of them, or some of the rare/complex parts.

Many of our devices come from dubious sources, MakeICT makes no claim as to their datasheet capabilities, and a certain amount of derateing may be required.


Electronics and Rapid Prototyping Safety

  1. Do not use any machine you are not trained on and comfortable using. If at any time you are unsure of what you are doing, stop immediately and ask for help.
  2. Do not use any machine that is not in good working order. Stop, unplug and leave a note on the machine and notify the Area Lead.
  3. NEVER ASSUME A TOOL IS PROPERLY ADJUSTED. Always check the tool prior to use.
  5. Always triple check your inputs when connecting to equipment. Dangerous levels are dangerous.

Overnight Project Storage Policy - The Tribble Clause

Random, unclaimed projects are like printers and tribbles: they're bad news. Never fear, we have good news: there are clearly marked shelves in the middle of the lab for 2 week personal project storage. For any and all projects left in the ERP overnight, please use the masking tape provided, or whatever you want, to clearly mark on your project including:

- Your name

- Your preferred form of contact information (phone number/email/forum username)

- The date that you left the project.

Please be cool and make sure that your project is not left longer than 2 weeks.  At 2 weeks, the tribble hating softball fairy will poof show up and pitch the project (be it printer, tribble, or super cool electromagnet laser project) into the unknown. So far, I have kept the Q Continuum far away from this lab, but there’s only so much little ol’ me can do.

Note: If the project does not fit in the provided shelves, it is too large to store in the lab without explicit prior permission from an ERP Area/Assistant Lead.

Donation Policy - The Borg Clause

If you're just itching to donate a super cool set of sonic screw drivers, that's cool. Just ask us first. Maybe we already have a set and would encourage you to find a less fortunate home for them. Or maybe we would accept them with a huge grin and cheer of thanks. Just ask us first.

That said, any random equipment/project/junk that is left in the ERP, without prior conversation with an ERP Area/Assistant Lead, will be assimilated into the ERP. Assimilation may take many forms, be it Borg, or Q, or Who (aka, the Area Leads will determine it's fate). If that is not what you wish for your most prized donation, do not leave random stuff in the lab.

Equipment List

Picture What Manufacturer Model Power Status Expert
Soldering Iron.jpg Soldering iron Various Various 110 Working James Seymour
TEK1240.jpg Logic Analyzer Tektronix 1240 110 Working James Seymour
TEK492P.jpg Oscilliscope Tektronix 492P 110 Working James Seymour
TEK465B.jpg Oscilloscope Tektronix 465B 110 Working James Seymour
Fluke 867.jpg Graphical Multimeter Fluke 867 9V Working James Seymour
Fluke 117.jpg True RMS Non-contact Multimeter Fluke 117 9V Working James Seymour
Fluke 80K-40.jpg High Voltage Probe Fluke 80K-40 NA Working James Seymour
Fluke 80i-1010.jpg Clamp on DC/AC Current Probe]] Fluke 80i-1010 1-1000 Adc, 1-600Aac (1 mV/A) Working James Seymour
QS-5100.jpg Lead Free Reflow Oven Qinsi Technology QS-5100 110 Working James Seymour
Arksen992D.jpg Soldering Station with Heat Gun Arksen 992D 110 Working James Seymour
Board Goblin.jpg Board Goblin-Circuit Board Mill Tom McGuire 47158 110 Working Tom McGuire
Fireball v90.jpg CNC Mill Probotix Fireball V90 110 Not Working Tom McGuire
Sherline 5400 Mill.jpg CNC Mill Sherline Sherline CNC Mill 110 Working James Lancaster Christian Kindel
CSI Speco PSV5.jpg Variable power supply SPECO PSV-5 110 Under Repair SPECO PSV-5 repair log James Seymour
UDB100X.jpg 5Mhz Tone Generator MingHe UDB1005S 110 In-Work Mike Barushok
DOA-P701-AA.jpg Vacuum Pump Gast DOA-P701-AA 110 Working James Seymour
TV-10AU.jpg Tube Tester Hickok Tv-10A/U 110 Working James Seymour Mike Barushok

  • Policies may change with the needs of the department and may go into affect before this page is updated to reflect it.