October 16 2017
Roll Call
- Board Members
- President - Kim Burton
- Vice President - James Lancaster
- Treasurer - David Springs
- Secretary - Rustin Atkeisson
- At Large Director - LaDeana Dockery
- At Large Director - Kip Landwehr
- At Large Director - Malissa Long
- At Large Director - Kez Cook (Via Google Hangouts)
- Members
- Curt Gridley
- Jeremiah Burian
- Matt Pogue
- Mike Hutton
- Paul Maseberg
- Tom McGuire
- Tracy Hoover
- Guests
- Cindy Claycomb
Kickoff items
- Cindy Claycomb - running for city council
- Heavily involved with WSU
- Involved with entrepreneurial efforts
- Worked at Boeing and the Pizza Hut Headquarters
- President of park board
- Chair of Clean Air Campaign
- Her Vision:
- need a strong local economy
- need to support entrepreneurs and makerspaces
- make sure we have safe and thriving neighborhoods
- make sure we have a vibrant quality of life like arts and culture
- Possible partnership between the City of Wichita and MakeICT
- Q: should we have outside directors?
- A: might help from a 50,000ft level, but would need to be looked at, might help to define the type of people we would need
- Q: is city council a full time position?
- A: No, but it can be as much time as you want to put into it, currently working part time at WSU
- Wichita is currently the 48th largest city in the nation
Standing Items
- Approve previous minutes
- Do we need to re-count the votes regarding the Safety Class Instructors being paid? ($15/hr, max $60 per the recommendation at the September 11 2017 - Area Leads Meeting)
- Vote: Kez no on retroactivity, David - we intended to approve this in September
- Motion to approve the policy that states that we will pay $15/hour, up to four hours, for safety classes. We will pay instructors for all classes after September 1, 2017.
- Votes: 6 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstained
- Strike the decision and vote count from the September 18 minutes, then approved as corrected.
- Motion to approve the corrected meeting minutes for September 18, 2017.
- Votes: 8 in favor
- @DECISION: The meeting minutes for September 18, 2017 are approved as corrected.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Finance Committee Report
- Budget reached for the year in certain areas (set back in January, for 250 members)
- propose increase budget of all areas by 10%
- Jewelry out of budget (used 90% of budget on first day)
- Request an added $300 for jewelry
- Textiles out of budget (requests $50 to fix a table)
- Keep request to $50
- Facility
- need budget for LED Bulbs
- need budget for ceiling in ERP
- need budget for new vacuum
- any income goes to the general fund
- Budget reached for the year in certain areas (set back in January, for 250 members)
- Finance Committee Report
- Motion to approve a $300 increase to the Jewelry budget for miscellaneous use
- Votes: 6 in favor, 1 recused, 1 opposed
- Motion to approve a $50 increase to the Textiles budget for miscellaneous use
- Votes: 6 in favor, 1 recused, 1 opposed
- Motion to approve up to $700 for LED Lights (for facility in general) and ERP ceiling materials
- Votes: 8 approved
Program Reports
- Makerspace
- New area lead timeline
- DevICT
- Maker Academy/Outreach
- Name suggestions?
- Kansas Linux Fest
- In May
Committee Reports
- Need to make sure committee leads are listed on http://makeict.org/leadership/
- What's the difference between a program and a committee?
- Area leads: responsible for specific square footage of the makerspace
- Board can appoint committee members, cannot appoint assistant area leads
- Board hears report outs from committees and programs, not areas
- Program must be an established committee FIRST, then a program
Committee Reports
- Facilities/Building (Lewis)
- Outreach (Barb)
- Finance (David)
- Scholarships (David)
- Review scholarship application - Kim requests head nods to publicize this
- Scholarship committee: Kim, Dominic, Tracy
- Scholarship committee members cannot be on scholarship or have family/friends on scholarship
- scholarships available to cover full month, or cover $15 of their dues
- Makerfaire (James S)
- Events & Community (LaDeana)
- Halloween party planning
- Alternative Gifts Market (Kim B)
- Tallgrass Film Festival - Especially October 21
- Science Hack Day February 17-18?
- 30 to 50 people participating, age: highschool and up
- To be brought to Area Leads meeting
- People are not to be in areas that they have not taken a safety class for
- To be a MakeICT event
- Fundraising/Donor recognition (Paul M)
- Art Auction - final Friday in October
- Forms for items due Oct 20th
- Communications (James L)
- Recent blog posts
- Future blog posts
- Youtube channel
- Poster campaign
- Contact JB about using the Keeper of the Plains
- Strategic Vision (Malissa)
- Community/Membership/Volunteers (LaDeana)
- Membership report
- IT (Paul H)
- How is discourse going?
- Security (Matt P)
- New key form and policy
- New form has been sent out
- New form states that any updates must be approved by the board
- Motion to approve key policy
- Votes: 7 approved, 1 abstained
- Motion to approve the new key form
- Votes: 8 approved
- New form has been sent out
- New key form and policy
- Special Projects (Kip)
- Electric Bus (Mike B)
New Business
Proposal of new standing rule
Current bylaws: No material property of the corporation may be given to, loaned or placed in the possession of a third party without the expressed permission of the Board of Directors.
Is a re-word necessary? Material property of the corporation may be disposed of or placed in the possession of a third party according to the specifications set forth by the standing rules
Standing rule proposal:
Property Removal
Items donated or purchased by the corporation may not be disposed of or placed in possession of a third party without the signatures of three different people:
- The applicable area lead
- The makerspace program director
- A member of the MakeICT board of directors
Another member of the MakeICT board of directors can sign in place of the makerspace program director.
No signatures are required to dispose of or transfer items that were accepted as hackables.
- Motion to approve as is:
- Vote: Approve: 6, Oppose 2
Other New Business
- Better cameras are needed
- We've never been able to use the current system as it is
- No policies for who can view footage
- Camera committee to be lead by Security
- Motion to approve up to $700 for security camera system
- Vote: 8 approve
- Items tagged for removal - how's the craigslisting going?
- Lake Afton Public Observatory
- They can use our badge printer, paying back for individual supplies ($1 per badge?) but nothing extra covering the cost of the machine
- Exchange: Quarterly member nights for MakeICT members
- James L was originally tasks with writing up this proposal, these bullets are Kim's stab at it, James feel free to re-write.
- Spirit partnership
- Kim wrote up a long email. No response yet. Mike H/Rustin were tasked to follow up - sign printing would be nice
- Artist studios
- Gift cards - how will they work?
- Donations page
- Business cards
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: The meeting minutes for September 18, 2017 are approved as corrected.
Task Summary
- None