Board Meeting 2021-07-15
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(Redirected from July 15 2021)
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- 1.1 Attendance
- 1.2 Standing Items
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Committee Reports
- 1.5.1 Awards Committee - x
- 1.5.2 Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery (interim)
- 1.5.3 Communications (and Wikibrarian) - Malissa Long
- 1.5.4 Facilities Committee - Saga Roming (acting)
- 1.5.5 Finance Committee - Dan Kries
- 1.5.6 Forge Committee - James Seymour
- 1.5.7 Fundraising - Ethan Doak
- 1.5.8 Lounge/Breakroom - David Mendoza
- 1.5.9 Letterpress - David Springs
- 1.5.10 Garden - Aaron Rivers
- 1.5.11 IT - Tom Bloom
- 1.5.12 Inventory - Anna DiSalvo
- 1.5.13 Membership (and Community Outreach) - Paula Pankratz
- 1.5.14 Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery
- 1.5.15 Scholarships - x
- 1.5.16 Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
- 1.5.17 Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- 1.5.18 Welcome Center - Angel
- 1.6 Other Items Discussed
- 1.7 Past Events
- 1.8 Upcoming Events
- 1.9 Decision Summary
- 1.10 Task Summary
Board Members
- Jai Chauhan, President
- Rustin Atkeisson, Vice-President
- James Lancaster, Secretary
- Beverly Schellenger, Treasurer
- Aaron Rivers, At-Large
- Anna DiSalvo, At-Large
- David Hanson, At-Large
- xDoug Wilson, At-Large
- Angel Mejia
- LaDeana Dockery
- Steve Owens
- Patrick Hutchison
- Jeremiah Burian
- Gary Titus
- Paula Pankratz
- Dean Day
- David Springs
- Sosa
- Ken Steadman
- June Huie
- Ethan Doak
- Tom Bloom
- Glenn
- John Nicholas
- psp?
Standing Items
- Thanks & Recognition
- Cathy Bowman for her amazing work on the space.
- Joe Birzer & Roy Lyon for getting the Fablab AC working.
- All Committee leads and members who have gotten the meetings posted on the calendar
Old Business
- Election Update/Changeover - Patrick
- Nominations Tracking Page
- 383 members were sent a ballot. 194 ballot emails were opened, just a smidge over 50%. 108 ballots were cast for a turnout of 28%.
- Due to some issues, some roadbumps in changing over.
- 2021-2022 Board Members:
- President: Jai Chauhan
- Vice-President: Rustin Atkeisson
- Secretary: James Lancaster
- Treasurer: Beverly Schellenger
- At-Large: Anna DiSalvo
- At-Large: David Hanson
- At-Large: Aaron Rivers
- At-Large: Doug Wilson
- Immediate Past President: None
- COVID Mask Policy Discussion / Update - All
- Nothing to add to current policy
- No reports of Covid in building
- To confirm, the instructor may require masks, must be abided by.
New Business
- Treasurer’s Report - Bev
- Presentation:
- As of July 12th
- Emprise Bank $17,156.21 (+$2,471.21 from June 17th)
- Ameritrade $5,200 (+/-0)
- Southwestern Bank $2,200 (+/-0)
- Expenses: $8,968.90 for June
- Income $10,105 for June 17-July 12th
- Loan scheduled to be paid back in 18 months.
- Will report for the prior month in the future
- For Property Tax Exemption - David S. working with Liz
- Copy of Deed
- Articles of incorporation
- Copy of bylaws
- 501c3 designation letter
- Fee $400
- David will get what’s needed this week.
- Donation for electric bills so AC can be run.
- Steve Owens ($3,000), Rustin ($190) donated and will match up to an additional $3,000 donated by other members or sources.
- Provide to members comparison of expenses from Booth and Douglas - Rustin
- Mentioned at annual meeting
- Committee Wrangling - List of Committees and chairpeople
- No current list exists, best James could come up with
- Notes: Those with *name* have been assigned since September, so are not acting chairpeople (Note: Strikethrough per decisions later, see below)
- Building committee was noted in 18 March 2021 minutes.
- Three areas were created as Committees: Letterpress, Lounge/Breakroom, Welcome Center on 17 December 2020
- No current list exists, best James could come up with
Committee | Acting Chair | Vice-Chair |
Awards Committee | ?? | ?? |
Classroom Management Committee | LaDeana Dockery | (needs replaced) |
Communications Committee | Malissa Long | ?? |
Events | ?? | ?? |
Election | Patrick Hutchison | ?? |
Facilities | Saga Roman | ?? |
Finance Committee | Dan Kries | ?? |
Forge Committee | *James Seymour* | Mike Atherton |
Fundraising | Ethan Doak | Domy Rivo |
Garden | *Aaron Rivers* | Mike Barushok |
Inventory | Anna DiSalvo | Wallis |
Lounge/Breakroom | *David Mendoza* | ?? |
Letterpress | *David Springs* | ?? |
IT Committee | Tom Bloom | |
Membership | Paula Pankratz | Steve Owens |
Outreach (and Education) | LaDeana Dockery | ?? |
Security Team | Ken Steadman | David Springs |
Welcome Center | *Angel Mejia* | ?? |
- Jai moves to:
- Dissolve Ad-hoc Building committee
- Scholarship - handled by Finance committee
- Special Projects folded into events
- Rustin will second, 6 in favor, motion carries.
- @DECISION: Board votes to dissolve ad-hoc Building Committee, for the Scholarship committee to be rolled into the Finance committee, and for Special Projects (and Makerfaire) to be folded into Events.
- James moves to accept current acting chairs as listed above as chairs until Sept (as normal reappointment per policy).
- Jai seconds, 6 in favor, motion carries
- @DECISION: Board votes to confirm acting chairs as chairs until normal appointment in Sept.
- Jai moves to:
- Not motioned:
- Awards & Donor Wall will have a meeting - Jai will hold a meeting to recruit
- @TODO (LaDeana, no date): LaDeana will hold meeting to recruit people for Awards & Donor Wall Committee
- Suggested: Fold Events into Classroom committee as they have been doing it anyway.
- Instead: LaDeana will hold a event to recruit people, not take that on.
- @TODO (LaDeana, no date): LaDeana will hold meeting to recruit people for Events Committee
- Awards & Donor Wall will have a meeting - Jai will hold a meeting to recruit
- Not motioned:
- Reports from Areas & Committees - James
- Tried to introduce a format for them to be submitted, but almost all have not. (Within 2 weeks, that's understandable.)
- Committees have reported on forums, wiki, forms
- Status of some policies - James
- When reviewing policies came across something that I have not been able to resolve asking a number of people:
- Property Removal, Tool Loans, Donations and others changed on wiki as if changed by, but don't appear to have been actually changed by the board per minutes? I thought it was discussed again, and possibly voted on.
- (bottom of section)
- Report on it at next meeting.
- Motion Keep the wiki until the next board meeting determine if it was voted on by the last board
- James seconds: 6 in favor.
@DECISION: Board votes to keep the wiki as is and review if it was voted on by the prior board at the next meeting. @TODO (Board, no date): Report on why the decision wasn't included.
Committee Reports
Awards Committee - x
- Status and Next meeting?
- Meeting will be held by Jai
Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery (interim)
- Next meeting on calendar (22 July)
- Last meeting minutes (linked on wiki):
- Note to committee reporter: Copying the calendar for events is not needed in reports
- Classroom-Requests**
- Look at changing the classroom rental policy in the future (not done yet?)
- If bringing in others, some don’t make a lot of sense in practice.
- Will bring it up in next board meeting
- Look at changing the classroom rental policy in the future (not done yet?)
@TODO (LaDeana, no date): LaDeana will re-draft classroom policy and bring to next board meeting for review.
Communications (and Wikibrarian) - Malissa Long
- Next meeting on calendar (28 July)
Facilities Committee - Saga Roming (acting)
- Next meeting on calendar (3 August)
- Last meeting:
- ACs for Rooms
- Will be working on mounting options for curtains for all rooms
- Welcome Center counter has been moving along and is looking nice
Finance Committee - Dan Kries
Next meeting not on calendar: When?
- Meeting: 2nd monday to 3rd Monday of month.
- Primary source is membership
- Finance-Requests*
- Finance Committee needs to appropriate $150 for the purchase of an updated QuickBooks. Our current QB is no longer supported. IT purchasing?
- Tom: Web vs non-web?
- Finance prefers desktop
- Not a yearly
- Finance Committee needs to appropriate $150 for the purchase of an updated QuickBooks. Our current QB is no longer supported. IT purchasing?
- Jai motions to approve purchasing of a new version of QuickBooks. (Will be about $150)
- David seconds, 6 in favor motion passes
- @DECISION: Board approves purchasing a new version of QuickBooks.
Forge Committee - James Seymour
- Next meeting on calendar (11 August)
- Minutes:
- Still working on belt grinder, all parts are here. Just need to finish assembly.
- Working with Haysville, still want do non hot-work here different from what Haysville group is doing.
Fundraising - Ethan Doak
- Next meeting on calendar (6 August)
- First meeting in a while, trying get people up into speed
- Getting people setup with accounts
Lounge/Breakroom - David Mendoza
Link to meeting will be added.
Letterpress - David Springs
Next meeting not on calendar: When?
Garden - Aaron Rivers
- Next meeting on calendar (26 July)
- Met today, meeting minutes are weakest at this point.
- Meeting 5:30 every maker monday
- Will do report for next month’s board meeting
- Scott Sullivan and Dean Day and Shawn Sandiford thanks for continued efforts
IT - Tom Bloom
- Next meeting on calendar (5 August)
- Met 8 July
- Need for new Quickbooks version (see above)
- Asked for fresh images for the website. Still need more. (Areas/Events/Leadership/Board)
- Issues with some security system being worked on. (window sensors etc.)
- Backups and who is responsible for what.
- Tom is working on re-imaging laptops (possible request for SSDs in the future, and replacement parts)
- Christian suggested adopt a laptop fundraiser/donation drive
- Wifi changes (mostly transparent)
- Remove access for inactive people from the IT system
- Working on the surveillance system to improve some performance issues
- Invite people for helping with IT.
- @TODO (All, no date): Images for website for Tom.
- @TODO (Board, no date): Board member pictures for website.
- IT-Requests
- UPS batteries are failing.
- Causing wifi issues
- Need new batteries for UPS, were purchased 2 years ago have been in server room closet which is HOT.
- Cost between $178-340 depending on maker.
- Wanting to wait until AC, $140-170
- Cooling needed for the server closet.
- UPS batteries are failing.
- IT-Requests
Inventory - Anna DiSalvo
- Next meeting on calendar (11 August)
- Meeting on 14 July
- Determining things that did not sell for donation, sale to general public/donation/reuse/trash
- Location for things (for temporary place for it to be collected)
- Sorting the rest of Room 4, meeting on 25 July at 2 pm
Membership (and Community Outreach) - Paula Pankratz
- Next meeting is August 10 in classroom 3 and has been submitted to events for posting
- Currently 390 Members (does not include pending)
- Year to date 100 new members
- June Maker Monday 29 attendees, 12 new members
- So far in July Maker Monday 19 attendees, 5 new members, couple more in-process
- Had a meeting this past Tuesday where we discussed ideas for recruitment. Current thoughts included participating in the Ren Faire and possibly hosting a Fall Festival. Also looking at maybe a watermelon feed or ice cream social. Any members who have thoughts are encouraged to send them to
- As there is no active scholarship committee, we need to review with the board and finance committee current and future scholarships.
- Membership Numbers
- As of 15 July 2021: 400 Members by renewal date
- By same measure, 387 at last board meeting.
- Dip in members near the end is due to delays in the paypal/WA script being manually run. (Almost certainly the downward spike seen about a month ago as well.)
Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery
- Is this a subset of classroom? -- NO
- Dean Day would like to have a booth at the Ren Faire Sept 24-25th? Dean will schedule a meeting for folks who are interested in helping with this.
Scholarships - x
- Status and Next meeting?
- Per earlier decision will be handled by Finance.
Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman
- Next meeting is on the calendar (26 July, 4th monday of the month 6pm)
- David Springs is now vice chair and back on security team.
Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- Status and Next meeting?
- Per earlier discussion will be handled by Events
- Dean talked to Amy and Adam with Makerfaire and they said that they do not want us to be involved, that we previously did not do what we agreed to do.
Welcome Center - Angel
Next meeting not on calendar: When?
Other Items Discussed
Executive session for issues related to a member.
Past Events
- Saturday 6/19, Noon - 5 at Riverside Park
- How did this go?
- Several members went there, apparently packed
Upcoming Events
- ReMakeICT Tuesday work nights at Booth
- Every Tuesday from 6:00PM - 9:00PM
- Maker Monday
- 2nd and 4th Mondays
- Member Orientation
- 20 July (This Tuesday) 6:00-8:00PM (Possibly later)
- Need volunteers for key signing
- 20 July (This Tuesday) 6:00-8:00PM (Possibly later)
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Board votes to dissolve ad-hoc Building Committee, for the Scholarship committee to be rolled into the Finance committee, and for Special Projects (and Makerfaire) to be folded into Events.
- @DECISION: Board votes to confirm acting chairs as chairs until normal appointment in Sept.
- @DECISION: Board votes to keep the wiki as is and review if it was voted on by the prior board at the next meeting.
- @DECISION: Board approves purchasing a new version of QuickBooks.
Task Summary
- @TODO (All, no date): Images for website for Tom.
- @TODO (Board, no date): Report on why the decision wasn't included.
- @TODO (Board, no date): Board member pictures for website.
- @TODO (LaDeana, no date): LaDeana will hold meeting to recruit people for Awards & Donor Wall Committee
- @TODO (LaDeana, no date): LaDeana will hold meeting to recruit people for Events Committee
- @TODO (LaDeana, no date): LaDeana will re-draft classroom policy and bring to next board meeting for review.