May 21 2018
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Roll Call
- Board Members
- President - Kim Burton
- Vice President - James Lancaster
- Treasurer - David Springs
- Secretary - Rustin Atkeisson (late)
- At Large Director - LaDeana Dockery
- At Large Director - Kip Landwehr
- At Large Director - Malissa Long
- At Large Director - Kez Cook
- Members
- Jeremiah Burian
- James Seymour
- Ken Steadman
- Dean Day
- Thomas Bloom
- Christian Kindel
- Mike Barushok
Standing Items
- Treasurer's report
- David and Christian are working on a bill acceptor/kiosk to take payments at the space
- Cashflow report by June 10th so we can read it before the annual meeting
- Previous minutes
- May 4 2018 - not on the wiki yet
- April 19 2018 - David motions, Malissa second, 7 in favor, no against
- Safety & security
- Has membership form been updated per our last resolution? [IT]
- Quote for electrical updates
- If we put it out to the forum, with the amount (over $4K), with a licensed electrician
- Malissa wants to get another bid, Christian was looking into that
- David moves that we set aside up to $5,000 increase to the budget for electrical upgrades. Kez seconds. 5 in favor. Motion carries.
- Thanks & recognition
- Christian & friends for moving stuff out of the classroom
- Devin for finishing camera cables
- David for taking care of security in a few specific cases
- Ken for joining the security team
New Business
Key Policy
- New key form & policy
- David moves to use
- Ladeana seconds.
- 5 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstained, motion carries
- @DECISION: Motion passes to use new 1 page key application.
- David moves to use
- Kez moves to use Kip seconds.
- 3 in favor, 3 opposed, Kip abstains
- @DECISION: Motion to update membership application failed.
- Kez moves to use Kip seconds.
- LaDeana moves to use policy according to first form at Malissa seconds.
- 6 in favor, 1 opposed, motion carries
- @DECISION: Motion passes to adopt new key form policy that allows security to sign on key form and keep key form to one page.
- LaDeana moves to use policy according to first form at Malissa seconds.
- Errors & Omissions policy - David Springs to go get a quote from our insurance on adding this. We already have one, a rider that carries D&O.
- DevICT/KLF moving out progress
- Only thing to do is close bank accounts shared, then recognize in our minutes that they’re a separate entity. Let’s wait a month.
- Makerspace
- How are the area access policy revisions going?
- Mike asked a question about insurance, is there an age limit? General answer is that our insurance is based on policies in place when we got our quote and we should update it if we change things, especially if they are less conservative. Mike was told that we should quarterly report our member numbers. We should count keyed members. Anyone who’s interested in insurance can come with David to the next meeting with our insurers.
Consignment committee lead
- Kim volunteered to approach some stores
- David moves to make the consignment committee inactive. Kip seconds. 5 in favor, 2 abstain. Motion carries.
Lake Afton Observatory Partnership
- James Lancaster to write up proposal.
- @TODO (James, no date): write proposal for partnership with Lake Afton Observatory.
Education Workgroup
- Kim to send out interest mega-survey, ready for next newsletter.
- May 24 - How to teach a class class, tell your friends
Offsite equipment
- Kim to propose a policy:
- Can it just be a wiki page? Offsite equipment
- No policy needed, we decided. Kim to make wiki page.
Annual meeting planning
- Agenda started at 2018 Annual Meeting
- Remember to post your 2018 Elections - Questions in the Discourse category “Elections”
- Kim is allowed to let people eat first
- Kip has started the poll, David Rusty and Kip need to talk about how to pay for a month of surveymonkey
- Board budget for plates, cups, etc
Program Reports
- Makerspace
- Thanks for selling stuff Christian! Made $1400 towards new equipment
- DevICT
- Maker Academy/Outreach - Riverfest STEM City tent volunteers needed
- Kim has buttons. Volunteer!
Committee Reports
Committee signup is at
- Finance (David)
- Where are new building funds allocated?
- New Building
- Financial planning in work - running scenarios with David to identify financial ability/need for both buy and lease
- Meeting with Jason Gregory of Downtown Wichita on June 12 to inform of our needs; they have network of contacts to help find building space
- Soliciting ideas and contacts for buildings or people to talk to - email me!
- Area Leads asked to fill out area need form by June area lead meeting, when we will discuss
- Planning New Building discussion as part of September quarterly meeting; town hall style, with presentation of findings and input up to that point
- Requirements capture update
- Special Projects (Mike)
- Joel offered to help with electric bus
- David moves that we sell the electric bus. Malissa seconds.
- Discussion: Mike says very few people came to the meeting where we were going to discuss it. There’s no option to do anything if people aren’t committed to spending the time. Ideas and interests are all we’ve had for years.
- 6 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstain
- @DECISION: Motion passes to sell the electric bus.
- Membership and Events (LaDeana)
- Next general meeting is the annual meeting in June
- Membership report: We have 400 members! (per Wild Apricot)
- Mar 2018 - 25
- Feb 2018 - 31
- Jan 2018 - 54
- Database change is causing issues with our pull of lapsed members. Christian/LaDeana to work on a report.
- IT
- Electronic waivers are happening
- LaDeana moves to make Christian the IT committee lead. David second. 6 in favor. 2 abstain. Motion carried.
- @TODO (Kim, no date): To add IT committee to volunteer form and call for volunteer.
- @DECISION: Motion passes to appoint Christian Kindel to IT committee lead
- Security (David S)
- Scholarships (Kim)
- Outreach (Barb) (just pointing out that you have outreach as a committee AND a program)
- Makerfaire (James S)
- Submit your tables!
- Over 40 tables signed up - that seems like a lot but it isn't so don't wait for the last minute! get a booth now!
- Logan is capturing volunteers Be one! It's more fun than... a ... really... fun thing.
<-- Logan capturing volunteers...
- Fundraising/Donor recognition (Paul M) donor kebab recognition
- Fundraising committee is meeting
- Communications (James L)
- Strategic Vision (Malissa)
- This should be the board
- Malissa moves that we dissolve this committee, Ladeana seconds, 5 in favor, 3 abstain, motion carries
- NOMCON June 9-10 Santa Fe New Mexico
- @DECISION: Motion carries to dissolve the Strategic Vision Committee.
- Dean Day - Gallery committee renamed to MakeICT Creator Showroom. Suggestion met with applause.
- David moves to adjourn, Ladeana seconds, 5 in favor motion carries
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Motion passes to use new 1 page key application.
- @DECISION: Motion to update membership application failed.
- @DECISION: Motion passes to adopt new key form policy that allows security to sign on key form and keep key form to one page.
- @DECISION: Motion passes to sell the electric bus.
- @DECISION: Motion passes to appoint Christian Kindel to IT committee lead
- @DECISION: Motion carries to dissolve the Strategic Vision Committee.
Task Summary
- @TODO (James, no date): write proposal for partnership with Lake Afton Observatory.
- @TODO (Kim, no date): To add IT committee to volunteer form and call for volunteer.