March 21st 2024

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Board Members

  • Aaron Rivers, Vice-President
  • Rustin Atkeisson, Treasurer
  • Gretchen Koch, Secretary
  • James Lancaster, At-Large
  • Serena Oden-Powers, At-Large
  • Dean Day, At-Large
  • LaDeana Dockery, At-Large


  • Mike Atherton, President


  • Mike Barushok
  • Steve Saner
  • Sam Richardson

Opening and Mission Statement

  • The regular monthly meeting of the MakeICT board of directors convenes on Thursday, March 21 at 7:00 pm in the MakeICT building.
  • MakeICT is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is operated entirely by volunteers. It’s our mission to innovate, learn, and build community at the intersection of art, technology, science, and culture.

Thanks and Recognition

  • Tricia and Rustin for representing MakeICT at the St. Pats Parade
  • Gemma for her work on the 3D printers and Fablab
  • SteveO for his work with facilities
  • Tricia for work on Maker Market
  • Wes Timmerman for bringing his tractor, and George Baldridge for driving it
  • Bonda (and Sedgwick County Master Gardeners in general)

Old Business

First Thursday Board Workshop

  • Every First Thursday of the month
  • Workshop to address issues from members 7-8pm
  • Closed executive session for the Board 8-9pm

SCA Agreement

The SCA would like to start meeting at MakeICT. It may involve sword play, might be indoor or outdoor, and will involve marshals.
Next steps are to collaborate on contract between SCA and MakeICT.

Motion: Aaron moves to hold a special meeting on the 28th to approve a contract.
Seconded by: Serena

  • Dean votes: In favor
  • Aaron votes: In favor
  • James votes: Yes
  • Rustin votes: Yes
  • Serena votes: Yes
  • LaDeana votes: Yes
  • Gretchen votes: Yes

Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: A meeting will be scheduled for the 28th at 7pm to finalize a contract.

Motion: Dean moves that the SCA will maintain the privilege of holding SCA events where space is available on Sundays at MakeICT pending the finalization of the contract.
Seconded by: Aaron

  • Dean votes: Abstain
  • Aaron votes: Yes
  • James votes: Yes
  • Rustin votes: Yes
  • Serena votes: Yes
  • LaDeana votes: Yes
  • Gretchen votes: Yes

Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: The SCA will be able to hold Sunday meetings at MakeICT until the contract is finalized.

Maker Market Vendor Agreement

Revised text for the contract:

Motion: Aaron moves to approve the revised contract.
Seconded by: Serena

  • Dean votes: Abstain
  • Aaron votes: Yes
  • James votes: Yes
  • Rustin votes: Yes
  • Serena votes: Absolutely
  • LaDeana votes: Yes
  • Gretchen votes: Yes

Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: The vendor contract is approved for the spring market.

Area Reports

Going forward, meeting agendas will have a section titled Area Reports, in which the Vice President gives an executive summary of area reports.
Aaron is working on a set of questions that should be answered each month.

New Business

Call for Election Committee


  • Collect nominations
  • Contact nominees, see if they accept
  • Post candidates to the wiki
  • Create Q&A threads for each candidate on the forum
  • Create and send ballot
  • Voting starts at beginning of annual meeting, goes for 48 hours
  • Tabulate and post results

Purge Week

(Tricia Cortes) Purge Week is an opportunity for area leads to remove/trade items from their areas, ideally to be scheduled quarterly.
This year's dates are April 27th - May 5th.

  • Leads will place items to be purged in a single common space (TBD), where they will be up for auction by membership.
  • Each item will have its own auction form where bids may be placed.
  • Leads will maintain first priority, and may pull items from auction.

Otherwise, items will remain on auction until Friday at midnight, and must be removed by Sunday (May 5) at noon.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Income: $12,900
  • Utilities insight: $1,600
  • Instructor pay: $675
  • Shop expenses: $2,100
  • Total expenses: $9,000
  • Cash positive by: $3,900

Reminder: Reset thermostats to appropriate temperature to save energy, close windows, and turn off lights when leaving a room.

Approval of Previous Minutes

Motion: Aaron moves to approve the minutes as written.
Seconded by: Rustin.

  • Dean votes: Yes
  • Aaron votes: Yes
  • James votes: Yes
  • Rustin votes: Yes
  • Serena votes: Yes
  • LaDeana votes: Yes
  • Gretchen votes: Yes

Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Minutes are accepted.

Appointment of Garden Committee Lead

  • Sean has stepped down as Garden Lead for personal reasons
  • Aaron Rivers has offered to take on the role and confirmed by the Garden Committee to hold that role
  • Point raised: Sub-leads should be empowered to take on responsibilities and potentially become leads themselves in the future.

Motion: Dean moves to approve Aaron as Garden Committee Lead
Seconded by: LaDeana

  • Dean votes: Yes
  • LaDeana votes: Yes
  • Aaron votes: Abstain
  • James votes: Yes
  • Rustin votes: Yes
  • Serena votes: I support him, yes
  • Gretchen votes: Yes

Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Aaron is approved as Garden Lead.)

Approval of Garden Committee Budget

Approval of the budget for $800 in greenhouse funding will be deferred until the end of season.

Motion: Rustin moves to approve the budget at $1350 for the base garden budget and provisionally $1,650 toward the hydrant project specifically, pending 3 bids supplied prior to selection of a supplier.
Seconded by: LaDeana seconds

  • Dean votes: Accept
  • LaDeana votes: Yes
  • Aaron votes: Abstain
  • James votes: Yes
  • Rustin votes: Yes
  • Serena votes: Yes
  • Gretchen votes: Yes

Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Garden regular budget and provisional budget approved.

Fablab 3d Printer Purchase request

Fablab is requesting the funds (up to $1,000) to cover the purchase of 1 Mk4 Prusa for the following reasons:

  • Adding more Prusas to the 3d printer lineup would help support the number of people trying to get prints made
  • Would be purchasing a mk4 Prusa to help speed up prints and possibly be a test bed for upgrading the rest of the Prusas
  • The other 3d printers that were either difficult to repair or non-functional have been sold off
  • This would also be the maximum purchase we could make before having to pay export taxes from the Czech Republic

Motion: Aaron moves to fund up to $1,000 for purchase of a Mk4 Prusa 3D Printer and necessary accessories.
Seconded by: Serena

  • Dean votes: Yes
  • LaDeana votes: Yes
  • Aaron votes: Yes
  • James votes: Yes
  • Rustin votes: Yes
  • Serena votes: Yes
  • Gretchen votes: Yes

Result: Motion passes.
@DECISION: Funding for the 3D printer is approved.

Bento Card Replacement

We need to find an alternative to Bento cards, as Bento was recently bought out by US Bank, who decided to shut it down. The bento cards would be fully “dead” at the end of June.
After looking at 12 other options, PEX seems to be the most comparable to Bento while staying in a similar price range (would be limited to 20 cards before the price went up further). Rustin recommends setting up a PEX account and giving them a trial run until the bento cards can no longer be used. PEX also integrates with Quickbooks.

  • Rustin will set up a demo with PEX for board members and any interested leads.
  • We should be able to add funds to Bento until the end of April.
  • Everything should be out by June 25th.
  • Policy references Bento cards will need to be adjusted appropriately.

Handicap Parking Expansion

Looking at pouring a 15ft wide by 25ft long pad next to the existing handicap parking space for a 2nd handicap space.

Mike B. recommends:

  • 4in slab with remesh (5yrds of concrete)
  • Concrete trucks can haul up to 10 yrds pretty easily
  • Pouring a 2nd slab (13ft by 18ft, with remesh) underneath the dumpster that could also facilitate a bike rack (adds 3yrds)

Cost estimates:
Current cost of concrete in Wichita is $150/yrd

  • Total project cost would be about $1500 to take care of both locations
  • Might take a day to dig up, form and pour the concrete, and then one week before the concrete is ready to be parked on
  • Paint: $30
  • Gravel: $10
  • Sign: $30

We will revisit the topic to discuss adding another stall, once the first is completed.

Motion: Serena moves to add another handicap stall, bike rack, and new pad for the dumpster with a maximum budget of $,1750 and a completion date prior to May 11.
Seconded by: Aaron

  • Dean votes: Yes
  • LaDeana votes: Yes
  • Aaron votes: Yes
  • James votes: Yes
  • Rustin votes: Heh okay
  • Serena votes: Absolutely
  • Gretchen votes: Yes

Result: Motion passes @DECISION: New handicap spot, bike rack, and dumpster pad are a go.

Communications - Newsletter

The next newsletter will come out at the end of March. Please send blurbs to
Guidelines for future newsletters:

  • Be positive and forward-looking with articles.
  • If asked to submit an article, you are allowed to say "No," with the exception of the Pres and VP who will have to submit make up articles the following month.
  • Leads and Directors are encouraged to submit articles.
  • Deadline for submissions will be the 25th of each month.
  • Newsletter will be published on the first of the month.
  • Members are also encouraged to take photos of activities at MakeICT and submit them for the newsletter.

Memoriam for Curt Gridley

Donation to the Linda Hall Library in Kansas City

Motion: Rustin moves to donate $500 to the Linda Hall Library in honor of Curt Gridley and his support, leadership, and friendship.
Seconded by: LaDeana

  • Dean votes: Yes
  • LaDeana votes: Yes
  • Aaron votes: Yes
  • James votes: Yes
  • Rustin votes: Yes
  • Serena votes: Yes
  • Gretchen votes: Yes

Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Donate $500 to the Linda Hall Library in Curt’s honor.

Decision Summary

  • @DECISION: A meeting will be scheduled for the 28th at 7pm to finalize a contract.
  • @DECISION: The SCA will be able to hold Sunday meetings at MakeICT until the contract is finalized.
  • @DECISION: The vendor contract is approved for the spring market.
  • @DECISION: Minutes are accepted.
  • @DECISION: Aaron is approved as Garden Lead.)
  • @DECISION: Garden regular budget and provisional budget approved.
  • @DECISION: Funding for the 3D printer is approved.
  • @DECISION: New handicap spot, bike rack, and dumpster pad are a go.
  • @DECISION: Donate $500 to the Linda Hall Library in Curt’s honor.

Task Summary

  • None