November 13 2016
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Roll Call
- Board Members
- Logan Pajunen
- John Alexander
- Kip Landwehr
- Tracy Hoover
- Dominic Canare
- James Lancaster
- Curt Gridley
- Members
- Tom McGuire
- Sam Schurter
- Jeremiah Burian
- David Springs
- Jeff Eck
- Jerry Carpenter
Officer Reports
- Secretary: Acceptance of previous meeting minutes
- @DECISION: Meeting minutes for October 10, 2016, are accepted.
- Treasurer's Report
- Accrual vs Cash Accounting discussion
- @TODO (Dom, no date): Recruit a volunteer to work with Tracy to review accrual vs cash accounting
Old business
- Area Lead access policy draft document
- Draft proposed at meeting
- Proposed Amendment: Add a bullet that states: "Failure to abide by these policies may result in removal from area lead position."
- Proposed Amendment: Change the terms "signed-off" to "authorized"
- @TODO (Logan, Before end of day (Nov 13)): Determine where each of these bullet points will go in the existing policies and send an email to approve the changes
- Proposed Wiki changes for Machine Access - draft document
- Proposed Wiki changes for Benevolent Dictators - draft document
- Draft proposed at meeting
- Area Lead selection process
- Reduce Area Lead count?
- Group some areas together and have one Lead for all of them so they work together more?
- Tracy: "No convincing argument from either side, but we need to remain open"
- Deadline for people to express interest in being an Area Lead is November 28.
- Need to ask Area Leads if they’re interested in continuing.
- Distinct Areas that should have a defined Area Lead call
- Fablab - Yes
- Woodshop - Yes
- Metal shop - Yes
- Ceramics - Yes
- Electronics - Yes
- Print making - Yes
- Textiles - Yes
- CNC = Tormach + Shopbot - Yes
- Interested individuals could be assistant BD’s if we don’t name this as a separate area
- Jewelry - Yes
- Interested individuals could be assistant BD’s if we don’t name this as a separate area
- Facilities - Yes
- Kitchen
- Lounge
- Classroom
- Co-working
- Bathrooms
- Technology
- Security
- Gallery - Yes
- Each show in the gallery needs to have specific, hard start and stop dates
- While a show is in place, the gallery is a gallery and should not be re-arranged or repurposed
- While a show is not in place, the gallery is shared workspace
- Each show in the gallery needs to have specific, hard start and stop dates
- Reduce Area Lead count?
- Motion to change "Benevolent dictators" to "area leads"
- @DECISION: Benevolent dictators will now be referred to as "Area Leads"
- Motion passes with 2 opposed and 3 not present
- Preliminary budget draft review by Treasurer
- Received budget information from several areas.
- Areas that have not yet submitted a budget are blank on Tracy’s budget docs.
- Need a working meeting with all the Area Leads to hash out the area budgets?
- @TODO (Tracy, no date): Contact each Area Lead and setup times to work with them on Saturday the 19th
- Will need a meeting of the Board to approve the area budgets
New business
- Exploration Place Maker Faire partnership with Jan Luth
- Proposed partnership agreement
- Curt: "We need to make sure we have backing in our organization before we commit to this."
- Proposal: recruit and build committee before signing formal agreement
- Concern: how much / do we need to budget for this
- Outreach Director
- Can we find a non Board member to be the director of Outreach?
- @TODO (Logan, no date): Talk with Barb to find suitable director for Outreach
- Makerspace director
- Let’s redefine this position to include the things that it’s currently doing (resource scheduling), and exclude the things it doesn’t currently do: area-lead management
- Org chart: this would make it a sibling to BD’s (who would then be directly under the board), instead of a parent
- KLF Director appointment process
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Meeting minutes for October 10, 2016, are accepted.
- @DECISION: Benevolent dictators will now be referred to as "Area Leads"
Task Summary
- @TODO (Dom, no date): Recruit a volunteer to work with Tracy to review accrual vs cash accounting
- @TODO (Logan, Before end of day (Nov 13)): Determine where each of these bullet points will go in the existing policies and send an email to approve the changes
- @TODO (Logan, no date): Talk with Barb to find suitable director for Outreach
- @TODO (Tracy, no date): Contact each Area Lead and setup times to work with them on Saturday the 19th